Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Nov 1997, p. 7

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............ - anedien Trio of counçillors taking their leave The Champion ~ - As the tes-m for Milton's current town--ouncil ends, three memnbers who wîil flot be s-etum-ing in December were given plaques in recognition of their contributions. Counciliors Marion Howard and Gen'y Brooks, bath previousiy represent- ing Nassagaweya, and regianal Councilior Colin Best, representing urban Milton, were given a chance ta, speak of their time on counicil. Ms Howard, who during her six yea- tenure occasionally ailowed ber frus- trations ta corne tbrough, said she had a four-word speech but sssured caun- ciliors it was not full of four- letter words. 'It's been a suice," she said, expiaining that her twa terms have been "an important suice" of ber life. She cailed it a trernendous ieaming experience and a great way ta get ta know your neigihours. Mr. Brooks, who made an unsuccessful hid for a regional caunicil seat, said he iearned a great deai during bis two terms. "Sornie staff rnight disagree, saying I know only a very littie," be iaugbed. "However, I have received much heip froro staff over the years." Colin Best, a memrber of town counicil for 17 years, the last three as a regional counicillor, said new counicil members do noat know what they've gotten tbernseives into. He tbanked staff, previous couniciliors he worked with, and Mayor Gord Ks-antz. Ms-, Krantz defeated Mr. Beat by approximately 1,000 votes in tise recent mayor carnpaign. THE HARMONY 0F HUMANITY 'The Great Being saith. The funda- mental purpose animating thie Falth of Gad and Hîs Religion ls to safe- guard the interests and promote the unlty of thie human race, and ta tas- ter the spirit of love and fellowship - 14 arn. Sunday Scoiptr 6306 OntariGose Service Wedneaday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading "This la a faitbfi saying that Chriat jeaua came inte the world te save aie- ners." a Tiîn.a.as HQI.Y ROSAR ROMAN OA1HOUIC CHURO S139 Martin St., Milton 878-6535 T.T.Y. 878-9044 Mass at 5:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & noon Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY Milton Helghts Mass at 10:30 a.m. Sunday ST. PETER CHURCH 9th LUne, Britannia Mass at 9:00 arn. Sunday Revs. Earl Talbot PP, Terence Sehi, Ed Hampson Sister Audrey Bums CSJ cm1 %.raoe Anglian Churcli 317 Main St. E., Milton thse Churcis on thse ill 878-2411 Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott Sunday Services 8:00 arn - Holy Communion 9:20 arn - Infomnal Wos-ship Nursery & Chureh School 10:30 arn - Sung Eucharist Nursery & Churcb Sclsool Prayers for Healing Thursday 10:00 arn - HoIy Communion EUWleelclsair acess ilsrough L~.parking lot doors 123 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. - Minitters - Rev. Bob Hyde - Rev. Ron Muni Director of Mu*i Judy Hunier Corne toi Worship SUNDAY, NOV. 30,1997 10:30 amn Worship Sermon Tille: THE ART 0F WAITING Confirmation, Communion with Extended Table Regular Churcs Scisool Classes anti Nursery Cars available Opportunities Growing With Grief: Wed. Nov. 19 -Dec. 17 Ouiiting Group Fritisys at 1:00 pm Events C.G.IT Veser ServiceeSundayNov. 30, lpin L.Vadaccoas to the dnCtuwy l Foi haInasfemd Lharf 7a-aaaa1i Marlon Howar-d Gar-y Brooks Colin Beai 'The next tbree yea-s are going ta be thc most difficuit and most tremen- dous years for council," Mr. Beat said. "However, my family plans on spend- ing mucis of my time." T'Me tbs-ee counicillors were given a warm round of applause for their efforts on behaif of Milton residents. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main Street E., Milton Minister-The Rev. Rod Lewis Diaconal Minister-Colleen Smnith SUNDAY, NOV. 30, Nursery & Sunday School 1997 >For information cati 878-6066 ADVENT i Parking on Mary Street 10:30 AM Whetciair acces, and washrsomrs taLi tutde o m ail may cormand worship SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1997 Conciudlng the Book of Revalation Corna Hnr About our Glorlous Futur.!! 10:45 arn TH1E APPOINTMENT WITH GOO Pastor Rogge continues wbi the '1'hlngs ta Corne'Sermon teries with thse message: "COME QUICKLY, LORD JESUS" 6:30 PM: EVENING EVANGELISTIC RALLY Paatar Rogge concludes tise 'hings ta Corne" Sermon teniea wiih the message... "WfA Tils JESUS SAWYNG TO YOU TODA Y?" Bring Voti Farnily & Friands for 1h18 Wonderlui Chrisirnas Muisical! "Adrnission la Free: How1 "SUT ASIDE YOUR CAME" toi find ! Weekly Radio Broadcast on AM 1320 us! Fndays 5:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. "NARG *OU CICL OF gO ~hr eF"idV, N.bà%19 77 FOR THOSE 0F YOU WHO DO NOT TRAVEL MUCH, there is lots of assistance for you in your travel planning. Views are most often directed to those who have 'been there - dose thaf, to, offer new thoughts and ideas, that we forget ihere are those out there who MAY HAVE NEVER BOOKED A VACATION! Wel, there is LOTS 0F ASSISTANCE for you at your local professional travel agencies, where PEOPLE AWAIT THE OPPORTUNITY TO ASSIST YOU in seeking the VACATION PACKAGE best suited for you. A person we spoke with recently was glad someone cisc in ber fansily had made tihe booking when she travelled ta Las Vegas, until she realized how easy it is with 'PACKAGES ALREADY PUT TOGETHER' by the many tour suppliers available through a encies. YOUR PASSPORT TO THE WORLD is Uic titie of s psblication put out by Uic Passport Office af aur federal gavernment. Most countries of Uic world require a passport to allow your entry. Any Canadian citizen may appiy for a passport, which is goad for a period af Oive years. Issucd for travel purposes anly, tisey are a valuable asset as they include your picture, and makes for Uic easiest cntry, even in those few counb'ics which may flot require them. APPLICATION FORMS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS ARE AVAILABLE at your local travel agcncy, or you can cali 1-800- 567-6868 (GTA 416-973-3261) for assistance. Alto if you wisb ta receive burth certificate information for Ontario, you can cail 1-800-461-2156. À& À&À REGULAR UPDATES ABOUT TRAVEL TO EGYPT are rclcased for tourist information at ail times, just as for cvcry country wbetiscr thcre bas been a rccent probiem or not but Uiis information becomnes more important than ever now, duc to thc RECENT EVENT AT LUXOR! Our visit Uicre a couple of years ago was a wondcrfu expenience, to sc ail Uic HISTIORYALONG TH1E NILE, as many hundrcds of thousanda bave donc and wiii do in Uic future. Mlim goveenment wiii up its protection for tourista, by doubiing and tripiing Uicir measures to ensure tise recent incident wiii not take place again. Tlsey bave not bad probicms in Luxor before, bowevcr we bave to realize in travelling anywbere in Uic worid, events can bappen. (We bad a ton in Paris, France a few years ago wbo was dining, wben suddeniy Uic business next door explodcd!) DID YOU KNOW: Eicctronic ticketing, where there is no actual ticket issucd, just an îtinerary and booking number, is fast becoming standard in certain arcas. TRAVEL TIP 0F THE WEEK: Go ta a tanning studio for a session before you go south - be eady! U~=rae1 Professiona 14avel & Cnuse Qfficias 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) Ainsa Acton &Oakvile

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