Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 1997, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, FrIday, Novoniber 21, 1997-21 1 Ar, r'anarnl Hein Wrnter I iLS (~~enemI Hein Wmnted To ail Employers in «B Halton You may be eligible to recoivo a subsidy 0f up to .~$3000 to help dol ray the costs oaf training young ê skllled workers, ages 18-30. Job Opportunlties for Youth is a unique proloct sponsored by Human Resourcos Development ce Canada. Over 80 Halton employers have already benieflted f rom this programl e Do you have a fuil-time position to f III? -Have you been in business for over 2 yoars? For more information caîl CD Michalie Mu.u wr 333-3499, Ext. 109 O Halon Aduit Education - Elgin Campus e l11 5151 New Street, Burlîngton UTO Gorrud Due ta tIse continsing grewiis of Automnotive aur erganizaian we have a paxi- Servce lien available fer ICuatemer P r li e Service Represetatave" sis otar P rli e astaneotive Service Centre. opportuflity Pt-miens expertence ix tise auie- Customer metive field i preferod. Service Applicatiens are welcomed frein Representative .naeifemale candidates wiîh Fax your resume to Larry Gibson. Service manager 905.875.2279 The highese qualty servce requires the hlghest quailty pceoplc. Faix yotir reSUM Io tic aiicriîioli of l'al Kotack 905.875.2279 excellent maronner sernice skihs. We n leehang for an indinidual aise willi dir1 direcdy with eue- teniersaind set-vice techniciens. Solai cemnaicatien and et-gant- zatien kIelle irle neceeaary. Tis is a part dîne peostion. ;You are an experienced teous mnanner who le able 10 juggle many tak ai once. You have excellent keyboarding ekills and a proficiency in Microsoft Office. Ready for a chal- lenge? Please uend a resumne and cover letter explaining how you con contribute to an extroor- dinary eeam. Dealeruhip experience is an acces. 150 Sales HeID HARROP GALLERY 345 Sleelas Ave. has an opportunity for a part Urne gallsry soies position. Suitable applicsnts muet have sorte compuier expealonce and b. wllng ti work weelssnd nd evenlngs. Cal Chais Tuile 878-8161. SALES NELP wanied. Drop off resumne bi: Super A Videa, 5150 Ontario Street South. Million. 875- 3M). SALES CORRESPONDENT We are seekîng an enthusîastîc person for our Inside Sales Department. Some computer skills and pleasant foie- phono manner are an absofute necessity. Please send resume f0: ROBERTSON WHITEHOUSE 97 Bronte Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 2N8 or Fax to (905) 878-2299 150 Sales HOliD GEORGETOWN AREA saire reqJlrss fflme salosporson. Expodoenosd I furnace, firepisce and A/C. Salary. comimission nd beneflts. Plsaa fax rosume nd soay oxpodidlona le: 906-77-4116. POULTRY Procsslng lnm ; o la currsnlly seslçlng a qualod indiviu I loin our sal3s tenu. Applicant muet b. outgoing. eno.gctlc ard pomes. good business sklls. Own vehlicle required. Piésa fax restons la: Solos Manager. CARPIENTERS wanisd for i"d work on hors. sielo. Tomporafll Urne work availb hi ir knimsdlt*l. Plins a qply bi Sslsmi Foncing Limlied, Carripbslvilis et (905)854-1895 or fax reume I (9w)>8154-34. HALTON CABLE SYSTEMS ..la growlng again. Wo currently have positions available for highîy motivated, friendîy people in the following ares: FIELD TECHNICIANS HALTON HILLSIMILTON SYSTEM *Entry Level Installations *Electronios Diplomo Required *Valid Driver's Licence No phono cadis plase. Reply with cover letter and resumé to: SERVICE SUPERVISOR