Tue Canadian Champion. Tuesday, December 9,1997-25 ClassifiedMONDAY TO FRIDÀY 9:OOAM-5:OOPM ~/i/estones I f I I I I I I I t I See Todays Champion for our new Milestones section. To announce your special event, cal) Tise Champion's fllnççiled Denarimeni ai 875-3300. DENNIS, Baiy & Kelly <aoc Coins) are OirIlIeti la aineunce ifie birili of BreIt Wmync, lie nommaI member ai tise faeniy anommobile raclng isani, Dentale lie Menace Rmdng, on Navember 18, 1997. et 11:42 p.m., welghhig mi aI 6 Ras. 9 ou., BeuIt le welcamed by granctaarenis Bah Coin., Pet & Bany Dentale ai ai tAlion; les gmst grandchlld la Margaret Dentale 0f Milan, Ethel Glbb ai Beelan, Eben SeniOs af Shelburne aid Daug A Dorathy Styles ai Nlagmea Fais meid le misa s greet-great gandchuiti la Wemlsy Styles ai N.gws Faits. Many limnins aid muai mpprecls- lion for Oie wondsnfei cars la Dr. Boxai, Dr. Nicholson & Dr. Wu aid Oie 9maI OS staff aI Jasepli Brait Memoami Hospiol ~- N MACDONALD, Jean-Arn A Jmck me plsesed la announce Oie mnlval ai hein Osird chlld. Grehami Jadin wes hem on Navcmb.r 28, 1997 aI 7 lb.. Jeson aid Allyman mu hubleti wiOi Oielr n.w braiser. Grmhm. le naiied miter Pappa Stmcey wha wI wmtsla mar hlm tram Heavan. Thaik yau la Dr. Glen Hunfar aid Dr. S. Suppel as wei n di. wantieriui 088 staff at Miiton DIstrict Hcepl~ .1./ f VANDERHEYDEN, Kevin & Clieryl <nee) Malhig. fonaaeniy ai Milan, nom ai Edia Bay. On- farta happlly anneunas Oie bletti ai Justin WR- ils. John aI Sautt Saint Marie Haspital an December 1. 1997, wseghing 8 lb.. A brather for Larissa. Lavingty wetcomed by great Nanny Darodiy Giahap ai Taranla aid granc~arenta Bit & Dina aid Warren & Sancha ai Milan and by ai lia aunta, undes aid cousina. 05 Birthdavs BIRTHDAY PARTiES at Springridge Farm. Wagon rides, farm animais, collect a chidkens egg, liaystack jumping, privais party raom aid lunch. Milan, 878-4908. il Halls & Caterers BANQUEI ROON AVAILABLE, tram iOta 100 persans. Ideai for Oheistenas Parties, Banqueta, Meetings, Shomers. Nascar Spart Lounge, 878- 1880. 14 Weddina Services PHOTOGRAPHY - Weddinga or event phalagraphy. Reaaoaably pniced. References. Gai Steve or Loume <905) 878-4560. WEDDING PNOTOGRAPIiY- 100-115 proals hi album plus nagatives. 15 yesrs cxpmasncs. Roi- ahi. mati reasonable. Picture Peefecf Weddlng Pfaatogrephy. 905-6394710. 32 Florists LLAURIER AVE. 878-2881 Fonaily oarned for oser 30 yeara yeve cars.. SaouL ~Iewsva RISRANCES hi lie loren af donations s 1h. Mihon District Haspitai Faundation ans apprecistsd 190 Ontarjo St. Cemetery Lettering .. Mîlton 878-6522 Monuments, Markers, Bronze Markers, 37 In Memoriams SAnTON, John - In Iovhig meenory ai John Baisa. DecemberS, 1991. A great mai and a fine son. Yau wU mlwaym b. wllh tas John. Leved by 1h. uhol. fm.iy, B.d. Cmndy a J.... GATES, Dmvid - Decembet 10. 1994 - In tavhigmy. Ibm. y... have paaaed minas yau ieft us OuleIly wlthaut award yau went yaur own way Jalnlng allier faeniy and inonde W have loved anti ast isa Yau mu In aur thaughts everyday And or mmiy mimmeti. but mameday W. knonwewli ai moctagahi Main, B.d. Breead.. AI, Devld muid Jeans PARCHEM~ Larry - lui Iaving memaey ai a tiser son, brallier, beodicr-ln-Isw aid uncls wlia pammoti away December 8, 1990. Na fwsweis - apollon, ne lime ta may Yau worm gan. belars we knsw il. Gati alans knawa why. Otar hearta sUt ache hi madasas aid aecrst tsars stil flaw. What il meait la lose yau. ne on. wil ever knaw. Smdly mlaaed muid farever ha aur heerte, Mon. (Naliy), mister Manlene, Herald & fmmily muid Pet. i immfly. 40 Card of Thanks & professional people when if cornes to buying & selling a home Thank you Bob & Sharon Cheeseman 50 Comina Events Pro CHRISTMAS Inventory SALE 781 MAIN ST., MILTON UNIT #12 H&H CERAMIC STUDIO GW Paints, Bisque, Giftware & Samples SATURDAY, DEC. 13-1OAM-4PM SUNDAYDEC. 14-1OAM-4PM Are yau planning a speclal event that Il wauld be aI intereat ta those in Uic conimunity? Ativertise it In Tii. Canadian Champion I "Yaur Hometown Caenmunity Newapmper" Phone 875-3300 C CAC MII ~jr~iu UOJMflLD iais.