Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Dec 1997, p. 17

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The Canadien Chamona Tuesasv Decmmber Z 1997 - RW Eseal à CeIMIdb - 5 ClasifieMONDAY TO FRIDAY C lassi ie9:00OAM -5:00OPM c-4I-iestones .See Todays Champion for our newv "Milestones" section. ~.To announce your special event, cali The Champions .1- Classi9ed Devariment at 875-3300. MOCLEL.AN, Dabbi would MWn la thank #» Lord fo 1h. sofa "idva ai Alanatis 1ti9 suer Eimlly Elleen Mary. Bora on November 19, 1997, wslghing 8 lIs. 4 oz. Our fanly would Ik. l hank "a Doclors aid Nurses ait NMauer Hoaspilel Alsosa spnclal than you la Aunt Achian, GrmaJ"adGap ere 05Brhvs BIRTHDAY PARTIES ait Springridge Farm. Wagon rides, farm animals, collect a chickensa en, hayatacn jumping, privai.e party moan aid lunch. Milton, 878-90. il Halls & Caterers BANQUET ROOM AVAILABLE, froi 10 s l 0 perslons. Ideal for Christmni Parties, Banqueta, Meetings, Showers. Naacar Sport Lounge. 878- 1880. 14 Weddina Servies PHOTOGRAPHY - Woddings or evont pholography. Roasonably prlced. Reforencea. Cal Sevo or Louis. <905) 878-4560. WEDDING PNOTOGRAPHY.- 100-115 proofis i album pius negalives. 15 yosrs experience. Roi- able and reansonablo. Pictura Perfect Wedding 9Phtgrph.95-3"710. Ju uearns BROWN, Cllfflord Georie - At tho Millan District Hospitall on Sunday, Novembaer 30i, 1997, fol- Iowlng a brioif ilinesa, Clîfford Brown of Milton, belovod huabaid of Dorolhy <Edw"rd) and the lain May <mee Irving). Loving fathe of Barbera Brown and friand Mark Taylor of Toronto, George aid hi. friand lalay of Powaaaon, Donald and hie virle Mary ai Damascua, Douglas and hi. friand Dian ai Oakvii.e aid Audhrey aid hier huaband James «Peddie of Milton. Mlo loved bt' 15 grandohâdron aid 14 grisait grandhreN. Doar brother of Lest.e ai Calfornia, Donald of Erin and Helen Hudson ai Toronla. Predecoaaad by brotiiers Claronce, Howard, Orville, Lloyd aid sisters Mariolle Huit aid Joan Wonch. Resting at the J. Scott Early Funeral Homo, 21 James Street, Milton tram 2 -4 aid 7 -9 p.m. Tuesday. Funoral Service wil ha held on Wedneaday, at 1 00 p.m. from Boston Proabylerian Church, Milaon. Cremalion la foiow. ln li.u ai flowors donations la the Milan District Hospital or Al- zhaimer Society would ha appraciaied b' tho Family. 32 Flisls S487 LAURIER AVE. 878-2881 $kow Vese noa,.. Sevt'nJ owv Famniy ownîed for oser 30 years 35 Memorlals Jim Strain Milton 878-6522 Monuments, Markera, Bronze Markers,I Cemetery Leltering 37 In Memoriamsi ý- PAUL, Cerol - In loving momoay of a doar alaler and sister-in-law who passed away Decemnber 4, 1995. NO longer i ur lives la Mhire But inourhissais, aise la alivayatliee Sadit mlaad wIlh much love ainsys IANNETTE & PAUL Beaubiful and unique gifla and gifi baskets. Choose aomething special thia ycar, or let us create something for you. Open Wed. to, Sat. 12:00 to 6:00 7 days/week by appt. t3 0 Pine Street Milton BLUE HERON WOODWORKS CHRISTMAS SALE SATURDAY, DEC. 6, 9 AM - 3PM 11998 WINSTON CHURCHILL BLVD. (1-1/2 mlles N. 0l Mayflld Rd./iver Dr., Georgetown) New ready to finish handcrafted fumiture and gifts, cheat tables, paper lowel racks, bookcases, deacon benches, TV armoire, hall tree, corner cabinets, dry sinka, waahstanda, CD cabinet, cottee and end tables, deaka, magazine racks, wardrobea, dressera, blankel box. night tables, TV video stand, sofa tables, sterea cabinet, qult racks, microwave stand, harveat table, pedestal table, jeîiy cabinet, minrora, magazine tables & much, much more. Bring a truck - take it wlh youl REAEMBRCES -l hoig mhe or of doatons la Iu ROGERS Ellee U s-dd Decernhar 4,192 A. saeasura tgl with lover sr Teeiifulmemoilec0f oneso dear Meaoy mlesae yo meran risemus, Majorih has diedtion expeienc and phaewth10maia rs aied nvce i a wme.Is 877-7494.bble 60 Actio n tek fdoain;t THUERSD, mDECEMBER 4AT1:02. TIIRSAY DECEMBER sti ATt 6:00 PNne Crautlmaism Gf oease uie,dec. Sadyuoneeran à5 878-487 GEREOWNARp BRan abAfraPie 719oi AIN hST dE.,ao MILTON nc <87-385 euiar Invueny iwncla biding: od os pha Cthng mouesanod 5ies apde Prduc ompter Gams7- ed7n9,etc THUESA DECEMBER 4 199 :0 A.M 1990 Jeepa BheroeeT, utre. hrstmIaYsnN -if ovea s, m>nAaYwAnetc. SHEWOO &5 GORD TA5 ~b,5,eOil HUMCE,, T A5S 6 c>4 ieui TDT. (905), 88-4878,i Q.i l*aAJICECATON SALE5H CMn AOIE1 BOM11 *CAR BA.RGa 8 A BS e ARN 5S &m 0A053 CTeiON SERVIUC -C5IE5cM 719rw ees e MAIN~~ ST. an. , MIO 4(876-318ur Regular RAveto osc n lung Food, TCTt.451 oys,*Iinc ra 08a MON.i msse, aT .8 w onoe .. ELODERS O3LD " Wac OK MainK Sroot, Mian. COlElDNTAINCSI Bldn mode TRIES-sae d, oxponse"7 rie 3 for Jaur RER T1998A. 878-1483. Please bRavLe nai i nUmbR GE R CO GAUTHIER'S CHRISTMAS TREES. Frosh cut Baisam, While a Blue Spruce, Pine, 6 la 20 Il. Brovve aur Santa ahopt Mail order WREATHS snywhore i CanadalU.S.A $25. 