Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Nov 1997, p. 29

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UC, 3'n-,p'. ,4 r,01 .i-, ..ij.ir,ýiLj r.', .bjij -e The Canaduan Champion, Friday, Navember 28, 1997-29 JP. TREEI lit FARM ý Cut your own Christmas Tree and you know it la fresh. aHorse Drawn Sleigh Rides a Spruce, Pine, Balsam OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. -4 R.M. Siarting November 29th through December l9th. Directions: Go north on Hwy. 2510o 151h Sida 1Road, go west ta Fifi h Lina & right 1 mile north. GAUTHIERS CH-RISTMAS TREES. Freeh cul Balsam, White & Blue Spnjce, Pies, 6 tci 20 fi. Browese our Santa ehopl Mail order WREATHS anywhere in Canada/U.S.A. $25. 401 West to Guelph Une/North 10 20 Sidaroad/Weat 8 km. Open daily. Vsa/M.Cilnterac. 1-519-763-9788. 78 Firewood FIREWOOD (winter pricea). Seaaoned hardwood. $210 Bushoord. daflvered, $110 - 1/2. 878-8251. FlREWOOD, hardwood, cut, apit and dalovered. Ail quantillea available. 05-875-1623 ie A A KILBRIDE SOHOOL CRAFT SALE SATURDAY9 NOV. 299 1997 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM To Reseve Your Table Ploase Cml: DEBBIE AT 335-0766 ACTON PARENT-CHILD RESOURCE CENTRE presents their annual CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW & SALE San.îrday, November 29, 1997 n the Band Hall 85 WALLACE ST., ACTON lnterested Venidors caîl Helen 853-5887 Stb ANNUAL CRAFT SALE Held at 755 MacKenzde DoIve, Milton <Southeant corner of Wilson & Woodward) ON FRIDAY, NOV. 28 From 4:00 PM TO 9:00 PM &SATURDAY, NOV. 29 Fron 9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM *Flaser Arrangementa e Woadcrafts eFabrlc Boses * Angels a Pleture Frames eWelcame 81988 and Much Mare Retreshmants e Door Prizas # And Mach More! Cr^*f Show SATUROAY, NOVEMBER 29 SUNBAY, NOVEMBER 30 10OAM TO 4PM Feuiuring Hnndpainied Candies, Mail Bonas, Fincer Potn, Baskets, Teddy Bearn, Seesan x Candten & more. BETH COULSON r7 OL AVE., MILTON Chrlstmas Crafts Soit. & Sun., November 29-30 9:00 am -3:00 pm 760 Ciement@ Dr. (off Chîlde) MIlton 'I lAS t~.noràI HSoIn Wantêd The Ontario Humai ighta code prohibita di- crimination becauee of age, sex, marital statue, race, creed, nalionality, ancealry or placea of origus. In compliance avits lie code is newepaper reeervee lie night Io maies neceseary changea i advertieing copy. HIGHLY experienced Counter HeIp. I lime/part limes. Coffue Tome Donute. Phone 905-878-023. KELSEY'S MILTON le currently accepting ap- plications for lie foloawing positions: Une Cocka/ Server/Bartendarsi Hoal/Hoatesee. No en- pe=ec la neceeaary, but praference viri be given Ia lise who are energeicloutgoing and enJoy worldng in a funlfaet-paced atimoaphere. Pleaee drop-off reaumne, in per--.n. 10 45 Chieholm Dr. Mon-Fni 2-4 p.m. For more ifor- mation call 878-4731. LOCAL BUSINESS REQUIRES HELP FULL MiME, IIOURLY WAGE $8.00 VEHICLE INSPECTOR Muet have dms following: .Vaild Drivera& Uceais *Reud & wrIte fluent Englah *Minimum Grade 12 Education .Good work ethle -Capable of worklng hna eImam envlronment Coul 875-2915 -9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Aak for Pick Banks - No Tueeday catie W@ hav immeda peninge 911R foriniprieced Clama Ai CO. DRIVERS AOWNER OPERATORS To run Canada/ USA. We affer an excellent pay package & ateady yeer round woa-k. Vile vdIl ba et kah Wheel Truck Stop, 640 Chihoî Dr. R 214, Milton. DETAIL/CLEAN Up PERSON Full lime positon, munt be seif-motîvated andi have good driving record. Appiy in persan ta: Munt Plymaouth Chryaler SM0 Bronte St. S., Milton 90-870-2580 145 General HeJD Wanted. 