ur you nave any questions mese professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 -, W.-#.. 2172..AGAI 1 give my grandchildren money at Chriatmas and for birtlsdays. Their parents buy extra toys with i.1do wish they would save sorte for the future. Any ideas? Affilialed aida Money Concepts Groisp Capital Corp. 1 have tried nsany lîmes to make changes in my life, but each lime 1 wind op bac in lte samie old place. la this a problem for other people too? How can 1 change this pattera? Etaye raner holda flacletr and Mastes kWnia ese in Psyhology, Social Work and Social Administration. A Certified member ofthOe Colège of Profeosional Secial Workers, »71h manywr ff o professianal e4ieoenc aid traning n tu w wi mdivyduaiý tamils and couples Mr a/teei Wa soai M/on in a prisae rural seting minutas froim the down- toffama Far anw Ilanher auom*fnm iu a ese rnrt E/eue Tanneratlemoshssoaas CARS TA I 151 Nipissing Road, Unit «&S 1z;ý Milton, Ontario (905) 875-**?? Q:How dol1 keep my vehicle in Tip Top' condition? A: The following is advice on how to take care of your vehicle. 1) On newer model cars, do flot attempt to "polish" light scratches. Most new vehicles have a cfear coat finsish 'ta can be damaged if yoir do flot use the proper method. Z) Car batteries should be checked monthly in the winter, weekly in hot weather and daily on long toips. 3) During cold weather, always check your tire pressure. Tires defiate as the temperature decreases - one pound of pressure for every 10 degrees of temperature drop. 4) OIL - fiuid level should be above the Add indicator on the oul dip stick. Oul and filter should be changed at lest every 8M0 km. 5) RADIATOR - check the reserve reservoir, the fluid level should be above the Add indicator. When fluid is needed, it is best to add anti-freeze to the reservoir, not water. Ail fluid should be drained and replaced every 40,000 km. For additional information contact Marilyn or 10e eka Ontario Auto Collision CARSTAR at (905) 875-4477 or cal! our foll free customer service Une 1-800-CARSTAR. You can alsoflnd us on the Internet at http I/wow.caretar.com'l ¶o adverUse your servie in "'As1k ¶w *Professionals" cail... EDbanw..ton at 878o2341 TODAY!e * *