4 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, December 16, 1997 Gord Krantz says the pace of local change. accelerating By BRAD REAUME The Champion No individual step taken by the Town of Milton in 1997 was paxticularly signiticant, according to Mayor Gord Krantz. However, there were numerous little moves forward which, together, can be seen as a great leap for the Town, he explained. Mr. Krantz pointed to major new businesses in Milton, a plan for growth, a Town Hall reorganization, new efficiencies with road maintenance, community safety plans, and a major technology upgrade as important moves into the future. Specifically he said 1997 produced: a 200 jobs at Johnson Controls - A land purchase by auto parts giant M agna Corporation - The purchase of the old police offices near Town Hall - A deal with Halton Hilîs and Halton Region to streamline road plowing and maintenance " House numbering in the rural ares, " A Town website " A move to extend Milton's local telephone calling ares. While the paat seema productive the future is very uncertain. Much is clouded by speculation on munici- pal reorganization. Despite being shelved just before recent municipal elections, the possibility of major alterations in juris- diction remains high. "I can't emphasize enough these are changing times," said Mr. Krantz. He acknowledged that change is driving plans tu prioritize the Town's cure services and pledged to continue the process nu matter what plana emerge from the provincial govemment. "The intemal and extemal boundaries are certain tu change within the next 10 years, perhaps even the next five," said Mr. Krantz. Su far the provincial guvemment has only strongly suggested amalgamations between towns, and to their credit according to Mr. Krantz, they have not pushed. 'W oIune level of The Mayor said he expecta a debate to reduce local council numbers early in the tenn. He said he supports a move to nine counicil members front the current 1l. A more drastic reorganization would have to be considered in the Iight of a potential move to fuil-time counicillors, he explained. "I certainly support the notion that there is too much govemment in Canada," he said. The issue of a popular election for regional chair would appear to be back on the agenda, but Mr. Krantz said he will continue to oppose it. He said under such circumstances there is virtually no chance for a candidate from north Halton to win the job. Currently the chair is elected by the members of regional council. The same system exista in other Greater Toronto regio.ns of Peel, York and Durham. In Hamilton- Wentworth the chair is elected at large. Mr. Krantz admitted there is potential for a City of Halton but explained that amalgamating Milton and Halton His as one city, and Burlingtun and Oakville as another Iikely makes more sense. "tro not in support of a City of Halton," said the Mayor. "If one level of government bas to disappear t would say the local level should remain in some forrn." Mr. Krantz says any discussion of moving parts of Milton to other municipalities is a political minefield. Other issues for the upcoming year include manag- ing local taxes. The Mayor says it's a question of bal- e-e FUTURE on page 15 Lelsure Centre and Arenas: Please note mhat the Leisure Centre, John Tonelli Arena and Milton Memorlal Arena wll b. c(osed as follows: Actual size:' Actual price*1 Only at Bell Mobility cao you get the world's smallest phone for possibly the world's smallest price. Just put your see why it's the mobile phone everyone wants. ON&, vaId S,,,,, OtûRse 27 to D,,.,,ber, 1997., neve ad existin9 custorner S select plas; ff59997 5999/9559559995 " 9SSsr ,79d,5s Ofe uMc 9cagntcmia rh oth,, odes; 9 av 95 a p951595patr dealen, white supplies lasL Plsn rna.nos be x as = ,1. ge apps<abI ts»,, W istance9.,, c~Snecio charge, anu sysr écss te, sm.sWg tg opti'I futurs extr. OAC.OfrvéiSý M Sp 6M95C. WIR-LSSCONNECTIONS INC. Bell Mobiflty Cenfre 377 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P7 Tel: (905) 878-1113 fflWfflý_ - - - - Il - 1- , - - -_ __ LI