1UN9 ino000 inc. loto 2000 offers a frindi, rnlaond corking enviroaiment, competitive renomeration, profit sharing and an eocellnt bnneiis pachage. Due to phenomenal recent growth, an are lonking for a select group ni cameer driven, self mot ivated proiessionals fo voin oui company. If yon are a team player sfio sants 10 play a major mile in the davnlopment ni nec applications, yon may ha the candidate va are looking for. We are sneking University gradoates in Computer Science or Mathematics with at least three years programming noperience in iill fie following immediate openings: Softwae Beveoper The ideul candidate ciii have prevos experienca sith loferonet application design and danelopmnnt osing Java. (Ci-i, Power Builder, Visual Basic, and Delpi enpnrienca may ha acceptable). Relationat Ostabase eopernca os essential. Strong SOL skilîs, and communicatinons / netwnrhs nnperîenca is dasirabin. Prevous noperienca wîth distrihuned applications wonld ha a detinite asset. Infermix Programmer The ideal candidate sutl have prevouo noperienca siih a foorth generation language coing ROBMS sith SOL. A thoroagh knowlndge ni Informix soold heua defînite asset. TechnIcai Support Persan This individoal sootd fin responsîble for client support ni computer applications. If you have previnus Ratatiova Daiubase System experienca yoo muy ha the individul se are lnokîng for. Expertise wif h Informas shite not rnqairnd nould hea dafinîte assai. Tolielcal Wrltae Ifi yon have ait leasf han peurs noperienca sniting documentation and manaals for computer applications, you may ha the person se and masuals for computer applications, yoa may ha the persan se neeti. Excallent aritten skîlis along sith Word Procassing and Oeshiop Pauishing skilts artha combination se ara looking for. Previous axperienca sith OOC-in- Heip or simiinr haip ganarator applications soutd hea definifa assai. Plame ta yaerr.m u de afume te Saa ilont lue@ M lac.Si? Ulplala Rad, Uai A, MteeO@ted LST EU3 M FAX: <U)076S2 Beautiful ande unique giflsaende gîft baskets. Choose somcthing apecial ibis year, or let ue create aomething for you. Open Wed. to Sat. 12:0010o 6:00 7 daya/week by appt. S 360 Pine Street Milton i ~78-043 ~ 120 Livestock BULK SIIAVINCS, hmkied . 1.88842-9155. MINIATURE HORSE for ale 5 month old Colt. Greth chilken. Fabulous Christmas gOf. 875-0692. 135 Volunteers Consider The Ripple Effeet In menory ni a boved oaa ora n beqnasi, please mafia a donation to the Canadin Diabaene Associafion. Each dollar han a rippiing affect iosard urgenily needed research for a cure, educafion, service, advocacy and mont imporiniy, hope. Caii yonr local branch 338-0214 or 1-800-226-8646 Help Cale The Watera fer Fatuns Genierataons CASIAGIM 1 *SSocI.AII =oNmm CéA1110414 ùsouTf u Diéasse 138 Homie ImDrovement DECORATIVE PLASTERING. Interiors and exlerions. Beat rates on comices, ceiling centera, paneI mouiding. columine, reatoration work, llreplacea and custom work ba your designi. For ait types of plaster work from drywal lo aucow. Cal 825-760. WALL MURAUST/INTERIOR PAINN Hand palnted wal murale, Ilustrations & epeciaity wall ffdinkge. 