I E6 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, December 9,1997 Homeowners get the family spirit with backyard rinks As legend tells it Wayne (ir.eky anod (loidie i loec goi their siarts on the backyard rinks ai their family homes. Perhaps a bud- ding Jose Chouinard or Elizabeth Manley enjoyed the same advan- lage. Whatever the case, une enduring memury young skaters ail huld iv the rollicking fun of winter days spent on the family rink. Nul unly dues a guud backyard rink give children a chance tu develop their skating skills, il gives the whule family a place lu laugh and unwind, but musi impurtantly, a place lu, spend lime tugether. Even thuugh backyard rinka have becume a tradition, many homeonr still don't knuw huw lu, go abolit building a rink ihat will lasi the season and provide a suit- able skating surface. Muai will simply clear the snow freim a patch of level gruund in their backyard, get oui the hove, and viart flooding on the firsi cold day. Unfortunately, ibis method almovi certainly leads tu a rink which either refuse to ice over properly, or iv vo unstable and top- vided as lu be unusable. There iv a way lu build a suc- cesaful backyard rink. ut invulves a littie planning and modesi outlay, but the resulis are well worth the trouble. Thse firsi mIle iv lu always use a plastic liner. This iv crucial. You may balk ait thse expense, but lack of a liner iv the single greatesi fac- tor in having a rink thal doesn'l sel correcily. Evert thougs the ground may be frozen, water will neyer seule in the shape of a rink unless it lî.s soihing to coniin i. l'ie liner must also bc free ut holes and seams. You can purchase a sheet of 40ft. by lOOfi. indusirial plastic ai mosi building supply stores. Check for availability befurehand, and use thse dimensions of your backyard as well as thse plastic as thse yard- stick for determining the size of yuur rink. Remember tisai you'l need lu leave a fair amount of plas- tic for uverisang. Before yu umn oui lu but a sheet of plastic thougis, tisere's vome preparation to attend toi. Obviously, you'll have to pick oui an area in your backyard wisich iv relatively level. No yard iv per- fect, but the flatter the ground sur- face, lise easier tise rink will be lu, build and flood. Afier you pick your spot and clear tise snow away, you'll need lui decide if you want lu build buards for your rink or vimply use snow for tise vides. Boards are by far tise besi, but il iv possible lu forgo tsero. If you choose boards, yuu'l want îwo-foî high section of ply- wood. Tisey'll have lu be atiacised lu, two-by-fuur inch povis, voi some digging will be necessary lui anchor the povîs. As yuu can see, tise process gels a bit labour-intensive, but tise boards can be uved for many winters to come. If you decide tu use vnow for the vides of your rink, you'll need to, be pariicularly careful ihat the snow iv packed tightly and as verti- cally as possible. Pile snow around the boards or wcigh il down secuirely over 24 hours for (he rink. to fiii, i iii.tobe aînd iaiiip it sol idly. the piied silo)) sidLs oi lc rk t. on.. You se iieoed,îtli\Oss Basically, you'll be making a two-foot Now cornes the critical step - flood- high wall of packed snow. ing. Two facturs will make or break a must. Check consiantly to make sure The next stage is to, apply the plastie this endeavour: temperature and atten- the plastie liner hasn't been pulled sheet tu your rink. First, check the plas- tiveneas. down by the water's weight. It could tic thoruughly for holes or tears. Again, You should keep your eye on the take up to four days for the ice to it's extremely important that the sbeet weather forecast and pick a two- or become completely solid, so resisi the be large enough toi overhang the sides ihree-day period when the temperature of the rink. Then, place the sheet over is expeeted lu rive no higher than -6 or temptation to skate or walk on it pre- your rink and either staple il to the -7 C. Estimates range from about 12 tu maturely. REALTY WORLD TM TME RESULTS PEOLLM il Ef2«. Asking only $241.900 with an inlaw suite with two bedrooms. For a tea- ture sheet, or for your exclusive appointment f0 view, or for more information, please ask for Stewart Haddon, Associate Broker at 876- 0633 or Res. 878-3333. REALTY WORLD MILLPOND REALT INC., REALTOR 189 Main St. E., Milton 876-0633 Surf the Net - (Email us your- comments and requests.) httn://www.mfllbond.on.ca. Asking only $249.900. 4 bedrooms, main floor famity room, finished re/room with bar. For a feature sheet or for your exclusive appointment lu view or for more informaftion please ask for Stewart tjaddon, Associale Broker at 876-0633 or Res. 878-3333 " Main street space. Presently occupied but soon lo be vacant. Suitable for retail or office. Caîl Mark Mallalieu. " $125,000. 3 bedroom townhouse. Master ensuite bafhroomn Air condîtîoned. Eat in kîtchen. Exclusive listing. Caîl Mark Mallalieu. * U I ICOUNTRY RIETREAT PRIVATE OR CORPORAIF $999,000 lIt M iii a a*sl~ ke Oo iu nsic guet crMage fealsis al1to c admg lied stom frepla, Wye pidure atidows and mai onw dltl fea. hm eObro o ai petidude aWqe 2'x« Ne pae equW wid* ge do« opew.A24l3O'age barnsdk 2424'u sagaobit ai a tO'x12'àw ia bye dwis pod. Jlm Weide REDUCE COUI(IR ESIA1E - A 104-f $69,000 NEAR CAMPBELLVILLE - RETREAT IN 11HE COUNTRY $329,900 hlah~~~~~~~ "«4lde ~ti ~ id~pone t ftthad,. , ts andwooMing CARLISLE $2799000 118 acres. Ideal building site for ________________________estate home or horse farm, land is 2 ACES USIESSNA1JREA Il BET' 339OOOlevel, rolling, treed in parts, rvf2 am fr dy bWWuLfL5ECoplete winfe Southwestf CamphelvikUqsîdered by manyasthbep *e1 Escarpmrent, ivsiae "anba,"fr%11 "% *WÇ M qualit b Of ilshed Iower level - ge sunroomJ< ied8450 Lfflt # Sffsi otI f 401. tSlt kwnshn.t o,- oiè d aeek wfth pond 1 ekam! tunlyt 299OOiluueld 95fflistseetheback lot' On 4.7 acres. 8445000