8 The Canadian Champion, Fniday Novomber 21, 1997 Hornby residents worried about corridor development Several Hornby area residents turned up at the Halton Hilîs Civic Centre recently for a public meet- ing on the town's plans to intensify industrial develop- mient in the Steeles Avenue-Hwy. 401 corridor. Halton Hulis needs to make zoning and officiai plan amtendmnents in the corridor - located south of Steeles Ave. to Hwy. 401 between Winston Churchill Blvd. and the James Snow Parkway - 10 allow for industry on urban services, which are expected there after 1998. Types of industry the changea would per- mit include manufacturing, telecommunications and industrial mails. Among the concems raised by the residents about thse town's plans weoe increased traffie, particularly tnucks, on Steeles Ave. Area. resîdent Robert Gracey called the traffic on Steeles "overwhelming." He suggested a service moad along Hwy. 40110o alleviate thse problems. Hornby resident lames Snow said Steeles Ave. would have to be a five-lane road with continurous tumning lanes 10 accommodate the industry. He added hie didn't want to see one stoplight after another on Steeles between Homby and Milton. Mark Fedoniw of Homby called for an interior road to be developed in the industrial ares. He stressed the traffic on Steeles Ave. is much greater than it was when the Hwy. 401 industrial corridor study was done in 1994 and a new traffic study should be done. Randy Howden of Homby also complained about the truck problems on Steeles Ave. and stressed Hornby Park should be left as il is. "You also plan to encroach on Hornby Park -- which I don't believe you have any right 10 -- because it was given to the people of Hornby," said Mr. Howden. Mr. Howden also mentioned that hie understood the Cashway building in the corridor near Milton had been built without a permit. Town staff confirmed construction on thse building had started without a per- mit, the building companry had been charged and a stop-work order had been issued. 'l am outraged 10 hear that another major project is underway on Steeles Ave. without a building permit," said Mr. Snow. Mr. Snow said hie is beginning 10 understand this is just common policy in Halton Htils. Halton Hilîs' deputy planning director, Karen Pianosi, said she will report back 10 municipal counicil on the public meeting early in thse new termi. Newot pote GRnderscore Gduagnk(oer n d sinr'seyGn grmte toi By HOWARD MOZEL Special to The Champion A grim ad campaign is being used 10 illustrate an equally grim reality - the death toîl of drinking and dniving. A new poster bears the slogan: "Drinking and Dniving - It's Been Done to Death." Between sentences on the grim black backdrop is a skull. It was unveiled last week during the offiï- ciaI kick-off of the 1997 Red Ribbon Campaign sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Canada. Everyone fromn Halton Regional Police Chief Peter Campbell to representatives of MADD Halton was blunt about the toîl exacted by impaired drtving. Considering the stakes, says MADD Canada, more such initiatives are vital: 4.5 Canadians die every day and another 300 injured as a result of impaired driving. It's no surprise, then, that Chief Campbell characterized MADD's work and the police's efforts as a "war." "It is important 10 help people help themselves 10 be preventive," said Halton Regional Police Services Board vice-chair Tony Gabriel. At the event MADD Halton president Stephanie Dooley oficially donated a new $12,000 Intoxilizer breath testing instru- ment to Halton Regional Police - the sec- ond such device donated in as many years. MADD Halton purchased the equipment entirely through the procecds of last year's Red Ribbon Campaign and various fundraisers. According 10 police, the Intoxilizer is not more accurate than a Breathalyser but it is faster. Its computerized components also allow no room for reader error. Cops need musical talent The Hatton Regional Police Chorus is looking for an accompantist. The chorus provides entertainruent at numerous police and community events. "We are currently seeking an accompa- nist to join us in continuing our communi- HE£R'BAL HOVR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 AT 7:30 PM 377 COXE BLVD., MILTON We invite you to hear our guest speaker educate us on: Herbs, Water, Food, Nutrition and how these can be used to create a better quality of life f or you and your loved ones. Seating is limited SO be sure to caU in advance 876-4414. This educational seminar is intended to inform and enfigbten on the subject of nuflhlmonal supplemnentatlon and basic healah requlrennents. We do not lam that herbes can cure aoytilhng but wr beheve that If the body is tedt propefly it bas the abintty tu btl itseil. tttonsoed SsACT NATURALLY Mobn 876-4414. ty work while ait the samne time promoting the image of the Halton Regional Police Service," said Sgt. Frank Phillips. For further information about joining the group, cail Patricia Wildes at 825-4777, ext. 5042. fl- GEORGETOWN CINEMAS Il\ 235 GUELPHl STREET 873-1999 LAST SHOWT1UES. NOV. 25--[j MR. BEA^N Ev.ningulOWpjn.&$OOpJn- Sat.&Sun.2eOpitb O START WED. NOV. 261 FAN FLUSBER t mb Evahg716p.m. à flpi. - sit. &Su. .000 pJL Evonlng 7:00 p.c. &9:00 P.M. hetrmn frd"MIiW Cawuhgstar * cý OC Er¶1(. FAU