Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 1997, p. 18

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6 - ai 9 130 Pet Stocki FREE Io good home, feumais, ShepherLab/Colla crosa. i 1/2 yesrs. Needs romr Io mars. Preller farrn or large ouiloor arma. Information 905-854- 3099. SIII TZU PUPS, amal, non-shecdlng Pets. Vet checked, shots, paper traned. Georgeous colours, $30. 1-519-651-2993. 138 Home lrnDrovement DECORATIVE PLASTERINO. Interlors and extenorns. Best rates on comidces, ceiiing centers, panel moulding, colurnns, restoration work, fireplaces and custom woek in your design. For ail types of plaster mark trom drywail Io stucco. Cmli 825-760. 145 General HOID Wanted NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS - The Ontaio Human lghts code prohabits dis- crimination because of age. sex, marital status, race, a'eed, nationality, ancestry or place of origan. In compliance wilh th.s code 1h.s nemapaper resarvea the right te make neesaay changes an adverdsang copy. I4ELP WANTED. Part ârne Cafeabria Help an High School Acten/Milten. $7.00/hour. 3 - 4 houai daily. Cal Roxanne, 416-255-131, ext 597. PACKAGING "On Cati Workers" Assembiy Line Packaging of Pharmaceuticai and Heaith Care Producta, wiii train, good manual dexterity required, cisan environ- ment. Must be avaifabie for three shirts and have retiabie transportation. Appty in person with resumne Dec. 18 & 19 ONLY, 8:30-3:30 pm. Hiring wiii take place beginning January 1998. We thank ail appiicants in advance but regret that oniy those candidates selected for inter- views miii be contacted. No phone catis piease. PROMIX LABORATORIES Division osf Patheon Inc., 921 Gatemay Drive, Burtington, Ontario L7L 5K5 (2 blocks meat of Burioak off Harvester) 150 Sales HeID SALES AGENTS and MANAGERS wanted. Fuit or part-time. $1,000+ per week firat month possible. The #1 environ- mental concern is nom the income opportunity of The 90's. 24 HR. recorded mes- sage. 1-800-358- 2831. 155 Skilled Helg - APPREN11CE MECHANIC requared for Ge=ea Repair Shop. Contact: K & B Auto Service, 715 Main Street E., Milton, Ont 876-3148 17fl flvenre CARINO MOTHER oflera daycara. Nutniou snacs & lunches. Lots of T.LC. and outdoor play. efrns.876-4165. CHILDCARE availabla. Mor a E.CE. - 7-1/2 yaars axparience. Ail ages. Non-smoking. Susan, 876-2227. FULL TIME place availabla. Samn Sherratt arma. Cal Canon. 878-6376. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE offering qahty -prograrns for chidran 18 maintins te 5 ymars. Craitsa. musia Afield tripe. 878-7552 AFT 5ALE5_ 250 Business ODDortunities TRAVEL AGENCY FRANCHISE Traval Protes- sional International. Own your own home baaad or alors front travel agsncy. Davslop your busi- nus on a part-Urnme or fulI-tima basis. Exceptional training and ongoing support. lnvsstmsnt $15.000. Fanancang availabla. Cal 1-800-562- 5659. 166 Careers 210 Personal ABUSED end afrmld? For halp cal 878-8555, a 24-haur crisas lane for abused women. Halton Women's Place as an emiergeacy shelter avait- ~able for abuseei wornen and iheïr chiidroni m Hal ton Region. Ail cails are conlldienliail. ARE DRUGS causing you problemse? Narcotics Anonymous can help. W. meet Friday naghts at Grae Anglican Church, Main Street, Milton, at 8:0 p.m. ARE YOU BEING aff.cted by someon. mimes drlnking? Ai - Anon Familly Gaoup meets mach Monday night 8 p.m. at St. Paulsa United Church, bace door (parking lot entrance.> 1-800-891- 4862. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS, Find the oracle wiUih, $2.99/min. 18+ 24 houais. 1-900- 451-3783. 18 DRINKING oausing you problema? AI- coholacs Anonymous meut Tussday naghta at Grecs Anglican Church, Main Street at 8.30 p.m. 225 Auto Parts For Sale UNDERCOATING cars with non-drip oli, only $19.96 with 1he ad. Wlndshield meplaced, we pay your $100. deductible. 1-800-667-1069 <Hamilon). 230 Vehicles for Sale 1091 FORD TEMPO, 113,000 krs., 4 door, automnatic, air, cerlifled. $3.700 inludles taxes. 876-4333. AUTO INURANCE. Best ratles for most drivers ancluding hagher riska. Cai Warren, 519-853- 4284. CREDIT PROBLEM? No credit or bad creclit On UIC. FBA, WCB, Bankrupt? Need another chance? Short of cash? We can heVp Future Car Creclit 905-39-700. GORRUDIS 0 SALES &LEASING NEW &USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 285 For Rent 3 BEDROOM Bungalow, double garage, on spectacular property an illon. $1,500 par month plius utifides. Cali Kerr Realty Management Wi., 876-0407. DELIGHTFUL home, 3 badrooms, gas heat garage, 10 minutes north of Milton. $895 +. 