The Canadien Qhwrilof, Tuesday, Nove<nber 18, 1997 -3 Postcards from the 'burbs demand a tax bottom Une By BRAD REAUME The Champion Halton politicians took tbeir grievances to Queen's Park Tuesday momning in the forro of 18,000 poat- carda. The postcards came from residents concemred with the financial fallout of downloading provincial respon- sîbilities onto property taxpayers. lIn an event engineered for maximum publicity about 10 large plastic bags were dropped at Premier Mike Harris' office by Halton politicians. Those in attendance included Milton Mayor Gord Krantz, bis counterparts from Halton His (Marilyn Serjeanîson) and Burlington (Walter Mulkewich), Oakville's deputy mayor Stan Weir and Halton Chair Joyce Savoline. Premier Harris has pledged on several occasions to keep any shifts 'revenue neutral' to municipal govero- ments. Wbile municipalities have been demanding detailed financial information the province has not provided it, even tbougb the shifts are scheduled 10 take place on January Il 1998. Mr. Harris said several montha ago bie would pledge revenue neutrality with "a pinkie swear", the same device he uses 10 make promises to bis children. "Well I'm sorry, you need more than a pinkde swear. We are not playing games," said Ms Savoline. She said the event was "the proper tbing to do" and that Halton bas taken the lead, with council fulfilling its promise to Mrng local concerois to the legislature. "If the plan is revenue neutral and such a wonderful story then share it," she pleaded. "We were promised extensive consultation and ail we've received is tokenism." Halton bas estimated a $400 average increase to property taxes across the region if the province fol- lows through with plans to pool social service colts within the Greater Toronto Ares (GTA), and shift responsibility for some programs. In retum the province bas agreed 10 psy 50 per cent of education costa previously bomne by municipalities. Ms Savoline said the postcards were included as part of a recent mailing 10 137,000 Halton bouseholds and businesses outliing the provincial plans. Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale said the 18,000 replies are "a statistically significant amount." She said with the downloading issue on the Oakville bal- lot, tumout increased 7 per cent in the recent munici- pal election over 1994. Ms Mulvale added she understands the need for financing services but pointed 10 income taxes as the proper source of those funda. "The big disappointment is how little the Toronto media knows or cares to know about the area around Toronto," added Ms Savoline. -We understand Toronto's need and we are quite willing 10 psy for il through our income taxes but not on the property tax." Halton chief administrative officer Barry Maîrosten said municipalities agree with the goals of the provin- cial government but need to know the substance behind the plan in order to make il work. In addition, Mr. Malmstcn pointed out that several of the announcements of shifts, including making Highway 5 and Highway 25 local roads, have been e*aee HALTON on page 12 Feared commission calis, only for amalgamation efrom ITS A on page 1 amalgamation." "Only by entering this process in a posi- The hospital bas 30 days to appeal the tive frame of mind will we achieve the best commission's findings. resulta for botb Milton and Oakville. The commission, whicb announced aIl of "Tbere will be issues to be resolved around its directions for Greater Toronto Area bow the board will be structured, bow staff hospitals in Mississauga Tuesday, expects and administration will be desît witb and the changes be be completed by the year bow the two medical staffs may come 2000. together." Elsewbere in Halton, Joseph Brant He said it's too soon to telif te amalga- Memorial Hospital in Burlinglon will mation will cause lay-offs. maintain ils separate goveming and man- TMe new partnersbip is 10 be in place no agement wbile Georgetown and District later Iban July 31, 1998. At thaf point the Memorial will amalgamate witb Peel Ministry of Healtb' s funding for the two Memorial Hospital and Etobîcoke General bospitals will flow mbt the new corpora- Hospital. The tbree sites will remain open. tion, tb be named by the existing boards. Commission chair Dr. Duncan Sinclair "We bave already been in contact witb said be believes the recommendations will tbe Oakville bospital and we botb feel we lead 10 positive change. can work well together 10 beat meet the "The measures will lead to improved needs of thse community," Mr. Flemington quality and better accesa 10 a wide range of said. services for thse residents of the GTA/905," But the commîssion's report isn'î ail lie said. golden for Milton, Mr. Halls pointed out. "Our recommendations 10 re-inveat in Il calîs for the bospital 10 reduce its 55 community-based services and t0 upgrade' seule case beds 10 32. However, il recog- and expand facilities will ensure that thse nuzes future population growth and desig- bealtb system will be able 10 meet the nates thse number of beda 10 increase by 11, needs of the community well mbt the 21s1 up teo43, by 2003. century." -We are currently reviewing their report However, the GTA/905 Healtb Care in more detail. We ftslly expect 10 bave a Alliance, representing 16 bospitals in number of questions and concemrs for tbem Durham, Halton, Peel and York, said the about the number of beds tbey have allo- commission will force residenls 10 fill boa- cated for our community and the budget pitl beds in Metro Toronto before increas- figures tbey bave comne up witb," the exec- ing services dloser 10 home. utive director said. Alliance officiais said tbey were particu- 'lThose are the more tecbnicai arguments larly concemed that the commission did and concema we bave. At Ibis point, we not recommend the expansion of specialty expect 10 be quite supportive of the services in the bigh growtb areas or ade- appoah that the commission bas~ taken quate funding to meet existing and futurej &M"aeqoaeEvN DOWN PAYMENT 4329m + taxes <42 Month Leeso.)