6 Zne~ qaW~lan Champjois Fnday, Nýoyember 28, 1997 SO UR READERS WRITE Note to our readers: Over the lait few weeks we have been deluged wiih letiers regarding Bigl 160. Given lis imminent passage ai press trne, we reserved ihis page for final commenis on the subjeci by readers. Rob Kelly, ediior Thefoilowing letter was sent t0 Halton North MPP Ted Chudieigh. A copy was fiied with this newspaper. Bil! is garbage Dear Editor: Please take note that we totaiiy oppose Bill 160, and urge you to vote against il. We regard Bill 160 as representing a centralisation of power unacceptable to the people of Ontario and of Canada. We realize that for you to vote against your party will involve you in career choices that will give you pause;, but we urge you to consider that if Bill 160 is passed, 50 100 wiIl surely pass the term of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, very much after the fashion of your federsi couniterparts. Please realize too that many of us are involved in quality initiatives in the course of our professionai lives, and we are not deceived by your party's sharo pretence. You want to take money out of education, reckless of the conse- quences, and certainly with the least possible regard to quality. Do the right thing now, or wait for the electorate to do the rigbt thing next elec- tion day. Please note also that though neither of us are teachers, we support them and their brave, self- lesa and historic stand against the worst excesses of political abuse propagated by your party, and will continue bo do so until this appalling tbreat to our democratic rights and freedoms bas been consigned to the garbage bin of history. Sort Jenkina, P Eng Mary Jenkîns, RN Milton Urges Chudleigh to balk Dear Editor: I arn writing to express my extreme concern over Bill 160, the quality of education bill cur- rentiy before the Ontario legialature. To this point 1 feit 1 had always camred out my civic duty by keeping abreast of political issues and have neyer failed to exercise my demnocratic rigbt by voting in elections, whether municipal, provincial or federal. However, the recent actions of the Ontario Conservative gov- emment, especially in the content and enactment of Bill 160, cause me more concero than any politicai action in memory. This bill has made crystai clear to me how strongly ingrained are my beliefs in the demnocratic procesa. A bill that sets any government officiais above the law (section 257.45 (1») - "The Minister has exclusive jurisdiction ... and that jurisdliction is not open to question or review in any proceeding or by any court" and wbich denies elected officiais freedoro of speech (sec- tion 257.45 (2)) - "The board (of education) and each of its members, officers and employees, shaîl comply with the orders, directions and decisions of the Minister in any matter related 10 the administration of the affairs of the board, and any such person who knowingly faits to comply with any such order, direction or deci- sion, or who as a *member of the board votes contrary to sucb order, direction or decision, is guilty of an offence" (257.45 (4)) "The Minister may dismiss fromn office any officer or employ- ee of a board who faits to canry out any order, direction or decision of the Minister." Can this oeally be happening in Canada? Event the president of the United States does not have such absolute power. It seems ironic that Ted Chudleigh was quot- ed in The Champion as saying in reference to thse refeoendumn on chlorination that a 29 per cent minority in favour of chlorination must be lis- tened to, yet a much larger ratio of discontent ,h1 Looking Back e.. about Bill 160 is being ignored as the Conservative govemment steamrolls this bill through. 1 urge Mr. Cbudleigh 10 voice bis concero immediately in the legislature over this erosion of democratic pnincipies. Let your constituents' voices be beard now! Do not leave il to the next election. Rosa Wood Milton Government is showing great courage with bill Dear Editor: Re: your excellent editorial on the teachers' strike - right on! Living in England during the 1940s, 50s and 60s, I have seen first band what the power of the unions, going uncbecked for decades, can do. It brougbt England almost 10 ils knees* Wbst is happening in Ontario is deja vu. I have some sympatby for the majority of teachers whom I suspect did not want to be out The king and qusen at the annuel Halton Centennlal Manor Halloween Party in on the picket uines. Some teachers I have met Novemnbr, 1f7O were Margaret Gow and William Crîppa. Wlth them were Ethel Hay and unions, and had no say in the strike action. They were ouI there because tbey felt their careers would be jeopardized, or they would suffer a great backlash from their peer group. Tne teachers, via the unions, want to preserve the statua quo. 1 ask tbem wbo do tbey expect to psy for il? Their next door neigbbour running a small business, the neighbour across the street who is trying 10 survive after having been 'down-sized', and over 60 per cent of whose property taxes presently go 10 the scbool sys- temn? None of them have the securily or perks that the teachers presently bave. Moat other sectors have been hurt by the 'new wave' economy - now il is the leachers turo 