Winterize your home The first snow of winter has orne and gonc, and many people silhaven' thought ihowj prîfictirie heiir hoincs froin le i( alier ail, you wani your homne to pmovide (ie maximum amount of warmth and comfort ai a reasonable cost. By doing a kew rclatively simple things in and around your honme now, you can avoid unpleasant surprises down the road, and possi- bly reduce your heating cosis at the same lime. Reducing drafts and heal loss by caulking and wealherslripping lfor instance, can have a major impact on the energy elffciency of your home. Test windows and doors To sec if your home could use some rein- forcement, try tesîing your windows and doors Io see how lhey stand up. Take a feather or a piece of tissue paper and hold it around the edges of your doors and windows. If you detect movement in the feath- er or tissue, chances arc you're losing some heai lhrough poor seals or cracks. And this, of course, translates directly into higher heating hbis. If you lind that you do have leaks, the situa- tion can usually he corrected hy applying some caulking or weatherstripping around the edges of your windows and doors. Or, consider a doorsweep 10 keep drats at bay. Attic Check your attic 1o sec if your insulation needu 10 be topped up. Old insulation can hecome damp from condensation and worn down, lherehy losing lils eftectiventess. COZY HOME FOR 18T TJME BUYER OR RETIRE! 3 bedroomn brick, 1 1/2 storey. Separate living and dining roomn w/ fireplace. Recent windows and roof. Cai Yvonne ait <905) 878-2095. Pub LIIEd Pb: he The Canadien Champion, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont, L9T 4N9, 878-2341 Fax: (905) 876-2364 Acfvrfieing Io aocpted onitIhe conitiont tfit. in Ste everit of a typ<tgflpNa . erortt porion of lIte adlver- tulNg eace occupied by lte erroneous htem. toge#he wilh a reascriabie aiiowance for signature, wiii flet b. &tagd for, but fhle balmnce of lte erlvertisernent witl be paie for at di. appilcebie rate. The pubii6her roeeves fte 110fl f0 categorize end relect atlvertising. in Ile event of typographl errer, adverie<ng gonde or eervices ai liw wrong prie. goode or services may flot bis soid. A<vertfaig la merey an oiter to oeil and »y b. w1th- dstma eny *es. Produoad on beheaf 1 ft Oalel , bgýo'p-4PWM lcRuest 1518W owds. "1 Ma* Sr e CaBhlhmioTsd ecomers~9 u *.ICaafd Ii iq me F, R e lt - Ie-,tt i 1 &--naad n