CLA SFE MONDAY TO FRIDAY See Todays Champion for our new "Milestones? section.I To announce your spectal event, cali The Chaaineons f~~~~~i- P?ç if,.~,,., i7nnl HARRISON.MARSLAND, Kelly Harrison and Ian Mareland are plessed ta announce the birlh of Kathryn Elizabeth Maraland, on November 7, 1997, weighing 8 lbs. 10 oze. at the B.C. Women's Hocspital, Vancouver. Firat grandchild for Bcb & Elizabeth Harrison of Campbeliville, Ontaio, third for Tony a Elizabeth Maraland of Edmonton, Alerta. Firat time auntie Karyn and great auntie Marg have offered baby-sitting seevices. Or thanks to a great madical " famnily and friands fo thei support and good wishes. RS E-Proud parents Patidk and Nancy Cnes MacLeod) are de!ighted Io anniounce te long aweitad arrivai in London, Ontario of Madison Margaret, bcm Sunday, November 2, 1997 at 8:25 p.m. This special delivery weighed in at 7 lb. 3 oz. Proud grandparents are Malcolm and Huril MacLeod cf Milton, Ontario; Rachel and ltae lats John (Jacke) Roscoa formeily of Milton. Proud great grandmother la AMoce Turner cf Owen Sound. The latest addition ta te baseball teaml 05 Birthdays,, BIRTHDAY PARTIES at Springridge Farm. Wagon rides, iarmt animais, collect s chickaeris egg, haystack jumping, privata party rocm and lunch. Milton, 878-4908. 11i Halls & Caterers BANQUET ROOM AVAILABLE, tram 10 ta 100 persans. Ideal for Christmnas Parties, Banquets, Meetings, Showers. Nascar Sport Lounga, 878- 1880. 14 Weddina Services. PHOTOGRAPHY - Weddings or avent photography. Reasonably priced. References. Cal Steve or Louise (905) 878-4560. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - 100-115 proofs in album plus negatives. 15 years expeelence. Ral- able and reesanable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photcgrahy. 90-69-710. 30 Deaths MATHIES, Amos - Peacefuily at fils residence in Campballville, on Friday, Novamber 7th, 1997. Amos Mathies in file 851h yesr, belovad flua- band of Lilan Commons and lte tlle Gertrude (nea Parchem). Laving father of Paul and hie wife Sandfra: Clair (deceesed) and hie wife Kay, Donald and Ns wile Dlanne, Pauline andl her husband Jim Andes, Janoce and fier huaband David McAvoy, Tracey and fier husband Sterve Bruton andi Stepfather of Dianne Commons, Susan and fier husband Bert Kendall, Paul Commaons, Penny and fier flusband Myron Biefin andi Russell Commone. Sadly missesi by 27 grandoflilsiren and 12 great grandohilsiren. predeceasesi by Nse brothers Ivan and Lloyd and sister Luella. Funeral Service was held on Mionday. November lOtIt. Interment St John'$s Anglican Cflurch Cemetaiy, Campbelvlle. Ar- rangements dirougfl te J. Scott Early FuneraIl Home, 21 Jantes Street, Milton. 35Memorials am CCAC AN, Urri 93UAfLU Ii il ALTON " The CCAC of Haiton os a newly formed organization combining the services of lte former Home Care Program and Placement Co-Ordinalion Services. " The CCAC gives consumers a single acceos point ta a fui! range of long-term cars and otfercommunity services. * The Board of Directors of the Communit Cars Access Centre of Haiton is committed to OPENNESS, SERVICE and CHOICE. The Public la cordially invited ta attend bte next meeting cf bte Board of Directore. Meeting wilI stant at 6:30 p.m. DATE AND LOCATION: November 17,1997 For further information, cati: Million District Hospital 30 Derry Road East, Cîassroom Milton O N L9T 2X5 Linda Ferras ai (905) 639-5228 Ext. 8921 or ... if long distance dial 1-800-810-0000 Future meeting dates and locations to be announced. 37 ln Memoriams MCTRACH, Cohrn- In iovngenory cf da dter wifeanae who passed away vme 2 Alwaya rmmbrd 1ohn Marlon. Connl. & Famlly. REMEMBRANCES in the form cf donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciatad. 60 Auctions AUCTION SALE THURS., NOV. 13 AT 6:00 PM AT HUMEIS AUCTION FARM 9313 4th Uine (3 miles N.E. of Hilton) SHERWOOD & GORDON HUME 905-878-4878 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19 AT 6:00 PM Prevlsw tram 4:30 pin at the Agric.IIural Hall, Milton Falrgrounds, Robert St. Consistint of Exceptionai Furnisttings in Pine (armoire, fiat to mails, dry sinis, washstand et ai). Oak, 9 pre. cining room sel, iighting, glass & china, toys, siecoratives, primitives andi more. Terms: Cash, cheque with 2 pcs. 1.0. Listing avoulable by tas or phone. JON MEDLEY. Ajictionser 990518078-2647 65 Lost or Straved BLACK & white Tabby Cat, femnale, front pates declawed. CalI 878-6270. 