Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Nov 1997, p. 2

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2-a Ca.nnefian r.hamnirun T, is mdu iumiur 1iA 1 G07 If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 (CA OCWSION) A MM5 UP JOB... Etwyth'n CART 151 Nipissing Road, Unit 4&5 Milton, Ontario QI've had an accident. What should 1 do? A: Getting into an accident isn't fun, but unfortunate- ly accidents happen! Hawever if an accident occurs you should foilow the steps below: 1. Attend to injured. Cail police and, if neces- sary cail amrbulance Emergency number - 911. 2. Turn off the engine and leave the car where it is, if you feel ît's 0K to do so. 3. Obtain names, phone numbers and license plate number of witnesses. 4. Obtain information on other parties. 5. Keep calm. Do not admit fault at this time. 6. If your vehicle is not driveable, have it towed to, a collision repair orgartization of your choice. 7. Caîl your insurance broker/agent to inform Fo i ioinfomatio colest Childrn or Faile Reck a Ont ito, Coalon <AAR. 2. (905)od Elmyne RSAR M.u Tangu (905) 80 us6o0 th Inent tratpn//awwcastnart sgoam IndividuaelPs Toest iles. &s aills sa 11,Sch snbek-,a a Ebymehhry mM.us aheas95)85-00 1epeind ma taheal; pie as ea ls leo ye widu nd 1aïg Ilshave accete eead s e n o. ans tadul s andi h ave iffial y i aMta& As ndt daef haaa a e mach e ahidhand ltsrte ahe a ah, aI féechlaMea Iha s ha uae aU aaaellag ain ul aaaon e mise la.ng haeve a wsvey eoarmldhal lu a ned mnw idims- ingt resua nu ii is called Pm TMovesa tess. snu condito Reecans accisdent a evin a grea d of cnisc asenilosuy miig dise «i rpesutiai aitocal wsbekl corasan i lurnturs waei saan which sinl at sc haesa 51 ueficesor qiyus asivne. arn ltss l ave difmlt bi hav css orplteu darnin sud hve f i n ins ueh sas siauhul ly e acnuusled osintecniues lha caplala ue, ia doue cen eaing ue eau-m hesse smsh l h s are inrdresmins lahpr eacn dis.Smeo thsm at seul d whan samke a aatse sundicas jrampng eaati lyan chasse. Ilyecniquieds apaeuts whisatasn as halas e fsetive. s lk psasahd1 ee dusue s. hDiDvrap ym a ta t lacis a mhd dhis neyag assd fias asz tuaI yesas cas ias duapstMapopsed duSMveen esuy isaio an sesalass cas nua s uealetS po ditlesesi n has ue y eelv. 1 peven du o gassy duem have humsf thessge asaini as esa e n msi nh cd.i suesslly e ue sh as mtd is tn due to sehaian hemde su fo elln ascivsn the ushs mentl id dis ysie.u i i s nuuosessà ibis ofeemv melhds s u ha dus alie ptdeghaituatin esCtpOOoze oaiuslsced lreaoga les t pne mo se e udearueit eg . forrlica sle ars. Th is uln.espeia he uslope Sage and Thyme of Aromatherapy PENNY IDLEY876-0061 Q :What je sromatherapy? Ai: It is a cariag, hands-an therapy which seeles ta iaduce relax- ation, ta, increase energy and to reduoe stress. Aranatherapy works with the medicinal properties af essential ails ta bring about healing. Esatritiai oila stinulate the bady's natural deitace - the immune systen. The canbiaaition af using ara- matie oils and massage have farmed a part of medical practice for over 4000 years. Tht essentiai oils are naturally distilled front planta whoee nild nedicinal praperties are used ta trat various ailmnents. Th oils are oeadily sbsorbed by the skia and thus are ideal for akin peoblens, muscular aches and sinus pain. Ail essatial oils have anti-bacterial prapertits dsus affrrig an additionai treatnent in cambating certain ailnenta. Aranatherapy bs a great help with stress relnted disarders, sont of which indude; PMS, anxiety, depression, isosmna and digestive disorders. the massage bs bath physicaly and nental- ly relsxing. Aay therspy which bs genuintly relaxiag is going ta caunter set the siegative effects ai the stress which. contribuhas so nuch il heali today. Armotherspy is unique in diat it bs the only treatment where medicinal remedies are successfifly coi- biaed with a body contact therapy. Bath aspects are equally important and it bs tis conbination of massage ad essenhial a CaH for an appo 50 Main t. a itcriiae eaia M da i lon mnarl o, LOT I Sag ad ye ofgetomnar 04W B.E Sa. LA RECE Ch. SC. 0.