Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 1997, p. 4

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The 12-year Buy a Bulb Campaign is in its seventh year oflignsRg Up the Trec of Caring. DoorKsI of $10 or maie can buy buibs to bonour ion loY'ed Oncas and liglit up a large tree on thc Milton District Hospital Thec Milton District Hospital Foýundation fundraiser is underway for another ycat. Donora of' $10 to $49 wiil be responsi- bic for lighuing a single buib on thse tree ansd wîfl reccive a fluffy ornement. Donors of $50 to $149 wiil ligbî a smail string of lighs andi reccive a red andi golti poinsettia-shapeti ornement. A donation of $150 or marc wilhight a lare string of buibs and! ie donor will seceive thc scvemth ornement in a limidt- ed-edîtion seres entitded 'The 12 Days of' Christmaes.' The cmmpaign has rajet about $220000 over die lest six yceas to hclp funti boapital equipsuent. Donations this year will hclp purchase a $300,000 car- diac monitoring systens. Chequcs shouiti be matie payable ta the Milton District Hospital Fountiation anti forwerded ta thie foundation at 30 Dcrry Rd. E., Milaon, Ont., L9T 2X5. Remember Last Winter? u~anPP~t Be Reaidy? Cao n ~ ~ o yo ur an Ywune-up io A Benefit Concert in support of Drop-In Centre A Christian Ministry to the youth of Milton Sunday, November 23, 1997 7:00 p.m. Knox Presbyterian Church 170 Main Street East, Milton (wheelchair access at Mary Street entrance) Father Marks~ new album "He Is Born" will also be available on CD and Cassette Tickets - $10.00 per person, available at The Postal Zone, Milton Mail 878 Northend Nissan, 610 Martin St. 878 Delacourts, 227 Main St. E. 878 For further information contact: Wordsong Communications (905) 876-3379 -2525 -2471 -0050 This announcement is compiments of Paul D. Lonergan Insurance, Milton Halton Region Iooking at facelift for Martin House 1~ By BRAD REAUME The Champion In one af its lest actions af the termi Halton's health and social services committee agreeti ta consider reno- vating Martin House. The region will study a refit of tbe 100-bed long- terni care facility, tbe st vestige aof Halton Centennial Manor at Allendale. Committee bas struiggled aver juil what ta do witb the aging building, which bas maom ta bouse a total ai' 150 residents. Several councillars support tbe ecanamnies of scale associated witb maintaining tbe building and keepîng the facility near Ailendale. Otbers bave pushed for a new camplex ta be built in Oakville or Burlingtan, wbere moat ai' Halton's popu- lation is located. The committee agreed ta apply for capital funding ai' tbe facility and include tbe project in 1998 budget cansitierations. Recammendatians an thse refit include $3.3 million in construction options. Many ai' tbe issues involved in the refit appear ta revolve araund pbasing. One suggestion would bave Uic firat fiaar ai' tbe building refitted initially and resi- dents movcd ta free up thc second floar ta renavate. Third floar residents would be maved ta Uic second floar wben it is completei. However tbe first floor space is currently being leased ta Milton Cammunity Information Services (MCIS). Pat Heraux, president ai' La)cal 261 ai' tbe Ontauio Public Service Emplayeca Union, repoesenting about 300 Allendale andi Martin House emplayeca, saiti tbe report bas been favourably reciveti by union ment- bers. Sbe said Uiere was some concem aznong ber gmoup that Uic renovatians would pracceti witbaut govem- ment guarantees of i'unding for tbe atiditianal beda. Regianal social services cammissioner Bannie Ewart said funtiing announcements are expected by Uic province ncxt Apsil. Ms Heroux added tbat tbe proposeti first phase is nat costly campareti ta -thse total praject anti stresseti tbe need for immediate building impravements, as well. Tbe prapoacti liat for initial impravements incluties: Hot water cantrols, outdoor ligbting, new kitcben equipment, fire alarmn upgraties, additional wasb- moins, sai'ety grills on windows, and enclosing exist- ing balcanies. Glenn Galdstraw ai' Uic Allentiale Family Cauncil said bis group supports the reticvelopment plans. He said a survey ai' residents and tbeir families revealed no consensus on wbat aspects ai' Uic building aboulti be addoessed firat. "Generally cosmetic tbings trailcti requesta for i'unc- tianal neetis," bie said. "Lets get an wiUi it and start rigbt away." Ms Ewart said capital i'unding approvals fram tbe province aie very slow, In some cases tbcy came only after tbe i'acility bas been in operation for several years, abe noteti. "If smc ai' Uese groups; bad waited ta secure i'und- ing befare praceeding tbey wauld be 4 or 5 years dawn tbe roati and still be witbout a i'acility," Ms Ewart said. Burlington Cauncillor Jack Dennison said Uic bulk ai' Uic iunding for tbe praject wiul perbapa not be nec- essary until 1999. He said bie seas confident i'unding ease FUNDING on page 12 î1 rlut riqwuux 10 0 Io 40'0 oFF 1

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