Crime Stoppers' 0 F H AL TO0N Thief does dirty work Residents of a home in rural Milton returned from an afternoon out to find their floors covered in muddy footprinta, and then noticed aome of their posseasions had been stolen. Between 1:30 and 3 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 20, a bouse on No. 5 Sideroad near Guelph Line was entered. Altbough no point of entry could be determined, the evidenoe of a break-in waa obvious. The thief walked throughout the residence gathering Sony VCRs, a camera, silverware, jewelry and a shotgun. The shotgun was later recovered by Metro Toronto Police. Crime Stoppera would be interested in hearing from anyone who can suggest a possible suspect for police to investigate. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other case, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000. You need not give your name and your information can be taken witb complete anonymity. Crime Stoppers does not sub- scribe to cali display. Caîl 1-800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS. Crime Stoppers of Halton is operated by a board of directors made up of 18 civil- fans from ail areas of Halton Region. The rewardfiznd resudtsfrom thefinancial sup- port of business, industry, service clubs and private citizens. The Canadian Champion, Tu.sday, Decemnber 2, 1997 -15S No move to punish teachers at RC board By CAROL BALDWIN Special to The Champion The Halton Roman Catbolic Scbool Board is not following the lead of the Halton Board of Education in filing a grievance against the teachers relating to the recent strike. During an mn-camera session of the board last week, trustees rejected a motion from Milton Trustee Joe Deoni to file a grievance against the Burlington mayor recognized for his 2OyeaWrs of service By BRAD REAUME The Champion Councillors ail rose and applauded the efforts and long service of Burlington Mayor Walter Mulkewicb as his political career came to a close last week at Halton Region. The two-termi Burlington mayor, who bas served on Halton counicil since 1977, announced last spring he would retire fromn public office to battle a forra of leukemia. He bas been undergoing cbemotberapy treatments for several montbs. Halton chair and long time colleague Joyce Savoline wiped tears away. She praised bis bard work, bis emphasis on finding equitable solutions, and called bim a gentleman and a gentle man. Mr. Mulkewich thanked staff, counicillors and the people of Halton. He said reflections on the beginnings of bis career pro- vide substantial similarities to current battles on regional govem- ment and municipal amalgamations. He said be bopes tbat Marsball McLuban's cynical view that "ýpolitics gives yesterday's answers to today's problems" is flot tbe case in Halton. He added tbat Halton needs to searcb for "tomorrow's solutions for today's problems." t Hospital "The first thing that happened (in camera) was that Joe (Deoni) witbdrew the word 'punitive dam- ages' from the potential grievance launcbed by the board. He did not have a malicious or punitive intent to aeek damages," said Don Scbrenk, chair of the board. "Joe Deoni was seeking information from the board and a sense of their feeling con- ceming a grievance." liircnk sayý dhc Iucîîd I cic cd a ii of legal opinions and decided not to tollow tbrougb with the lauliching of a grievance. "We decided to put this thing bebind us and work together to resolve some of the issues," be said. "We're very supportive of the teacbers." lIn a close vote, public board trustees agoeed to file a grievance to recover "any and ail damagea to. the board as a result of this illegal strike." Il :1 1 1 8783-2433 SUINO FOR ALL MAKES OF DOMSTIC CAMS AD 11.011T TRUCKS 761 MAIN ST. Serving Milton And Area For Over A Decade = low3 Ob9 ~'MCCORMACK AUTO SERVICES *Licensed Mechanic " General Repaira *Tune Ups -Brakes * Air Conditioning *Computer Diagnostic D.D.T. Inspection Station -Ruat Proofing w DlShift & Drive Transmission Specialiut Automatie and Standard Dz/fr r- entials. Clutch Repairs, CV Joints - U Joints, Front Wheel Drive, Pour Wheel Drive, Domestic & Impors, High Performance. Helmuth Kainz 348 Bronte St. S. Unit #11 Milton * 875-1572 OHA LL'S A UTO WRECKERS a GENERAL REPAIRS a a MVI's * SORAF METALS a BILL HALL 440 MOROBEL DRIVE MILTON TEL 878-2251 FAX 878-8943 ig o 15e baJe tfaas Winter! Merrg Christmasifrom IAcM RADITOI MN Aunîioîw E&vuc More thanjuat a rad shop. 10%ul OFF LA-BO0UR * Specialista in Cuatomer Satisfaction 637 Main Street East, Milton <90)>878-2078 *(wIth this ad, Retal customers only) 0LuBE IT VOUR 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO DRIP RUST PROTECTION We have provided Milton with 17 years of fast, friendly service 'EAGLE *11p 20 Years Experience Recore * Repairs * Gas Tanks *Heaters e Air Conditioning Heavy Equipment Trucks & Farm Drive-in Service TRRRY KINC uYOUR AD COULD DE IIERE!! CALL JENNY AT 878-1341 -à