WESTERN CO-AXIAL LIMITED 1603 Main Street West Hamilton, Ontario L8S 1IE6 FLEXO PRINTER Fully expenienced narfow wtb press operator oequired. Citas. pleasant work envireement. Steady days, feul company paid benefit package. Please caîl Judi Watkins et (905)-681-70t70 o r drop off resume in absolete confidence le: Tokmark Labe Sstm lac. 850- #23 Laglon B.ad Srlngten, Ontario, U7S 115 165 Hosn..Medical. Dental etc: CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT, required. Mli- ton office. Part Unrie leaaing tu full Urne. Fax resume hi 878-0684 Tues,-Thuraday i amn - 5 pm or cail 878-640 for more information. 166 Careers CHILD THERAPIST HALTON FAMILY SERVICES requires a perl-time Therapist (7.5 hours per week). A minimum ot 5 years experience wurking with childreu, adolescents and adeit survuvors ut childhood seoual abuse is essentiel. Qualifications: M.S.W. or equivalent TO APPLY PLEASE FAX RESUME TO. Mms. laoy Omeu, M.S.W., A.C.S.W. C.S.W. Ixnol, Drector HALTON FAMILY SERVICES FAX: (905) 84-3537 170 Davcare CARINO MOTHEN oflorsl dayca. Numilous snacks & lunches. Lois of T.LC. and oulcoor play. Reflerencos. 876-415. DAYCARE space availlable. Outings. crafts, snracks, lunches à meiepts. 876-4415. 170 Daycare MOTHER of two has spaoe available in home daycare. Reosiptsa nd references available. Lots T.LC. & fun. Maie, 876-2001. NON-SMOKING, ENERGETIC mother of lors a nurturing envinrnient for your chlld. FulVpnrt Urne. Reipts given. 876-4755. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE ofleeing quolity programs for childro 18 montis to 5 yens. Crafts, music & field trips. 878-755 210 Personal . ABUSEO and afrald? For holp oel 87-55 a 24-hour criase Sine for abuaed womon. Halto Womon's Placei la an omnergoncy alater aval able for abused women nd Ihewr chilefren i H1al- Ion Rogion. AIli colla are confidontil. ARE DRUOS cauarng you probloms? Narctics Anonymous con hslp. We moet Friday nights at Grace Anglican Church, Main Slreet Milion, at 8,00 p.m. ARE YOU SEING flociod by somone els drlnldng? Ai - Anion Famlly -Group meets sadi Monday nlght 8 p.m. at Si. Paulas United Church, bacit door (parking lot entrance.> 1-11100-1191- 4862. FRE! PREGNANCY TESTS. Phone 875-1246. NEAVENLY PSYCIUC $2.99/nin. 18+ 24 hours. 1-900-451-3783, Delly Horoscope. 1-90477- 7770, $5.00 - 24 hours. 19 DRINK14IG oeueîng you problesase? AI- cohollca Anonymous meet Tuoaday nights i Gracs Anglicanl Church, Main Stroet at 8.30 p.m. 1-0 -M02. SPOUSE CHEATINO? -E.R. Psychic Anmes. You cen lkr. Ratod #l. Police 100.000. Cdns. Uae us. Col" afiali 240irs. $2.99/mts. 18+. 14900-461-4056. 226 Vehliles Wanted ANY & AU. Ckrs/Trud., mini-vants. Runnlng or not. Cash paid. $50-$10,000. Faist, frae pick-up. 1-000472-ml2. 230 Vehicles for Sale *sire eawn, 1996-98 Vdndsta wagons hSm $3998no.i. Cod Tonyi Smyah 877-2261, Park Lincoln. MLS Ddvsayf. 1M9 Escorls Imm $250; 190 Myslquos/Contours frmm $360. Cal Tony Smyh 877-2281, Park Uinciohi. *998. Drlveawsy 1906 Explorer XLrs, froni $O59honih. Cal Tony Smyth 877-2261, Plark Lincoln. 190 WINDSTAR wagon. 357A oquippod, quod buckots, rear air, Iow kms. Ronriit smort 878- 3108, louve messago. 1985 DOOGE RAM 1500,5 apeed, 3.9 V6. short box. 72,000 kmns., blacke, $14.000 O.BO. 905- 339-757 & 905-878-9201 ak for Craig. 1901 RANGER Supercaa. XLT. 5 apood, nice unit. CatI Tony Smyth, 877-2261, Park Lincoln. 1988 AIRES, 4 cylindor, aulomnatia, good body, rune good. $750. 