401 West la Gulph LUne/North la 20 SideroadNVoat 8 km. Opanl dailly. VsaM.C.Aile. 1-519-763-9788. 78 Firewood F1RF-WOOD, hardwood, cut, spiI aid deisrd Ai quaritllies avuilabie. 905-875-1623 80 For- Sale 25 IN. - 50 PL. Zenith StraTV's. Remote sur- round aound from $6.25 weskly. 1-800-267- 9M.6 3 PIECE Livingrocai set Saddi. Satin Lealhe, Natural Pins KItchen Table with 4 chairs tram $25.00 par month. Fres Dolivory. 1-800-267- 948. CANADIAN Mini Disis. Grad allemaive 10 cabi. with digital sound snd picturo. Over 100 chYn"l. Only $5.75 weldy. 100-267-46. COMPUTER SPECIAL Pentium 166 wvith CD drive, fax modemn. Windows 96. $17.511wee". 1- 800-287-946. DININO ROM sulle. De Soer, Cherny, 5 chairs, new uphoi.lery. $600. 876-0m6. DOTUAR Athilic Home GymSylm 0o Phone 878-7016 aller 6 p.m. FISHER 520 watt Prologie Slesrao. 24 CD Player, 5 speakers. Only $12.50 wely. 1-800-267- 946. ROUND KITCHEN TABLE 140r daareter/tWo Io" exiienuiona, caplains chair/S mades~s chairs, but- fet/tutch. Solld woodtveneer, honet' coloured. $395. 854-2614. SNOWBLOWERS, 5 HP TO 10 HP. Remole chute. Snow Hog tiros. Froe Delivery. From $6.25 weely. 14800-267-946. WASHERS, Dryens, Fridges, Slaves. Froan $25.a month. 1-800-267-9466. 90 Antiques 3 BARTLETT Engravera tithagraps Proofs, Cir- cuit 1839-18M. Proofa are in mint condition aid lramed. $1,200. PIesa. cal 519-22-3018, aller 6 p.m. 130-Pet Stock FREE KITTENS, 8 weens aid. Liter lrained. CaI 854-230. 138 Home ImRrolemnt DECORATIVE PLASTERINO. Initierions and oxiarlors. Beat raies on comices, coilng cenlers, panel moulding, columna, rostorallon work. fitraplacos and cuatom work lb your dsgn For ai typas of piantoer woslc kom drywdl lucco. Cal 825-760. 145 General Helo Wanted *0 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS 'e Tb. Ontaio Human Righis code pohlb dis- crimInation bocause of ag0, Box, marital statua, racs, creed, nallonality, ancesmy or place of origi. ln compimnce wifli ii code tis nowapaper minerves lh. night lb male necosaay changes ln adverlising copy. WANTED Drivers with' DZ drivers boies. Famiier with snowplowing. Cati Coey or Ric, 824-1750. DETAILICLEAN Up PERSON Fultlime position, muai be setf-motivateld and have good driving record. Apply in person to. Hunt Plymîouth Chrysler 500 Bronts St. S., Mift.. SHOW PLOW OPERATORS Seniors willing to hire lor residenîpi plowîng. SHOW SHOVELLERS Reqaîred ta work lot seniors this winter. tf interesttd in eithtr ot thes positions contact Jeob al Halton Ilelping Rands, 844-0252 155 Skilled HI MAINTENANCE MECHANIC with 'electrical background for Milan based Company. Muai have good driving record, own toia and ha ahi ln woelc unsupevsed. Plenale caïd 875-1150. 160 Office HSID PART TIME TELLER position avaitable. Flemmes viri loi accepted. Mm. Manager, Halon Community Credi Union Umnited, 44 Main Street East, Milaon, Ontaio. LOT 2Y3. WANTED Girl Friday. Ganerai Office dtulles in a casual environment. Rosumos 10: Elton Manufacturing, 886 Nippisaing Road, Milton, Ont. LOT 4XQ. GORRUD SALES & LEASING CAREER OPPORTUNITY CUSTOMER SERVICE REPIRECEPTIONIST Due toi our continuing growth we have a new position available with our organization. You are an expenienced receplioniat wlth excellent telephone and cuatomer service skilla. Vou poaseas a good worldng knowledge of word- perfect/windlows and a proficiency in microsoft office. Vou are enorgatic and have the ability 10 handie a variety of tasns. This positon provides the opportunity to grow within the sales marketing area of our organi- zation for thie right individual. This as a fuil time position but hours may vary. Please submlt resume 101the attention of PAT KOTACK Fax: 875-2279 ~~~~IOPPORTUITIES Wt re searchîng for an assistant manager and three shift supervisars la compliment aur managtment team. If you havt 2-3 years of restaurant experi- nnce, goad communication and interpersona skills and a strong desire ta succeed in a chai- lenging ennirooment, then please cail ta set up an interview: Paul Talville Quicicer Foods, Inc. a (418) 563-5190 77 unstmas mres

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