10 be brougbt mbt uine witb economic reaiity. This is really a struggie between organized labour snd the govemnment as to wbo controls Ontario, and it is a struggie tbat the govemment must not lose or we ail lose. Il took a Maggie Thatcher - hsted by the masses - to bring Englsnd around. Thsnk goodness we have a govemnment now wiliing 10 take the same stepa. Anne Taylor Campbeliville Proud of suppor Dear Editor: The last few weeks in Ontario bave been an emotional rouler coaster for students and parents. Education is the backbone of our sociely. Bihl 160 is about choices. Il is about keeping educationai cboices in tbe bands of the people wbo work, mainlain and nurture our chiildren Ibroughout Ibis province. Generations of parents bave beiieved in tbc open-ended educationai systero Ibat we enjoy each day. Change is a beaitby part of any institution. In our homes, our churches, our communities and our country, change continues 10 open the door 10 new possibililies. Education bas undergone many changes over the hast 10 years. The schools of Ontario are strong, tbey are places where the nights of the individual are respected and the individuality of our cbihdren are encour- aged. Most of ail, the achools are a place where children are taught, that the future is a place 10 reach for through their intellect and through their emotions. I anm proud b hbe an Ontario Catholic teacher and I amu proud of the support the Milton comn- Jeasie Levltt. munity has shown for the future of education in Teachers aren't our province. - Milton BR teachers baffle bil! Dear Editor: We the teachers ai Bishop Reding Higb Scbool would like 10 explain why we're involved in the political proleal of Bihl 160. Bill 160 will seriously diminish your democ- ralic rigbt to have input mbt wbat goes on in your cbild's achool. Specifically, Ibis bill will empower the govemment 10 make ail education- ai decisions bebind the closed doors of Queen's Park, without opportunily for public discussion or appeal. Your local trustees wiil bave no con- trol over the spending of education dollars. Last year, as msny of you know, the govero- ment slasbed $500 million from the education budget. Our studenîs can allest to the barmnful impact Ibis caused. This govemnment bas admitted ils intent 10 extract an addiîional $600 million froro public educalion. How does Ibis put students firsI? Bill 160 bas notbing to do wiîb quality educa- lion. Ib bas everytbing 10 do witb financing the provincial debt ai the expense of our cbiidren's futures. Hisloricaily, people bave taken strong stands againal injustices. Tbese stands bave not always been popular. We believe Bill 160 is moraiiy wrong for our communilies, our parents and especislly our students. Sharon Bradley and Biahop Reding teachers Box 248, 191 M~ Milton, Ont. L (905) 878- Fax: i Classified: i Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Assai David Bos Ge Rob Kelly Karen Huisman Carcul Teri Cama Tinu Cales Produ [rOO responsioie Dear Editor: Every lime I read letters like Ihose written by Mr. Martin, Mr. Templeman and Mr. Jarolawski, againît provincial govemment initia- tives, I feel like I've beard these dlaims else- where. The leachers can blame the govemnment ail tbey want 10, but the facl remains that il is the tescbers who breacbed a valid legal contract. Wbicb brings me 10 the issue of democracy. Since Mr. Martin seems s0 inîerested in Ibis topic, t ask; ta it democratic for teachers 10 inconvenience parents witboul consulting tbem? Is il democratic for teacbers 10 abandon Iheir responsibility 10 provide an education 10 chil- dren9'Is il democratic for teachers 10 prevent stu- dents from tsking text books home in an attempt 10 maintain some form of leamning? Since the answer 10 each question is obviously no, a slrong sense of protection lowards democ- ratic principles can not be ai the root of tbe leacher actions. White I agrce Ibat some of the funding culs are too extensive, the bottom line is Ibat no onc gives up power voluntarily. This dispute is about power and tbe ability 10 protect well (over) pay- ing jobs. As far as Bill 160 aiiowing the minisler 10 dis- miss an empioyee who does not compiy with tbe Ministry of Education, wbere is the problem? Jim Timbera Milton anSt. E., The Canadien Champion, published bwice weekly al 191 Mais St. I., Miltsn, 9T 4N9 Ont., L9T 4N9 (Boa 248), is sne of The Metrsland Prinbing, Pablishing & Distri- btsbng LIS. grssp ot sabarsan csmpanies wtsch aisSlues: Ajax / Pickering News 3 1 Advertiser; Allistan Herald/Cuarier; Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardian; 234 Barlinglan Post; Cuty Parent; Collingwsod / Wasaga Cannectian; tuai York )78-4943 Mirrar; Etobicoke Guardian; Gesrgetown Independentl Acbun Free Press; Kingso ibis Week; Lindsay This Week; Markham tonumist & Sun; Midland / )75-3300 Penelangaishene Mirrar; Mississauga News; Newmarket / Asrsra Ira Banner; Northumberland News; North York Mirrar; Oakville Beaver; Orillia Tsday; Publisher Oshawa I Whitby / Clarnon I Part Perry This Week; Peterborough This Week; ciate Publisher Richmond HiII I Ttnornhil I Vaghan Liberal; Scurbsrssgh Mirrar; uxbridgeI nerai Manager Stouttville Tribane; Todsy's Seniors. 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