878-4599, Russell. SEAMSTRESS wanted. Muet have eewing expeelence. 20 -25 houra per week- Piease app- ly in person to: Stopps Dry Cloaners, 885 Main Street, Unit 4, Milton, Ontanio. SUPER A VIDEO requlreas FULL TIME HELP Drop off resurmas ai: 550 ONTARIO STREET S., MILTON 875-3320 ORDER DESKlShippong Aeaietant for Oakvifle, Lumber yard. Computer Mkille required. Hcue conýstruction knowledge or diepatching ex- penence preferred. Sterling salary of $23,000.. Fax (905)842-1442. ORDER PREPARER Tramneea for Oakviîle Iumberyard. Assemble loade for deîivery tb homebuildera. Rapid Advancement. Fax (906)469-0659. VICTORIAN ORDER 0F NURSES HALTON BRANCH ~ requires H.C.A.'a Si H.S.W.'a LEVEL Il & 111 We Offer: Immedîste asaîgnmrrents avaiiabie in Haitan region. Choice ai haurs and assignmrrenis Qualifications: Access ta transportation/car Second language wouid be an asaet Quaiiied applicants; are invited ta submit a resumne ta: Jackl Kingston Human Resourcea Generaliat VON-Halton Branch 2370 Speera Road OakviIIe, Ontario L6L 5M2 FAX: (905) 827-3390 We thank yau for your intereat but aniy thase considered for interview wiii be contacted. We are an equai oppartunity employer. WANTED Drivers with DZ drivee licene. Famiie witli enowplowlng. OeIl Cory or Pick, Mechanics WANTED Heavy tuck mechare with traiter expenience needed for fleet operation in Milton area. Per- son muet b. self starter and able to wark wiih litt supervision. We offer good viages with full ccmpany benefita. Pleaae cati GIS Leaseco Canada et (800) 461-0993 between 8 ar. aid 5 p.m. or fax Ici: (519) 652-2839. Equal Opportunty, Emloyer 166 Careers iéb bfficeHelg FULL lIME OFFICE HELP roqulred Immedlal.ly Responsiblifles la include: "reoeptionlatltyplet - hlpplng à ,eceVlng mateelel -aaulng purohs orde à hwolioln -gainerai offie dulleas »amalgud Muet have excellant computer experience, i- dluding WordPerfect. Quattro Pro. orgaioza- ticnal and acwracy ekie a muet. Please maspond in pereon %ci: Suloo Induetnlea LWd, 204 Bronte St. B., UJoI #13, MIlton, Ontail (Ma OM 0db pleee) BOOKKEEPER I SECRETARY required fuittime by busy Milton company. Computerized accounting and other computer programai. Please fax resume: (905) 693-0051 M.dcy .........8:II30-5:00 Tusday ........9 00- 500 W .&dmsday... 9:00.5:00 Thuvsdy ........ 8s30-5s00 avdy .:00.5:00 166 CareersBai Community Resource Services CRS is a privat, non-profit communiiy based ageacy providiag a range of programs and services Io youih involvtd wiih, or al risk oi involvtmeti n, tht Young Otaendar sysiam. CURRENTLY, OPENINGS EXIST FOR: RESIDENTIAL COUNSELLORS (Roee Position:) To pronid sopervisinmoirigadassan nf yooth within an open dtenin/cusody residentlal program. An understanding nf an individnalized apprnach to programming ia addition tn group skitis are reqoirements for these positions. An abiliiy in renpond in crinis situations and mainiain a sallt and cariop envirnment os nosential. QUALIFICATIONS: Commonity Coilege Dipioma in a related field (CYW preinrrd) plon 2-3 years noperienco in a nimilar environment. An onderotanding of the Young Otteoder nysiem and relevant leginlation would be a deiiniie asset. OUALIFIED APPLICANTS ARE REOUESTED TO APPLY IN WRITING TO: COMMUNITY RESOURCE SERVICES 3365 Harvester Rd. Buriingion, ON L7N 3N2 Fax: (905) 632-6560

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