~ i ti~ lAITON * The CCAC 0f Haf ton is a nemly formed organizafon combining Ils services of the former Home Cars Program and Placement Co-Ordinaf on Services. * The CCAC gives consurners a single accesa point f0 a fuI I range 0f long-terni cars and offier cornrnunity services. * The Board 0f Directors 0f flie Communlty Care Acceas Centre of Halton s committeti 10 OPENNESS, SERVICE and CHOICE. Tii. Public ta cordially inviteti ta attend tic ncxt moctlng 0f tic Board 0f Directara. Meeting wiîi stan at 6:30 p.m. DATE AND LOCATION: December 15,1997 For further information, cal 1: Haltan District Hestth Council Bcerti Roam 700 Dorval Drive. Suitc 510 Oakvltlc, ON L6K 3V3 I Linda Ferras at (905) 639-5228 Ext. 8921 or...if long distance dial 1-800-810-0000 Future meeting dates and locations ta b. ennounced. I_ 60 Auctionh AUCTION SALE SATIJRDAY, DECEMBER 13, igg7 AT 10 AN St. Claire Mmmeatc Hait. 0121 Hwy. 25, 5. et Milles ketwmuBmney QBrilammla Hi. Fmr lite Ietatmeittmlalm Mrs.EdflhHmeirlmmefMlealaaammm. Sale cansistisa s! turnîtute, Glass, China, Royal Daulton Flaunnes & Character Juas, Depmssios Glass, CoOecsibles and Hsusehsld Items. Aaetleeeere Rasants: As excellent sale wifh mas~ qaality items. Parlisl lialina only. Tassa cash or chaque w proper 1.5. Prealea frsm 9:tO sm day s! asIe. Lsnch available. DOHERTYS AUCTION SERVICE Amullmeer PafelukA. flehmnly imusi mis-mima 1505> m54-3577 WINTERSJNGER'S i ~ TREE FARM HILLSBURGH OPEN DAILY 9 TO 5 CHRISTMAS TREES CHOOSE AND CUT YOUR OWN (Saxo availablel Also precuts for those who prefer flot to eut their own. WREATHS & GARLAND After pou have chosen tiiot special iree corne and warsn up in SANTA'S NOSHERY. Enjog hot soup, hot chocolate and great hot eapple cider, tati ai very reasonable prices. Take a scenic ride north on Trafalgar Rd. b Hilsburgh, turne 1eR et Wellington 22nd Sideroad (McKinnon Lumberl and go u'est 6 km. to 3rd une, turn right andgo north I km. WATCH FOR SIGNS! REMBAllER TO DRESS WARMLY! <519) 855-6163 AARYNA FARMS CHRISTMAS TREES si O mci. GST Any sîze-Scotch Pins Onlyt Cut your awn'Awcrd wlnnlng trocs bICs b choose rom- UMAT FANII.Y FUit! OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY Nov. 29 te Dec. 21 9:OOam-4:3Opm Localed on Safari Rd Wesf aI Hwy 6 PROFITS DONATEO TO VARIOUS CHARRIES lb ct¶~!jI&~l GAUTHIERS CIIRISTMAS TREES. Fmsh cut Balsam. Whits & Bita Spnace. Pin.. 6 la 20 IL Gramme aur Santa shapî Mml arder WREATHS anywliere hi Canada/USA $25. 401 West la Guelph Une/Nords la 20 Sidsramd/Weef 8 km. Open dmily. VleaflutCjintsrec. 1-519-763-9788. 78 Firewood FIREWOOD, 100% hmntwaod. 16 hi. cul, eplit anti dailvereti. 1 bush aard, $200. 2 bush cards $300. 4 bush cards. $740. 5 bush cards $896. Green waad, 5 bush cartis $750. Aima laga available. 906-875.0077. 80 For Sale il PCE. QUEEN ANNE dîningraom. 8 chairs. banquet table, $3.900.; 9 pas. cherry mahagaeiy dinstngraom, $1,750. plus alliera; 7 pas. Frendi Chippendale, maliagany queen bedraam, $2.850. plus atiiers; Baby Grande, $2.800. ~Oualily alite bear Save $1000 s. Compare qualitylpeices. Froc deliveryl <905)227-9458. 27 IN. ZENITH Sterso T.V.,$6.25lweek. Fisher Surround Sterea Package: 520 watts. $12.501 week. 1-800-267-9466. CANADIAN Mini Dtsli. Digital sound aid ptcture. Over 100 diannels, $5.75/wock. Froc delivery. 1400-267-9486. COMPUTER SPECiAL: Pcnfium 166 MMX: 16 X CD.. fax modem. 32 MB. Ram. $15.00/weell. 1- 800-267-9466. ENORMOUS SALE - Att antique mirrors 112 pricel 3 ald-iamhtaned dneng suilsa, menait fables, chahu, dressera. warckobe, Englali hait stand, gorgeous tmenps ai redhaced for snd ai yeoe latai clearaut maie. MIC or painleas payment plan. No inter.st. Homby Antiques on Steeles. Open evsey day. GARMIN G.P.8 complets with menais antenna. $250. Gai CRU. 876-3359. KIlO SIZE RASS hesti anti faotiaoarti $135., Romance A Luenbera pnints. Ammorleti. 878-9098. MINK COAT, beaulaful fui lengili nunk cou, mise 10, meldoen woni. $1.000. 854-2961. NAPOLEAN FIREPLACE waad Inaset Useti on. seamon. Complets wila diimney liner. $1200. 0.9.0. Gai 906489-9707. SNOW ULOWERS. Grand new, M.T.D.. 8 HP.. 8 speed, 26 hi. cuL $13.50/week. Free tisllveey,. 1- 800-267-9466. TWO bAh, 20 IL. open boat. aras 1910. Waod meems goad. 22 IL Ibmgtms saliboat liait tram CAO. lest oSer. 8784064. WASHERS, Dry... Feltiges, Stanes tram $25/ monO,. Zsra daun. Free Deivery. 1-800-257- 9466.