~éd~isV~t'i ~d4~jj~ i i~ci~Sr'C~ ~~~t5z~"> 4 - The Canadian Chamolon. Fidav. NovembAr ~R I 007 Liquor and suds tq be sold Sunday I p ars Miton's beer and liquor Sundays if the Milton store a stores wiIi be open seven days a week Drive remained closed. year-round. And a spokesperson fromi Unless thse Town of Milton opposes thse said seven-day-a-week serv move, Sunday openings are set to begin Main and Bronte street liquw indeflnitely on Deceniber 7, conflnned planned to go abead in town spokespersons froni the Liquor Control thse municipality approves. Board of Ontauio (flBO) and Thse Beer Milton took part in previ Store. Suùday openings after no oppo Milton was approved among a selected shown by the cemmunity. number of Thse 'Beer Store outiets to open Councillor WalIy Hunter ha Sun<lays year-round, said company hasn't received any negative spokesperson Lucy Rybka-Becker. about the move. One factor was the distance residents Hours of operation would be would have te travel to buy beer on 6 p.ns. nMillside the LCBO ice at thse r store is as long as ous pilot 'sitlon was Ward 2 s said hie feedback la.m. to Tea hr boycott of farm. hurts kids, says manager By KAREN SMITH The Champion The only people hurt through a boycott of Chudleigh's Apple Farm by a Toronto-area teachers' federation wiil be students, says a spokesperson for the business. 'Why the teachers have te do this 1 can't under- stand," said Chudleigh's spokesperson Shirley Rosenbersky. Ms Rosenbersky said she has received several phone calîs [rom teachers inferming her that they will ne longer book field trips at the pepular Highway 25 farm due te Halten Nerth MPP Ted Chudleigh's sup- port fer Bill 160. But the MPP hasn't been invelved in the family business management or ewnership since 1965, Ms Resenbersky said. It is ewned by his brother Tom and sister-in-law Carel, a fermer kindergarten teacher. "We weuid be disappointed if teachers decided net te bring their child.ren te eur farm next [ail because ef a perceived cennectien te Ted Chudleigh. The only losers in that situation wiii be the children," she said. "It's net fair te Carol and Tem. It's net fair te Ted either." Want voices heard Adrian Dom, president of the Ontarie Public School Teachers Federation, City of York district, confirmed members have been told te carefuliy consider whether te take their students te the farm. 'They're (teachers) iooking for an avenue to have their voices heard and this is an eppertunity for them," hie said Wednesday. However, the MPP said the teachers' decision'te strike out at his brother's business ever their opposi- tion te Bill 160 - the Education Quaiity Improvement Act - shews a lack of integrity. "It's reaiiy wrong te take on this kind o[ tactic," hie said. "It's the wrong way te handie it." 1 I t&- 'I'S reaiy wrong to tait. ona this kiud of taclie. It's thse wrong wsy to baudl. kt" .1 He said hie expressed his disappointment white mak- ing a statement te the legislature at Queen's Park Wednesday. The farm's faîl scheel tour program, which begins in September and is new over for the season, is non- profit and teaches students about the growth cycle of apples and the pressing ef cider, Ms Rosenbersky said. 'They enjoy a real farm experience compiete with mingiing with farm animais, taking a tractor ride te the orchard te pick appies and romping in the hay mow. "The fee per chiid covers eniy the cost of the profes- sional teur guide, the tracter ride, the appies and cider." But Mr. Domn said the move wen't hurt students because there are pienty ef other places te take them. The farm's telephone rang off the heok Wednesday, said Ms Rosenbersky, after the boycott made the. news. She said the majority of calis were in support of the farm with many people wondering what kind of exampie the teachers are setting for chiidren. She added that if teachers boycott the farm, it may cause iayoffs. ý-SALVATION ARMY the shopping bag you received in your C :iy, November 28th I r )utside your door urday, 'cm& i Pm lected in town only by the Fire Depatmnt and w are unable to put your bug of grocei outside your door Saturday, December 6 fou con drap off your donations at the FIRE DEPARTMENT or at THE SALVATION ARMY FOOD BANK VM 100 Nipissing Roud #3 Monday -Fridy 9- 5 WL -M 4 - The Canadien Champio d November 28 1997 1 e.