PAR LOATO $259, Feel bk plan. S walkaa woud fl Ticl one ut roues purch Eat-rr furepîr umma ung, n rkiechen overlooking large famil y room vmi ac in june one of the m any features of thi iculate home. Inground pool, upgradled floor reutral decor, large lot.___ Locafe lu the Nopaineing, nofix- Village ut Camp- ing, no yardwork. hulîvifie fhio 2 n this convenient, slurey brick home 3 bd twn Mus (circa 1916) fea- edie e l ownos îureu oumerous ensuie Recroomrenouafions andi a and more. Cati large park-like luI. and aee. Tereaa Upgraded wirieg, Mitîs Hall pfumbing & nateral gas givuu Ibis ulder humeaite ARE Y U WILING -ýimodern couvenreeces. $259,000. To do some "H-ome" work. thîs handyman spa- it ig .u ciltis located on a large lot in the old section of town. Cati Teresa Mîlis-Hail. Over 2200 sq. Il. hume un a 1.68 acre lut. Lucaîed un a quiet coantry court earlh uf Campbeflvilfe. This hume fafares breakfast nuuk, cerami c fles, gas lire- ED & NORMA place aed f ureace, maie f leur family ruum, office and much more. $329.000. PROVEAU *. Saies Rpreanacîoes 8378-83101 we Iî4 1, ,_ Louely Englioh Tudor forout 12 r orno excellent iayool for lafnY Or iolae ouile or Appruu. 2,400 sq. f. home ou 1 acre fut mith Ml zou- beti & breakfast. 001y ieg. Localed on the etige uftoum, Ibis propery moold 10mn rm401. Cati allum a qaalified business lu uperate frosn the promis- Eti or Norma Proooau. os. Town mater andi nforaf gas. $299.000. $368.000. m______I_____________[_]_[e ____a _ 14 "~ ;F21 rl 'A 8 Lots stili available. Close to 1-1/2-21 acre lots ranging in price towfl & 401 $99,000 - $159,000. Juaf norfh of ai Sixth Line. Campbellvitle. h ~ 5 bedroomns, 23 Acre parcat with 2 ponds. $179.000. e ove 3400 Lot on Town Line (Milfon Heights>, fown sq. ft. on three acres. Cait for details. mater $84,900. l OE- FOR eOF WO q *E.:v-- m Oe i Four bedroom lowu- houoe on deoirubie coin- pieu. Cloue lu ochoolo aod stores. New carpel o liiig room, dioiog room aod ofairo. Prioacy fretge arouod backyard. $123,500 .Pleaoe cati - Elieo Boer for dlefailo. Historical homo acing Victoria Park Square. Lovingly and tastetully recto- uated wifh recycteti pine board floor. Large country itchen wrth walkout tu deck sud maoicored lawnu, a plea- oure toi vioc. Cali Eltee Boer for more delails. $229,000. Salas CON coruouESehuog 8.5 ACRES Cusom uil stne unglownesffed un 8.75 acres cilr pmnrarmc view ot Toronto skyline RersnÈeand escarpenr. Minutes ru 40f and Miltom. could ho used au meeu horue tare. Waftmuf ffom uoer f0aito3 car garage plus 4 car 1 " 01 dofached garage arrd euch mure. BUILDING 2 acres on Mount Nemo. $209OOO North of 15 Sideroad wîth 7 acres and workshop. $259.900. PETRA DEBRA sales RepPoseftatIO Salas Representtva Wonderful prop- erfy ideally local * ed ont minutes bedroom farm- houae, large Wefcome lu, fls e ei cared bur 3 bdrme brick bangalow foaee bank bain (suitable for horses), good agricuttur- suah ut campbeioille. Suce hardcuud floru, urngle car g al land, gently rotting, somae woods, bush & ferishud basemeul pls storage ure or curkshop iu uswer les ponds. Endînas possibititiesf' f$395,000. ofthia un 314 acre. Priced ael$r92,Ooe. Oebre Tork. TAKE NOTE! Attractive ________ __________ N nA M 7 tent flocation backiog oi enta detached homes. M aey im pruvem ents tsj mwt reoee1996, newer flireplace. Foru"a oig rees and dlnlqn t We ae n te iedn. bruadluum, CAC., etc. Slfuated on 1.48 acre le a pucareaqe rur al aetting. Prlced ni $123,900. $29951. Ca Debra fer fariluier datall. I CHAFIACTER + $189,900