The Canadien Champion, Friday, Novembar 28,1997 - 21 .Datelin e Dateline is a free listing of comning events only. The col- umnn is available t0 local community groups to assist in pro- moting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. Friday Nov. 28 It's Hot Meal Deal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., at 11:45 a.m. nie event features a hot lunch and fellowship. Saturday Nov. 29 Cedarbrook Home, a respite and hospice for terminally-ill chul- dren, holda a dinner/dance. nie reception from 6 to 7 p.m. is fol- lowed by a buffet dinner and dancing to a disc jockey. Tickets cost $75 per couple or $40 for singles and are available by calling Maggie Walladora at 878-1732. nie Kilbride School Craft Sale takea place from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. To reaerve a table, caîl Debbie at 335-0766. Sunday Nov. 30 nie Milton Choriaters presenta Silver BelIs, a family Chriatmas concert at Holy Roaary Church at 3 p.m. Special gueata include the Milton Children's Chorua, St. David'a Junior Choir from Campbellville and St. Andrew'a Handbell Choir from Guelph. Admission coats $10 for adults and $8 for seniors and students. Children aged 12 years and under and admidtted free. Tickets are available at Peggy's, Delacourt's, at the door, or by calling 875- 4588. nie Allendale Family Couineil holds a general meeting at 2 p.m. at 185 Ontario St. S. (meeting room no. 1). The agenda includes pharmacy, consent to treatment, DNAR and staffing changes. Monday Dec. 1 nie Victorian Order of Nurses holda a foot care clinic at the Harmnony Court apartments, 111 Ontario St., from 1:30 to 4 p.m. The cost is $15. For further information or an appointment, caîl 827-8800. Foot care clinica are by appolntment only. tt's Hot Meal Deal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity, Centre, 500 ChilIda Dr., at 11:45 s.m. The event features a hot lunch and fellowship. Tuesday Dec. 2 Taking Charge of Your Rheumatoid Ai-thi-itis, an education session for persons with rheumatoid arthritis, is presented at Milton District Hospital. An occupational therapiat and physio- therapiat are the guest speakers. For more information, contact the lnflommetory Rowel Disease Only the Pain is predictable. Wlth your help, a cure wilI be found Crohn's and Colinis Foundation of Canada 1-800-387-1479 WHeWL LITN E R HER ON BO. OM e N hospital at 878-2383, ext. 2260, or the Aribritia Society at 522- 5235, ext. 101. The 'Tree of Caring' is lit on the Milton District Hospital grounds at 7:30 p.m. nie Milton Choristers are on hand to lead Christmas camîls followed by refreahments aerved inside the hos- pital. Wednesday Dec. 3 It's Hot Meal Deal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., at 11:45 s.m. nie event features a hot lunchan fellowship. Thursday Dec. 4 28 eR T ST .MLON8829 Womnan Dies Laughing in Restaurant.. A Campbellville woman had a near death expenience as she laughed so hard she almost had a coronary! This is an unConfirmed statement by a /-sý0 man who has asked that his *:~ identity remain anonymous. 5II The next Yuk Yuk's Comedy Dinner Show appears LIVE at - the Mohawk Inn on Sat. DeC. 13. Caîl (905) 854-2277 now for tiCkets-you won't want to miss this one!! Book now for your Corporate Christmas party at the Mohawk Inn! And Coming soon- our New Year's Eve Party on Wed. DeC. 31, iflIud- ing Grand Buffet and DJ Dance-cal to book today! Mjîiareii)k Inn more than a great overwite stay Hwy. 401 & Guelph Une Milton/Campbellville Email: MaCKINNON GERHARD& RUDYI 53 MAIN ST. E.IWTRAL 1878-53301PN PONTIAC BUICK CADILA Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., frmm 1 to 4 p.m. The cost is $15. For further information, ealu 875-168 1. Foot care clinics are by appointment only. 'Me Community Policing Coxnmittee holds its monthly meet- ing at the Milton station on Childs Drive at 7 p.m. nie citizen- based group addresses crime and policing-related concerna in the community. nie public is welcome to bring their concerna. Police officers attend meetings. PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE e CARPET e VINYL e LAMINATE HARO WOD Rec. Room Carpet....$ 7.95 sq. yd. Berbers .. . . . . . . .. $ 9.95sq. yd. Hard Twist ... .....$10.95 sq. yd. No Wax Cushionei Vinyl ... $ 9.95 sq. yd. Rg Store Hours: Fni 1000-500 Set. 9:00-4:00 204 Bronte St., Unit 5, Milton Cail 905-876-3343 ii W20l li AASERVICE HOURS: M909050 FNJDAYOk 8: ISP-I:0LR SA 5D . .9-1. ISOOP Located on Hwy 25, 87 m7 00 jus not of 401v~ Authorized Dealer for Janoine & Husqvarna YOUR CENTRE FOR SEWING EXCELLENCE FABRI NENTOY CERNE OFF a ail computerized embroidery cards * alsewbig machine 25% OFF Sulky, Madeira, Guterman Threads AU Woolly Nylons-PlainlMetalic AU Trims/Rbbon Sale ends Set. Dec. 6,1997 Trafalgar Village Mail ~E~ S125 Cross Ave., Oakvills 14 AMn- WUd. 9:30, Thora à Hi. 9:304" î' Set 9:3", Cba.d SoesdyN in9(5> 844-2782 ;RE~ Visît our website at»c STORE YGUR BOAT, TRAILIER OR RV IN OUR COMPOUNO G OkET THE KEY! which appeared in the November 25 Champion an error occurréd. The 1995 Suburban should have been priced at $34,995 flot soId; The 1996 Sunfire should have read $14,675 and shown as SOLD. The Champion regrets these errors and apologizes for any inconve- nience that may have been caused. GEAT SELEDn & UNSuAL PRiRs oN oui Bat FoEBmsl For Great Christmas kidas, corne in and browse. 876-2836 724 Main St. E. Milton (naxVto " i Go Stofion) orvisit Our Wob Sbl @ www.4hoon HiIs.comn.clmadno