Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Nov 1997, p. 8

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8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 28, 1997 Big où crushing littie gruys, warns entrepreneur h 5v BRAD REAUME The Champion Jobn Dunstall is fighting mad. With bis dream of owning a gas station lying in nains, snd business debts clawing at bim, tbe 43-year- old fatber to five is flot taking it Iying down. The fagbt is on. Mr. Dunstali wilI soon testify in Ottawa to a federal psrliarnentary committee on price fixing in tbe gaso- line industry. Liberal MP Dan McTeague of Ajax-Pickering is beading tbe inquiry, sparked by stories like Mr. Dunstall's and spikes in retail gssoline prices. Tbrougb tbe media Mr. Dunstali bas been firing vol- leys at oul companties in Ontario since be was forced to close bis Trafalgar Rosd and Steeles Avenue gas sta- tion on September 30. He blames tbe wbolesale pricing policy of tbe big gssoline suppliers but agrees otber impediments to business contributed to bis decision to close. Imperial Oul, Sunoco, Sheli and Petro Canada con- trol tbe Ontario fuel refaning mnarket, be explained. Tbey are dictating tbe price of gas to independent operators, bie said. If tbey manage to corner tbe market by forcing tbe 10- 12 per cent of independent stations out of business, Mr. Dunstaîl said Ontario prices could matcb tbose in Atlantic Canada, wbicb be says bit 73 cents a litre last summer. By pusbing wbolesale prices up, but keeping prices at company-owned retail outlets artificially low, tbey are forcing independents out of tbe business, be explained. He contenda tbe big compaasies bave flot only been forcing out independents but consolidating remaining outlets into fewer, larger operations. He pointed to tbe new, corporate-owned Petro Canada at tbe corner of. Martin Street and Steeles Avenue as an examnple. Anotber operator in Milton bas experienced tbe samne problem but refused to speak for publication. However, Mr. Dunstall figures be's got notbing left w PleaseHel Us ~ Milton Milton District Hospital 30 Derry Road East 878-2383 REIMAX Miltowne Realt Corp. 22 Ontario St. S. Milton, Ontario 878-7777 *tovlose. " "<~~Wby shouldn't 1 be in tbis business?" he asked. 'Is it flot fate enterprise?" Mr. Dunstall operated tbe Husky gas bar at Steeles Avenue and Trafalgar Road for two years, aliter mun- ning tbe Esso station across tbe street for seven years. Despite working long bours to keep bis cosa down Mr. Dunstaîl said be bast money last year. He said bie took in a $90,000 gross by selling tbree million litres of fuel ait 3 cents per litre mark-up. His credit card costs were $14,000 and salaries to employees, includ- ing bimself, amounted to $77,000. He said be was forced out of Esso by Imperial Oil humping up bis licensing fe (refit) twice in 1996. "First tbey put it up about six to seven per cent in January, tben tbey came back and virtually doubled tbat in Auguat, up to about $80,000," bie said. Realizing be cosald no longer continue witb Esso be took over an abandoned station across tbe street and made a deal witb Husky, a Western Canadian oil comn- pany. "Esso wanted to operate tbeir stations like a McDonalds. Everytbing bad to be consistent across tbe organization," be said. 1I was told if I didn't like it tbere were 10 guys in line to take my station." Mr. Dunstaîl saîd be ended up being squeezed by Imperial Qil despite selling seven million litres of gas in bis final year, double tbe amount tbe station purnped in bis farst year. In tbe end be says bie made less money pumping more gas. However, be believes oil company policies were only one of tbe pmoblemrs be faced. Mr. Dunstaîl said govemment regulations and major banks contnibuted to bis difficulties. He explained bie bad a signed deal witb Tim Horton's for a saal take-out location on bis Husky lot but could flot get financing from tbe bank. Bankers were concerned about tbe cbanging nature of tIhe gaso- line station business, bie noted. In addition envirofimental regulators were demand- eses REGULA11ONS on page 19 Former service