THE RFGIONA L MVUNICIPA!1TY 0F HALTON - NOTICE TO CH'IZENS - AR YOU INTRESTE IN HELPING RUN HALTON REGION? The Council of the Regional Municipality of Halton ta advertiaîng for appointments to various boards and commîttees, for a three year terin, to help make decisions on a variety of matters, such as development of community services, solid waste diaposal/reduction initiatives, water conservation and police services. These appointments give Halton residents, from a variety of backgrounds, a chance to volunteer their akilla to help run Halton Region. Regional Council wishea to ensure that its boards and committees reflect the diverse nature of its community and invites ail residenta of Halton te, consider these opportunities. Conmmitee/Board Elderly Services Advisory Committer Halton Agricultural Advisory Committe Hilton Regional Police Services Board Halton Waste Management Site Advisory Committee Halton Watr Conservation Advisory Committer Joint Municipal/Regional Waste Management Committre Royal Botanical Gardens Board of Directors W.A. (Bill) Johnson Biosolida Management Centre Advisory Committee Responsibilities Provides a meana by which community agencies, associations, institutions, and tise public may provide advice t0 tise region 10 ensuis ihat tise besi service continues 10 be available to the senior residents of Halion. This advisory committre requirs citizens ftom tise senior housing sector (1); icgional non-profit communiiy service providers (2); private long-term cure facility/residential bonme (1); private community services serving seniors (1); seniors-at-large (4); and one citizen-at-large. Tise advisoxy commutter meens on tise second Tuesday of each monts at 2:00 pim. fer approximately 2 hours in tIhe Halion Regional Centre or other locations igreed 10 by thse conunitter. Additional bours may be required depending on dise option of sub-comnmittee participation. For more information, cai Maia Antonakos, Coordinator of Commuinity Services. ext. 7104. la seeking 5 citizens-at-large t0 asaisi in developing and maintaining s pemsanenily secure, economicaliy viable agnecultural comnmunity as an important comportent of Halton's economic base. Applications are invited from citizena with knowledge and experience of Halion'u agsicultural community and fiamilianity witb agricultural issues. This advisory comminee meets on the firut Tlîesday of the monts as 8:00 p.m. in tie Hilton Regional Centre for appmoximately 3 bours. Additional hours may be required depending on thse option of suli-committre involvement. For more infonmation. cati Party Munkittrick. Senior Planner, ext. 7209. Il should be nnted that Bil 10-Poice Servlcea Amendaneuit Act, 1997 wb"d provides for une dllzens appolilment, bsu net yet liees prodlahaed althougl i i l expected some timae la December. Thse Boardl is reponsible for dis provision of adequate and effective police services in Hilton. Il muss saiisfy itsf tsat tie standards issurd by dis Ministry of die Solicitor (Jeneral and Correctional Services are upiseld. Involvensent in tise day-to-day opec"ng decisionu of thse police service is pmisibited. Tise Board morts a miànimum of 12 timon a year, on due fourth flursday of each montis, il day, commoncing as 9:00 a.m. Meetings ame ield in tise Hiton Police Services Headquarters Building or may lue lseld on a rouational biais througisout tise Region. Applicanla muai be willing t0 commiit to a minimum of 20 isours per montis for Board business. isowever, tlsis cmn increase dramaticilly if mombers ire involved in negotiations. Severil special board meetings and otiser functions ar esld tisroghout tise yran AIl applicante will be required 10 apply and secure a security cîrannce as tise Police Services Records Bureau. For Board information cai Lillian Waldie-Lawson, Executive Drctr, Hiton Regionil Police Services, est. 5014. For application aidlor selection information, eati Joan Eagtesisim, Regionil Clerk, est. 7237. la sreking 6 ciizens-at-large t0 asist in recommonding actions for tise avoidance or minimization of off-site impacts from tise waste managemont site. This advisoiy commnitter morts quarterly. or as required. onsa Tisursday rvening from 7:00 pim. in09:00 p.m. as tise Hilton Waste Management Site, 5400 igbway 25. Milton. For more information cill Vie Lrsnicki. Manager, Waste Management Service, est. 7689. la srrking 4 citizens-at-large to assist in tise continurd development and implementation of a comprebensive watrr conservation plan for Hilton. This advisory committer morts as 1:00 p.m. on tie finst Wrdnesday of esel monts for approximatrly 3 hours in tise Hiton Regionil Centre. Additionil hours nsay be reqaired deprnding on tise option of suli-commiàttre involvemont. For information. mai Vine Saffoletta Director, Customor and Administrative Services, rat. 7940. la seeking 6 citizens-at-lirge t0 advise tise Planning and Public