* trom WIIAT US on page 6 tion, an with this power. What however, If yOu would a New Democrat or a the mii Liberal govemment do? democi Is this the kind of power we want Som< any individuai to have? Do we demnoc want any government to be able to elected change important items without him o0 checks and balances and without withou consultation or accountability? Is trary,i this the kind of province you wish wiil ha to live in and raise your children? I ters of for one do not. son tha Bill 160 even allows the minister It is to dismiss any empioyee who does Adoif not comply fully with orders from office the Ministry of Education. This ofcons includes teachers, but could aiso It is include trustees in boards of educa- eye on Editorial tows Une Dear Editor: Your editoriai of Tuesday, Oct. 28 and the letter you chose to print in that issue of The Champion managed to obedientiy toe the Tory line without yielding a single measure of justification for the teachers of Halton and their current strike. This is a sad situation, aa you said. By iip-syncing Mike Harris's message, you neglected to make the underlying rationale for Bill 160 evident to your readers. Bill 160 han nothing to do with improving the quality of education. The education nys- tem in not broken. Bill 160 has everything to do with cutting funda out of ennential government programs to fund tax cuts. The cuts stemming from Bill 160 will do long-term, systemic danmage to the educa- tion of every child in Haiton and ultimate- iy, to Ontario's competitivenens in the global economy. True, parents will be naving money through these tax cuts. But in Alberta, where this type of legisiation already exista, parents are having to raine money to buy pencils and textbooks so their chul- dren can do homework. This downIoading will ultimateiy take cash out of the wallets of every parent who han schooi-aged kids. Bill 160 will also hasten tihe evolution of a two-tiered education system: a private sys- temr for those who can afford it, and a degraded, underfunded and short-staifed systemn for the rent of us. This will be the iegacy of Bill 160 and the Harris govem- ment. A very sad situation indeed. Halton's teachers are to be applauded and supported. DI epea Bill1160 dam BilT Mltoan aging Mlo Dear Editor: Recent ietters and editorials in your newspaper have only reinforced the dam- age the Tory govemment is doing to edu- cation. Inntead of deaiing with real issues and meaningfui change, this govemrment !sas been on a public relations campaign to serve its own agenda. The strength of public education han aiways been cooperation and trust between govemment, local boards, teach- ers, parents and students. The current gov- emrment han only served to destroy that cooperation and trust. [f this government han its way, the future of education wiii be decided in the back rooms of Queen's Park with elected trustees, parents, students and educators left out of the procens. t can oniy hope that thse students of Ontario wiil not suifer the consequences of ita actions. Larry Jaroslawski, teacher E.C. Drulry High Schooi id these are elected officiais. elect them to represent you, nister can fire them. Is this racy? ehave stated that we have a racy because Mr. Harris was , and we can choose to vote uat in two yeara. By then, t public pressure to the con- 3lI 160 wiil be law and we ve no more say in the mat- education. It is for that rea- .t we have to act now. aso important to remember Hitler was also elected to, and went about the proces their opinions and exercise their democratic rights to speak out againat a comaupt govemment. This is democracy. Teachers and the public shouid no longer be focusing attention on the other issues, important as they may be, until these sections of thse bill are eiiminated. That in what I am fighting for. That in why I am on the picket line and giving sîp my income, and that in why the media, thc leginla- ture and the public at large should stand with teachers in proteat of oiidating his power. this unjust and despicabie Iaw. up to the public to keep an Tom Martin their eiected officiais, voice Milton YOU COULO WIN ONE 0F THE FOLLOWING PRIZES: 1. Two tickets ta the Miftan Playtrs Theatre Graup Winter performance - "Opening Night", couriesy ai Mitan Players 2. A "FREE" pragram ai yaur chaice ai the Seniors' Activity Centre 3. Baak - tille ta be determined, caurtesy ai Smiihbaaks, Mitan Mail 4. "Biagraphies" Volume 2, cauriesy ai Milian Histarical Sacieiy TO ENTER: The Miftan Seniors' Actiity Centre & the Millian Public Library invite members ai the Milian Cammaniiy ta submit a shart siary (500 wards ar less) highiighiing mWhaI doos Iltmean Io bo a Seior Cilizenl today?" *Enties muni be sabmiiied on 8l/2 by il inch papir. Priai neaily or type an one side ni page only and include your name, aridress, and telephane numbir. *Submit your siary ta one ni the iallawing locations: 1-Miltan Seniors' Aciivity Centre, 500 Childs Drive 2-Milton Public Library, 45 Bruce Street *Deadiine for eniries is: November l4th, 1997 *Eniries wili be judged based on clarity, style, content, and creativîty. *Winners will be notifieri ln wriiling andfor by telephone by December 15th, 1997 *Winning eties Wil bie pubiished in local newspaper. Z yranLe's . ATO SERVICE ANMVN IOC. OUR R FADER S WRITE The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 4,1997-7 b. N#~."~f~ A and 0 Ml. heSalvation Army's -td ý#.1Derry Auto Wash and the Salvation Army have V. joined together to collect food for the needy for -b Sthis Christmas Season. :With any donations of the tollowing: Pasta e Dried MiIk oRie a*Tuna 0 eBaby Formula e Canned Goods eDried Potatoes #~ O500 WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM DUR -bée., REGULAR WASH PRICE OF $4.00. C teBERR AUTO WASH .> 575 ONTARIO ST9 S. « 876-0408 A~'.àes és a"" e 1. 50174 0