~ CHa. cte oCsreO Foot SpecialietHRODPIS A:~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~5 Mu etaeesnilfray aiy niaan tht mo.t negiectc partai aur o. MOnytaieLO hav pbe m B. t ae. us D. C ama and Thei astis Qufite aofe heep rit. A:Oulema are stiaa for an caplicatiand are. Tt ne mst bs laaking far sameane ta manage these prablema for you. There are many individuais perfarinag foacr ramns You can finci their adverttsemnents throughaut the commuai- ly It bs esseattal far tht public ta knaw thal tht educatian uisers immensely between Faat Specialists and tht other providers. A Foot Specialist ts aChirapodist/Padiatrist, wha has haci a mrinimum, ai 3 years ai specialty training for the treatment ai disease, dysiunctian, ar disorders af the foat and lawer limb. Most Foot Specialista, like nyseli, have an undergrad- uate degres before enteriag this training. Kee p ta mind, there are individuais pravidiag lastcars with as littie as five weeks ai trsaing. Mhen you are treateci by a Faot Specialibt a patient hbstasy bs slwnys taken ta enable us la review yaur medical hbstary. There are many medical conditians which can directly effecl aur legs and feet. Therefore, a trealmeat is nat just s triai- mingi ofaur ais ar whal ever il may ha, it bs the medical hbstary, biameclianical exam, circulatary and neuralogical testing, the treatment, iolwear acivice, preventian advice, etc. Sornt people, such as diahatica, are at mare risk than others andi shaulci have te leel cheekeci regularly. There bs nathing mare important un fle, than yaur htath. Make sure yau are receiviag the hast treataient for your feet, frain a proltasianai. fJMONEY ri1CONCEPTS FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTRES I S Finonci Pliong as Rairemneni Planning *MutlalFunds-R.R.S.P. s.IC's-R.RI.F.s- Lite and O sabilky lesurance - Tax Shellars Tel: (905) 876-0940 d Fax: (905) 876-2934 Lau Mulligan CFIP 420 Mals Street East, Mllesn, Onlarlo LOT iPO) I'ým 69 years oidthis year. What do1have tudo wlh my RRSP'a? (Part 2) A:People agad 69,707 mutcner h RRSP's or face seni- oustaxconequnce. I fuure ths mst e dne he ya tum 69! Canveel your RRSP loa sRRIF as an "in kind" transfer. Ail your investnents stay tic samne, lhey jusl gel ciassified as a RRIF radier dn an RRSP. Yama do nos have to sali yoaar RRSP ssals ta sas np a RRIF. You cia tali your financia institution ta leave evarylhîng tha sanie for now, you jast waat it trants- ferred itthdi RR[F. Yeaar Banefit: Yonr RRIF is sas up on finie asnd you can sltill get the hast tinanciai plannoing advice hafare saiiing anyshing. 'The important siig is la nova your RRSP's itla aRRIF bafora dia end of Dacember of yaur 69th year! After Dacamber 3l1si, yaa can make sure diat you have dia righs typas af investinents ini your RRIF. RRIF's muss pay yau an incarne, so dia type of invastment is critical. If averylhiag is in 5-year GIC's, haw wiii you get die incarne out? Gel praper advice. Yaur RRIF invastmnent decisians donst ssed ta ha canpicated. Mauiey Concepts' Finaacial Advisars heip yeti get die required income oas af yonr RRIF, whiie stli shelsering your savinga and pasitiosasng your ssas for future gauvedi. For more abaut your invesîmenl options, contact Money Conicepts i 876-.090 Affiiiaied widi Moaey Concepts Gnsup Capital Corp. ¶'o adverUose pur servie in "lAsk Tbu Professi onail" cail.. 878o2341 WDAY! v 5.4'. s

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