Thse Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Novomber 11, 1997 -11 Eco nomy lis up, but so is food bank use: council By BRAD REAUME The Champion Milton residents are being asked for their opinions regarding food banks. The Halton Social Planning Council says food banks no longer serve only emer- gency needs. In fact, despite an improving economy, food bank use is increasing. especially among people over 40, accord- ing to the council's Lynne Calderbank. The council is hoping that study can pro- vide better food banks and self-help alter- natives. Ms Calderbank said community gardens and community kitchens have been mentioned by tome participants. The study wili use questionnaires, focus groups and interviews with food bank staff and donors. Through the survey the Social Planning Council wants to know the education, income and famiiy status of food bank users, the quality of service reccived and other methods people use for meeting their nutritionai needs. A focus group will be held at Grace Anglican Church, 317 Main Street on Friday, Nov. 21 at 2 p.m. The session wiii be organized as an informai discussion. Participants wili be provided a $15 expense aliowance. The council wants to hear from as many people as possible at the session but space is Iimitcd, so people must register by cail- ing Lynne Calderbank at 878-0955. There wiIl be a report issued on ail the research at the end of January. The session is confidential and wiil not be attended by food bank representatives. Detectives search for ire bug Detectives are searching for an arsonist who struck a Milton school recently. (C ri Shortly after midnight Friday. Oct. 30, a patrolling security guard saw flamnes coming from a portable Q F classroom at the rear of Milton District High School. Firetightera and police were called to tihe Williams Avenue and Commercial Street location. The class- can be taken wiî roomn was destroyed. Crime Stoppeî Once thse tire was out, an examination of the scene Caîl 1-800-22 revealed someone had broken a window at the front of Crime Stoppe the portable. drcosmd There was an indication of an accelerant (a fuel) drcosmd being used to start the tire and the remains of a gas Haiton Region. can were found inside the structure. The rewardjl Fires can be unpredictable and uncontrollable - of business, mec even for the tirefighters. Help prevent a tragedy by zens. providing Crime Stoppera with the namne of the arson- The board of ist responsible. teaom fr If .you have any information that lea 1ds to an arrest teaon fr in this or any other case, you may be eligible for a Crime Sropp cash reward of up to $1,000. organization, t You need not give your naone and your information fimd are raxde Hato e di ~E due ti We'IIIe back in ogiomtlonl .Computer Training ICarool' -qpNieeo i Atenative Prograrns i l-igh gqehool Diploma / Pergonal Intepto courge£ courses ./ Nig1st 9ehool ./ International Languagos PSt Infonnaton, planas sal: Suriington (Elgin): 222-9499g7g'-1240 j upllngton (Bmck): 692-2944/992~-72l l i Oakviio: 1?4S-7S42 1,, Milton: '7?11 Ceorgetown: 1'ii-g&& me Stoppers H AILT O N th complète anonymiy. rs does flot subscribe to caîl display. 2-TJPS or 825-TJPS. rs of Halton is operated by a board of up of 18 civilians from ail areas of md resuits fromt the financial support ustry, service clubs and private citi- directors raises the money, décides on 'wards, and actually pays the rewards. ers is incorporated as a charitable !,erefore aIl donations to the reward luctible. 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