Works Comminree and Regionil Council on wiste management matters genemally. ir. minimize wastr going to tise landfill site titrougis sucis activities as reduction, reuse and rcycling (3Rs) of solid waste genrratrd sn Hilton. Meetings ar esld quasrerly in tise Hilton Regionil Crntre for approximasely 2 boum. For more information, mai Vie Lessieki, Manager Wastr Management Services, est. 7689. lThe Board of Directors of tise Royal Botanimil Ganlens is seeking 1 citizen at-large t0 iselp provide leadershsip and policy drvrlopment t0 masure tise RBG's mnission, policies. and strategies are appropiate and curreni. The Boad morts approximately 5 times per year from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ai tise Royil Botanimil Gardens Headquaritrs in Budington. Additionil bsouts may be requird deprnding on tise option of suis-committre invoîvrisent. For more information mai Sharilyn tngramn, Director. (905) 527-I1158. Is serking fonr citizens-at-large in provide advice on issues wisich affect tise operation of tise Biosolids Management Cere. and to address tise avoidance aid/or minimization of potentiil off-site impacts. This is a Hiton owned fiacility wisose daily operation is tie rsponsibility of an outside contractor. A minimum of four meetings will lie iseld per year witis additiunal meetings taking place as tise cai of tise chair. For more information mai Vie lesoieki, Manager, Waste Management Services. ext. 7689. lnterviewing Commuttera will recommrnd qualified candidates for these positions 10 Regional Couneil. Application forms for these appointments may be obtazned frons: The Regional Clerk Regional Municipality of Halton Il151 Bronte Road -Oakville, ON L6M 3L1 Office Hours: 8:30 s.m. to 4:30 p.m. Telephone frons froro frons frons Burlington/Oakville Miltonfréronto, Halton Hilîs Guelpis/Acton Hamilton/Alderssot (905) 825-6000 (905) 878-8113 (519) 853-0501 (905) 639-4540. Completed applications wiIl be rcrived by tIhe undersigard uniil Monday, December 15, 1997. interviews will be conducted during the monih oflJanuary, 1998. Joan A. Eagleshami -Ra Cerk* The Canadien Champion, Fniday, November 28, 1997 - 23 CrmeSt ,'rso I- aio Handguns stolen A burglary at a rural Georgetown home has detectives searching for guns and jewelry. Crime Stoppera hopes you can help. Between 9:30 arn. and 2:55 p.m Saturday, Nov. 15, a aide door was forced ai a home on No. 10 Sideroad. Once inside, the thief went through several rooms in a search for goods. Antique jewelry and watches as well as some cash were taken. 0f parsicular concemr to the police is that a safe contain- ing a number of handguns and a box holding compatible ammunition were also stoleîî.. It is brlieved a vehicle would have been necded to carry the stolen property - eatimated to be worth at least $4,300. If you cati auggest a possible suspect, or if you noticed something that midght help solve the case, Crime Stoppera wants to hear from you. Any information received will be tumned over to investi- gators in strict confidence. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other case, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000. You need not give your naine and your infor- mation cati be taken with complete anonymity. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to cail display. Caîl 1- 800-222-TEPS or 825-TIPS. Police Blotter Houses ransacked Three house break-ina were about the biggest crimes reporteci to, Halton Regional Police over the lasi week. - A Tremaine Road reaidence waa ranaacked between 3 a.m. and 12: 10 p.m. Tueaday, said Det. Sgt. Ron Welsh. The thieves stole a 32-inch television, VCR and cash after breaking in through a aide door. - A coin batik was ail that was stoen between 2:30 and 5 p.m. Sunday from an unlocked Syer Drive home. - About $1,000 worth of property was removed fmom a No. 5 Sideroad residence between 1:30 and 3 p.m. November 20. Thieves entered through a rear door and took two VCRs, a 35 mm camera, a ahotgun, silverware and costume jewelry. Museum closes down efrom FARM on page 1 tion who would like to come in and use the site for events, with- out being tied down to, a six or I 2-month lease," aaid Mr. Monte. The board is targeting potential usera such as eqtipment manu- facturera and suppliera who may want to ahowcaae new products, as well as agri-buaineas entrepreneurs who require big facilities for special events. Halton North MPP Ted Chudleigh aaid that while the Ontario government has -handed over control of the Farm Muiseum, they did provide the private consortium with a $325,000 subsidy thia year and would continue to offer funding - in $300,000 and $275,000 annual increments - over the next two years should the Farm Museum remain open. In the meantime, Mr. King said efforts will be made to sale- guard the wide asaortmnent of antiques and artifacta on the 80-acre facility. wwwreioaltononca E