519- 853-875. 286 Townhouse For Rent TOWNHOUSE for rent 3 Beckooms, garage, 371 Bronte Street Miton. Available now. 878- 7274. 290 Apartments For Rent ACTON, 2 Badroom Apartrnant,$700. plus utiliies. Acten, one badroom $550. plius. 519- 853-5080, (519) 853-5352. BASEMENT bachellor apartmant, 1 bedroom, suitable for one parson, $500Jionth plus 1/4 utilities. 878-4478. GLEN EDEN COURT apariments, 122 Bront St.S. Milton. Wa are accepting applications for 1 and 2 be&ooms. Plaas aeil for appointment 878-5375. 295ShaM Acco -82mmoUDa.Ution MALE prfre e aespaM u pret 180wàe inlsie Cmlm hR s M t 876-0623. 166 ed Careers bbx*yWk Oakvii e -Trafalgar Memoriai H-ospital, a 275 bed community hospiratis an innovative organization responsive co the needs of patients and our cossmenity. We are seeking an energetic self-starter ro nupport the CEO in meeting the Hospitai's objectives. Executive Assistant Working cioseiy mith rhe CEO invoiven balancine appointments, researchine and preparine correspondence, minutes and reports, coordinating and dinrriburing informarion and compltine speciai proiects as assigned by the CEO. You wiit aiso lisine mith the Board of Govemnors, tovemosent and community agencies, other health care providers, empioyees and the public. Your proven communication skiiis and professionaiism mii promote a positive Hospiral image ro ait teveis of the organization and the public. An independenr morker, you miii use your demonstrared abiiity to organize and muiri-rask under strict deadlines. In addition ro your University degree, you have advanced computer skiits sing Microsoft Office software. Piesse forward your resume to: Human Resources Dept., Oakville- Trafalgar Memoriai Hospital, 327 Reynolds St., Oakvitte, ON L6] 3L7 Fax: (905) 338-4137 IOTMHIAKWLERALA a MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 295 Shared Accommodation SHARED ACCOMODAIlO, Thmee be*roar houas, dlesn, no pets, femele prefsrred. $400. inclusiv. A.SA.P. 878-3370. 300 Rooms Available ROOM FOR RIENT, Good location. $400. par rnonlh. 875-4748. ROOM FOR RENT, Male prefenued. Cali 905- 693-0161 anytime or 95 Martin St. between 7 315 Commercial & lndust Proo, MAIN STREET E. Inekastalal Unit for rent. 1,40 sq fil. rear overhead door, drive-in front office. 873-693. REASONABLE INDUSTRIAL UNITS for rent. 1,600 -3,200 aqi. ft Loading dochs & drive ian. 905-819-8035 or 1-905-277-9347. 320 Office & Business Spaoe OFFICE SPACE for lam. 9.000 sq It Main Street locaion. Can take smailar s. Cali Gaay Thomas, Remax Miltewne Reaity, 878-7777._ SMALL PRIVATE OFFICE, beautifuîly appointed. Hwy. 25 & 401. 905-81940351 or 1- 905-277-9347. 325 Real Estate PRIVATE, TOWNHOUSE, 3 badroam, immaaa- sate with garage in prima location. Recent upgrades. 878-5272. No agents piese. 'Me Canadian Champion Christmas Bureau Fund for The Salivation Army The Canadman Champaon office us now acceptang donations ah 191 MAN ST., MILTON 'Make thas Christmas special for someone qrlaambabpo Season's Greetings Greet your triendu, neighbours and relatives a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year m:th one holiday greeting in The Champion. Vour greeting cas be up to 20 mords and miii osly cosi $15.00 + GST Drop your greeting off at THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 191 Main St., E., Mstt 4 Çlasalflmds - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Dacambar 16, 1997 T NONEYOiJt MLESTONE CALL 878-23À 1 RETIREMENT Early Retirement This announcement is for ail tht people who hav asked me for the past 10 years, "When are y oing1s te retire?" Tht last day ef my nursing career miii be December 31, 1997. This miii be tht saddeet day ef my fifef i've been in nursing since the mid 50's of mhich the last 34 years have been ut Milton District Hospital mines two years te have Kevin and Yvonne. Thanko te ail tht staff, te tht doctors and head nurses. i especiaiy watt te thask my co-morkers for ' aiways being there when 1 needed support. i shahl neyer torget you! Last, but net teant, te sul tht monder- fui patients i came in contact mith over tht years. i wish you Weil. i'm doing this for you George. Sneey Joan Chishoimr RS. Remember, mhen 1 ste you, i don't watt te taik aboutt t. ,c

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