78 Firewood DRY mixed harctwood (Maple, Oak & Yegow Birch) approxsnnately 16 in. lengtfis. Pick-up or delivered. CalI Jce Crisci at 878-4024. 80 For Sale REFRIGERATOR, stove, automatc washerl dryer, excellent condition. Bramtpton, 90&-79%- 1814. TECHNICS STEREO System, 5 CD player, double dack, 200 watts. $10 per week. Free deliveey. 14800-267-946. WANTED 58 people Io ose 10-100 lie. 100% naturall. Cal 905-331-0707. le ML DIGTAL Sateite Systam. 80 chanitels fres for one year. 01*y $7.OoWWek. 1-800-267- effl. 80FrSale EQUIPUENT SALE Tile Cutter 5 H.P. $775; Champion air compressors 3 H.P. $700. Mortar machine, 2 baggar, Bniggs & Stratton 8 H.P. $800. Bartaîl floor finisher 5-1/2 H.P. $900. Whitemnan floor finlaher, 3 H.P. $455. Cament vibrator (gas> 1 H.P. $50, generator <Honda) 3,500 SR. $750, Spray machine 3 H.P. $150 Ali like new. Fred (519) 853-5694. FRIDGE, stove, $150 each or both $250. Ladies skates, size 6, wcmn 3 times, peid $50, aaking $30. RC Road Phantom, excellent condition, needs 7.2V battery, battery not included, paid $320, aaking $270. RC Scorcher 6 X 6, aleay condition, battary & charger included, $50. Ai the above will take bail offer. 875-4056. 27 IN. ZENITH Stameo TV - $6.25 per week 35 in. Zenith Stareo TV $19 per week. Free delivery. 1 - 800-267-9466. COMPUTER SPECIAL: Pentium 166 with CD drive, fax modem, Windows 95. $17.50/week. 1- 800-267-946. DINING ROON SET includos china cabinet, pedestat table and 4 high bace chairs. Cream with brasa accents. Like new. Asking $600. Andres 878-9291. ' ILCR OLFT SHO ANU I\ SATRA, NOVME1 I5 1AM-PMI E.TIN C. L DRY H&G CHO OL LUC 215 L OntE St. S. O R 11YS U0 VENDORS I S ATRAYmîsalea $2 15 dl CII.Fu i'eAY BrlmglhslERl16 My CouniryUpboard g" «Cliristina Craft Sa(e' 2M8 adff tlefCms, Mjitons Satutas N.oremerl15, 9.30 p.m S-4say NsoVmbe16, l:0p.T - 4.G7p.m Haftd5y. Tacy Ltçdde ATN PRN-HL RESOURCE CENTRE presents their annual CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW & SALE Saturday, November 29, 1997 In the Band Hall 85 WALLACE ST., ACTON înterested Vendors cal 7Adrienne 853-4286 81 Computers and Video's NEED HELP with that home camputar? Software installations, training. intemet help. Cal! 8175- 1363. Reasonable rates. 84 Crafts and Bazaars CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW, Acton Hmgh School, 21 Cedar Road, Acton, Saturday, Novembar 22/97, 10 arn. - 4 p.m.. ovter 40 yent- dar tables! Admission $2.00. Bake table-rMs- refreshments. 101 Hay & Straw WANTED large round bales of hay. Alao, 1 round bale feeder. Phone 878-9740. 105 Gardn & Lascao GARDENINO SOIL, manture, triple mix, sand, gravei, trees, shnjbs, perennials, annuals, water garden supplies. Pickup or Delivery. Taylor Nursey.8 87-4100. 120 Livestock FREE - well-rottad home manure - preferlag loada Campbellville. 90-854-9833. 130 Pet Stock MALE 6 month old kitten, fra Io good home. Phone 693-0241. NEEDS good home, Dallas 1 year old, pursbred Rottweiller, good disposition. Lovas hids. Playfti. $250 0.5.0. Please cal 878-3708. PET SITTER, w. will tale loving cmr of your pets, long or short tarmn, also watsr plants whila you vacation. Please cal Barb, 878-130. 138 Home Imrovement, DECORATIVE PLASTERING. Inteniors and exteiors. Sest ratas on comices, ceilin centiars, pane! moulding, columne, restoration work, fireplaces and custom work ln your design. For ai types of plaster work from drywall ba stucco. Cat 825-8760. WALL MURAUIST/ITERIOR PAINTING. Hand painted wal mrais, Illustrations & spociaity walI tritige. 878"59. Russel. 145 General HeIn Wanted *NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS The Ontauio Human Rights code prohibits dir- crimination because of age, sex, marital statue, race, creed, nationality, anceslry or place cf origin. ln compliance whh this code this newspaper reserves lte right ta malte necessary changes in advertisung copy. EXPANSIION. -98 Odevile Bused Ad Company ie praparfng for expansion in tie New Veur. Cus- bormer Service eerecean asecI. Positions range hemr Mail Rocm ba Maagomnt Pald Vsaiag for #tws who qaiy, Cet Sandy, 840- 1642. ,~,.,, 6C,4ONAf.~.~>~.0,44~Od. *. '*1 i-es-e n O, C ~ Jim Strain 190 Ontario St. Milton 878-6522 Monuments, Markers, Bronze Marleers, Cemetry Lettering f M Tha Canaidien (Nuion, T"dy 4oor 7-17 m