station operator John Dunstai says the big ohl companles forced hlm out of business. Ho bas taken his batile to Qusen's Park in Toronto and Ottawa's Parliament Hill. Light Our Tree /n O \Dsrc ristmas And Hospita)l Decorat Yours! H:spdita In 1991 the Milton Dastrict Hospatal Foundataon began a Christmas fundraaser wbicb wail run twelve years. WC are now entering year seven of our BUY A Bute FOR THE HOSPI' AL campaagn and for $10. or more you can Faelp us lagbt or Tree of Caring. Th e Buy a u lb campaign has raised approximately $220,000. over the patsx er nd bas supplaed the funds necessary to pur- Chase equipment wi ch is used watbi n the Hospital. This year donations raased tbrough your generosity will be used to belp f und the $300,000. necessary to finance a new cardiac monitoring system for the ICU. - And because it's Christmas, thae Foundation would like to again say "Thank You" by offering a beautiful tree ornament to, ail our Buy a Bulb donors. A DONATION 0F $150. AND OVER, ligbts a large string of bulbs on the Tree of Cring and the donor neili receive the seventb ornament in a limited edition series "I F31Jentitled 'The 12 Days of Christmas". This glass bail beautifully depict 'Seveni Swans a Swimming" from the seventb verse of thîs famous song. Limated to 96 pieces, you'l want to order early. We still have a fewprevious years ornaments available. If you require one to start or coin- plele your collection please contact the Foundation Office aI 905-878-2383 Ext. 2170. DONORS 0F $50. TO $149. paraicipatirir for the seventb vear will ligbs a small string of ligbts on the tree and will receive an attractive red and gold coloured poinsettia s aped omament. We alsolave a few previous year ornaments available in the donation range. DONORS 0F $10. TO $49. ligbt a single bulb and tbey will receive a 'fluffy" ornament of their choice. This year we are agaï i offering to ail our BUV A BLJLB supporters a chance to, win a beautiful hand crafted wooden sied. Thiss sied waa donated to the Foundation and is valued at $500. Thse draw for the sied w-illi take place on Monda y, December 22nd. The sied wili be on display at tIse Tnee Lighting cerernony which will be held on Tuesday December 2nd. A special tree wilI be lia with please make your cheque payable to: We witi be offering a pick white Iighaa an honour those up service for thane requir- who are no longer wiah us. THE MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL FOLINDATION ing transpraonaahe Dones emeaheina Ived 30 ery Road E., Milton, Ont. L9T 2X5 re Lighting ceremnony. oseb c oaig n eceiuy a indîcating 'BUY A BULB' on the outside of your envelope. Please contact the BoScan wi een Foundation office for channing keepsake omarnent. Use this bandy ORDER FORM furaher detajis. ------------------------------7 r ITNDISTRICT HOSPITAL FOUNDATION - BUYVA BULS FOR VOUR HOSPITA Namne ORDER FORM Phone #_ __________ IAddress Seven Swans a Swimming (donation of $150. and over) ___Christmas Fuzzy ornament (donation of $ 10.) I -Red and gold coloured poinsettia shaped Your choice: Angel - Snowman __ I ornament (donation of $509. to $149.) Santa ___Reindeer __ 1 would like an remember a loved one and purchase a single wehite iight or a string oi bulbs in memory nif IORNAMI5TS WILL Bt AVAILABLE APTER NOVEMBER 1715, 1997. Piease phone or visitthe Fourdation Office te arrange for pick-np or deliveVy ofipai omarnert.I I If you requite a prenions year omamena, please conaaca Donna Mclaugalin aa (905) 878-2383 tnt. 2170. I~~ aOL wou Kt TO DONATt TO THtBaJv A BULB CAMPAIGN BUT a DO NOT Wt5H AN ORNAMENT 1. REQUIRE TRANSPORTAllON TO AND FROtM THE CtRtMONv. Thank you foraing j q/tf,* Real Meals Easy as KFC 276 MAIN ST. E. 878-4171 ,ROBERT (PIE) LEE9 B.Sc. UIFE INSURANCE AOENCY Lite - Disabiliiy - Annuitles - RRIFs - LIFs RSII-Mutual Funis (Uc. wlth M.S.I.L) Miltowne Insurance AAgency Ltd. LGropULàe& Hea & Pension 245 COMMERCIAL 8T. MILTON LOT 2J3 OWFI1CE 878-57861 FÀAX 878-3692 RES. 878-11150 THERMOSHELL/ jTWISS FUELS I 78-6380 32 STEELES AVE. UNIT 15, MILTON p

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