1983 Lonians Wagon, runs, great loadod, cerlifled, $600. (905> 603-153, Dave. 198 DODGECoIt 5 apeed, average kmsa., rune great vory good coniion. *1.500.878-81M. à<a GEORGETOWN %w TOYOTA* e, New & Used Car Sales *New & Used Car Leasing e Parts & Service- - Open SatUrdays 15 MOUNTAINVIEW RD. N. GEORGETOWN Located under the irSier tower SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITIl FAMILY VALUES WE -BUY -SELL- LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEI-ICLES IN MILTON .875-2277 230 Vehicles for sale AUTO INURANCE. W. insurle new drivera, thios wilh tidwts/acc.dents, no mnsurance. Best raie. Cal Warren, 519-853-4284. CRIEOIT PROBL? No crodit or b.d cot Oni UIC. FBA, WCB, Bankrupt? Need another chance? Short of cash? We cmn helpl Future Car Croit 906-339-700. 275 Movina j Storeas NEATED Storage avallable for Motorcyclea. &mal equipment etc. in Milton until April. Resonable raie. 876-339. 280 Wanted 1Q Rent WANTED, ROOM la rent or ahaed acoomoda- bon in amral apailment for mals. 49 yeara old, non-amnoker. 906-054-2692. 286 Townhouse For Rent 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOIJSE, 1-V/2 ba"i, gls hsd.2 paring aimses, no doge. *006/mnondi- Iy + uhIlIls. Avoal" Jmnuaiy 1/9. Nancy 875- colle. 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOME aval"i Decemnber 1. Single car guqage, air conillnhi. $1.075 par monih plus u#Iha. Cad Kerr Ra*W Maniage- ment Uld. (905) 876-047. INREE BIEDROOMI 1 1/2 bath. townhlouse, mat- i Million dlin roorn., .miar ensuille balh, garage, confrall air, etlc. $lOOOJmonth 416-377- 2567 or 416-53-1982.i Dec. l»h. 290 Auarments For Rent 1 MEDROOM, 2 km. kcm MIlan,osumn vlow. fireplace, broadloom. air oonitoning, private entrance, non-smokers. Avallable Decoma 1. (906>878-6653. ACTON. 2 Bedrom Apwarent.$700. plus uMile. Acion, on. bodmoom $560. plus. 519- 853-5000 (519> 853-5352. CONWAY Mean. Bright dean,ungn highrise. Froshly painl.ed. 1, 2 & 3 .om. Avaai from $595mondi. 333-946, 12 - 8 p.rn. GEORGIETOUN, large 2 bedo nh Viclrini home.11181O. plus. Achin, 2 bedroom upmg $700. plus utlula. Adaon, on bedroomn $560. plus. 51905M3-600 or 519063S-5352. JJLIUE TOWERS - Il MILLD Olt, MLTON 00W LEAM 1 à 2 Usésosu ralaIs em but iUs, hssIly hoend2 -pluie nd asllo hiai babi &à uliis («asoM phonoai à oeais>. Fms pukbm, ne pus Rguum -uiiiii 905-876-1240 Sy Appolntiment only_ NEW 1 BEDROON Apartment. indludos utiâthos laund.y. cable, $6senonth, non-omoker. Cali Day.. 876-3501. NEWLY DECORATED, spacicua one bedroorn apartmonit Appliance. paurking. gardoen. Guelph Line, Milton. $585. plus. 1-416-787-1125 or evieninga 1-416-781-9410. ONE BEDROOM Basoment Aparlment. Own entrance. No smoking/pets. $550./month inclusive. 876-0623. TREMAINE-LOWER BASE, self containod larg 2-boêroom upper floor i tarin rosionos. $598 plus utililios and anow romnoval. Roquire A-i roforoncos nd 2 montiha rent. No pets. (905> 274-5778. TWO BEDROOM apartment Milton, Available Jan. 1, 19W8. Nias quiet, dlean building. 876- 4678. 295 Shared Accommirodation BEAJTIFUL country setting. 2 roomna & share hous on monthly arrangement $325/month. 337-M6. HOUSE TO SUARE i Dorset Park area. Quiet pormson. Relerences roqsired. AvaloNs De. lot. 876-2844. HENDERVALE EQUESTRIAN COMPLEX requires lmmoridiately Experlenced AX Show Hunter/ Jumper Groom Accommodation avallable. Traveling involveti. FAX MIIN11111E TO US-82733 s o III 05-M2-2234

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