28-The Canadien Champion, Friday, November 7.,1997 Ron's Warehouse LIQUIDATION SALE 529 Mainf Seue l M it eOtas Fndays i0.00 ar ta80br unas1:0ars a40 r e' at ace' re e Merger could benefit, says director By HOWARD MOZEL Special fo The Champion The executive director of the Haltun District Health Council says meaningful input from the communities it serves will continue despite next year's merger with its Peel Region couniterpart. Linda Rothney explained that since Peel and Halton share many of the same con- cems - such as growing and aging popu- lations - the amalgamnation could prove mutually beneticial. "We' re positive about it here," said Ms Rothney. "We have similar primary issues." Ms Rothney agrees there will be "oppor- tunities for administrative efficiencies" such as joint payrolls. Savings can then be re-invested in front-line service. The Halton District Health Council (DHC) is comprised of people from ail over the region, including health care isl.i cs, cîsîii iicl ecis te I DH-Cs adviac the minister ni hcalth on the needs within their areas, make recom- mendations on the allocation of resources to neet those requirements and help devel- op and implement a balanced and integrat- ed health care system. The Ministry of Health is trimming the number of health counicils in Ontario from 33 to 16 by March, 1998 in conjuniction with its overaîl health care restructuring. There will be no change in the mandate of DHCs. "The ministry believes firmly in the lacs that local input needs to, occur,"' said Ms Rothney. Ms Rothney explained that this restruc- turing bas been in the worka for well over a year and DHC bas provided the province with input. The criteria used in the changes included everything fromn referral pattemrs and population to, geography. 'Me only surprise, said Ms Rothney, was LX SEDAN Dsal Airbags -5-Speed Manual Transmission " AM/FM Siereo with 4 Speakers Tilt Sieening 2.3 Litre, " Power Sieering - Power Brakes *14" Wlieel Auiom Covers - 60/40 Fold-Down Rear Seatbacii ABS Braites " 'Lîgiuis On" Warning Cliime -Tinird Glass *CFC-Free " Dual Manual Remote-Operaieal Mirrors 'Iju~ Cassette w " Low Emîssions Vehicle (LM$ j l mu rs, Door '98 Civic EX Sedan has ail the feotures of the LX plus: Tachomet *Aiaiomatic Transmission - CFC-Free Air * Condiîîonîng -Powner Windows, Lochs & Mirrîîrs *Rear E " ABS Braites - Croise Coniroi - Tachometer " Cassette & More 1!1Georgetown11 1-50-hp, VTEC l3ngine -4-S peed asic Transmission - 4-Wlieel Disc -Power Steering -Dual Airbags Atir Conditioning -AM/FM Stereo ith 4 Speakers -Power Windows, & Tailgate Locks - Cruise Contrai er - Front & Rear Stabilizer Bars Retractable Tliird-Row Bencli Seat tumpe? Siep -Tilt Sieening Wlieel Rear Window Wîper/Waslier 203 Guelph St, Georgetown BUILT WITHOUT COMPROMISE. Local (905) 873-1818 Toronto (905) 874-3021 ,a.uU Lease anaîiabie oniy ihrongh i-onda Canada Finance lIn. fur a limiied urne oniy Based on nem 1998 Cinic LX Sedas/Cnesc EX L'7.tSedan/Odyssey, (model. rJ653W/Ej68W/<A394W/RA386W). $218/$20W/$298/$298 pet monih for 48 mînths, (totai lean obligation of $10,464/ $12,816451i4,304/$14,304). Doms paymcni or cqanvaienî irade of $740/$995/$2,550/$2.550 mequieed, plus finci mnîhy paymeni and seccnnîy dcposiî ($275/$375/$375/$350) Zero dama papyaent planes aiso avaiable. 96,000 km aiinmam.e (1Ot/km excecdîng 96,000 km appies), O.A.C Freighî and PDE, ($850), taxes, licnce and insurasce anc addtionai Opton in puenhase ai lease end [tir $8,32i510,335/ S14.602/$14,602 pins tanes. -inance ofersare frone Honda Canada Finance inc and arc anadlabia for a limited urne. 0 A&C. 48% nonocnioeiai or Futre Vaiue Pian financing is aaeiabe on al i1998 Odysys ian 24, 36, 48, or 60 mcii, lerms Fiance enampie $20,000 ai 4.81y pee annum equals $458.77 e monts fne 48 monihs C.O.B ts $2,020.96 foc a total of $22,02C 96 Domn payrne may be cequired Deaier rnay lease/el 11 rIfss Set year neighbourbaad Onetario Handa dealer tor deiaris. Fo- MINI VAN NTOWN 0F O&r/hHALTON HILLS r a I.K Working Together Working for You! URGENT MESSAGE TO VOTERS TEACHERS' PROTEST OR NOT ... Voting will stili take place on Monday, November 10, 1997. Voters will flot be required ta cross a picket Une. Refer to your Voter Notification Card for your poil location. If necessary, Polis wiII be relocated and Town Staff will be on-site ta advise you accordingly. Exercise your democratic right ta vote! S Janet Lann Stewart Town Clerk P.0>. 134)x 128, 1 1-lion Hilis D)r., Hiltoni Heill (;corgeown), ()N 1,7G; 5(;Z 'Ii:905-873-2600> -Irenn 416-79"-730 - Fax: 90)5-873-2347 Your Neleghbourhood Georgetown Honda Dealer Proudly Presents tire inec i o W itt) Pel -1 [11,11 flint io islio Halton DHC lrom the Central West regîos and combines it with Central East - the only DHC in Ontario that will make such a change. Ms Rothney explained that Halton already enjoys many joint projects with Peel, such as a long-term care evaluation project and a new committee looking at cancer services. "We' ve been working with our partners in Peel ai alotsg," she said. In addition to Ma Rothney, the Halton DHC employs a project manager, three health planners and two support staff. Final staffing is stili under review. While only one executive director will be required, she did say that - given the population of Halton and Peel - the "vast majority" of staffers will likely move into new posi- tions. When asked if she can foresee a down- side, Ms Rothney explatined continued co- operation should ensure there ian': one.