Date/mne Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column is available to local community groups to assist in promoting their future events. OnIy charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand islow. Notioes for Dateline should be hand- ed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905> 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Tuesday Dec. 16 - 24 The Milton District Hospital Auxiliary provides gift wrapping by donation at Milton Mail from 1l a.m. to close December 16 to 20 and 22 to 23, from 10 a.m. to close December 21, and from 9 a.m. to close December 24. Wednesday Dec. 17 It's Hot Meal Deal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Qr., at 11:45 arn. The event features s bot lunch and fellowship. Ladies are invited to attend the neigh- bourhood Coffee Hour in the auditorium of Allendale, 185 Ontario St., from 9:30 to 1l a.m. The special feature is 'Gwen's House of Sweets' by Gwen Sharp. Guest speaker Pauline Beanage follows an inter- lude of musical selections. The event is hosted by the Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Hour. Admission is free. Babysitting is provided. The North Halton Literacy Guild hosts a Christmas open heuse from 4 to 8 p.m. Ail volunteers and students are welcome. Cali 873-2200 for more details. TMe Milton La Leche League meets at CHERISH Family Resource Centre, 540 Childs Dr., at 8 p.m. Women interested in thse latest information on breastfeeding are welcomne. Group discussion is led by local leaders accredited by La Leche League Intemnational. Nursing babies are welcome. For further information, cail 878-6387, 876-0772 or 878-4803. Wednesday Dec. 17 - 24 The Halton Women's Centre and the Zonta Club offers a Christmnas wrapping service at Hopedale Mail in Oakville. The pmoject helps maise ftînds for the centre. To help out, caîl Melvina at 847-9104. Thuraday Dec. 18 The Victorian Order of Nurses holda feet car. clinics at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., from 1 to 4 p.m., and at Milton District Hospital on Derry Road from 6 to 8 p.m. The cost is $15. For further information about the seniors' centre clinic, cail 875-1681, or for the hospital clinic, caîl 827-8800. Friday Dec. 19 It's Hot Meal Deal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., at 11:45 a.m. The event features a hot lunch and fellowship. Christmas Kaleidoscope - A Christmas Music Extravaganza takes place at St. John's United Church, 262 Randaîl St., in Oakville at 7 p.m. Thse event, sponsored hy the Kerr Street Merchants and the Kerr Street Community Consultation Committee, is a fundraiser for the O~ntario Special Olympics Spring Games hosted by Oakville and Burlington *se DATELINE on page 17 The canadian Champion, Tueaday, December 16, 1997 -17 Get ready to pay.. Chrtistmas sales constant t ram SAVOLINE on page 1 f ram SALES on page 1 which he desenibed as "slightly bettec than siashedî ab o i l io fiîn îii bdgcî ov(! t aiow i Now rhty're-pickineîtp again ai expectedý tive years. She added local municipalities in Halton have axed a stil aiingl f o ail Christasruhaid a sr pe tse hFle ean't seenl moe1Milon fuither $16 miàllion. tl atnfothChitaruh ad wsustta h a' enmreMtn She explained the message that Halton's efforts must be taken Marion Shannon, mail manager. residents shopping locally. into account bas been constantly put to ares MPPs and the "People are still shopping for them- "I would like to see the Milton people Premier's office, with nu result. selves," she said. support the downtown more,' said the Mr. Chudleigh countered, ssying the man on the street knw However, Zellers general manager Ed owner of the unique Main Street science where the probleru is, when he hears the tiny percentage of the Lukezic said he was pleased with sales, and nature-related children's toy store. budget that municipalities are required to eliminate. The province has done away with the old municipal grant sys- terr, a change which municipalities hsd been wamned about, and replsced themn with a new arrangement.a "The old grants were tlawed,' said Mr. Chudleigh. -There wasI III no equity, they were badly skewed. It was very much a patronage A T M T V I E T R type system." Halton loses slmost $6 million in provincial grants but gets more than $11 million in new annual transfers and a further $1 .5 million in special transition funding for 1998. In addition Queen's Park bas provided more money to.cover SE the transfer of provincial bighwsys to local control. Halton will be tsking over Highway 5 and parts of Highway 25 E1 0 "It had to be dune tu reorganize education taxes, which are now split 50-50," said Mr. Chudleigh. "Secondly it had tu be dune because nobody knew whu was truly accounitable on any service. There wss alwsys a lot of linger pointing." Mr. Chudleigh acknowledged there is stilI work to be dune to get the costs of education off property taxes. o,_ 4th annual Seconds Sale Decorative Ceramic Lightswitch Plates, Flower Pots, Clocks, Christmas Ornaments and Mosaîcs Save up to 60% off Friday, Dec 19, 4 - 9pm Saturday, Dec 20, 1 Dam - 4pm Ail Fired Up! Ltd. 180 Nipissing Road Milton, ON L9IT 1 R5 905-878-8481 M' Ontado 4 NOTICE 'The NaraEsca.pment Planning and Deveopmet AcR.L.O. 1990 The Niagara Eacarpment Commission as lnitiuted an amendment to 1he Niagara Escarpment Plan. Aniendment No. 121 proposes: To amend thse policles of thse Niagara'Escarprnent Plan to allow a single dwelllng as a permlted use on an exlsting lot ef record In the MineraI -Reseurce Extraction Area deslgnatlon fer a worked out and rehablltated pK or quarry whlch la ne longer llcensed under thse Aggregate Resources Act. A copy of the propoaed amendment together with background Information may De examined at the office of the: Niagara Escarpment Commission 232 Gualphs Street Georgetown, ON L7G 481 Tel.. (905) 877-5191 or (905) 453-2468 Fax: (905) 873-7452 For additiona 1 information, pieux. contact Ken Whitbread at extension 244. 'iAnften commentsaund a ubmiaaiona on the umendment muybe made 10 the Niagara Esarpment Commission until March 20, 1998 ut th. Georgetown Office a bove. Duted ut Georgetown thia i 7th day of December, 1997 Don Scott, Chair le] à aLlifflu fKauLqqi risui 1