1O0-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 4, 1997 CORRECIO NOIC In the Milon Chrysier Dodge ad thaî appeared in the October 31 paper, the year of fic chiIC holis lhoiild have5 Le d: 1996.Dakota Club C.ab sport 'Like New", air, auto., PS., P.B., cassette, one owner. Yrs only 22,000 kms. Prîoed luo seil $18,988. The Champion apologices for any iocooven- ience Ibis ad may have caosed. FAC #8 0 Wilson wants more responsibility Fmetn basltetsatt o lied watchnng. camping aspects of northe.rn Milton. fore in C>smpblivillc is not cnough, espctally wh Su oenoeisg, Cacadians aue cspnmlng lseir The 30-yeor old candidate 10 represeni Word 3 saîd thousando ot dollors ore iteing spent on beaultttcaî Wl eugqt do to lthe issue boils down ta a ltreai from lthe province projecîs. *«m regarding a polenlial Greater Toronto Area (OTA) 'Is our safety being compromised for flower hed: 5wri r J77PL70P govemîing body, fianding shifts and higiter taxes. he asked. We don't know what causes multiple scierosis, but research is closer to finding the answer. Multiple Scilerosis Soclety of Canada 1'800-268-7582 'l-ow is mhe G FA going Io evolve?" he asked. "Fighting the GTA seems almost hopeless so we have 10 work 10, make the best adjusîmenîs possible." Mr. Wilson said many people in the for north of the word are suggesting an amalgamation wilh Wellington Coonty or Waterloo Region. Taxes are another issue, he said. Taxes are constant- ly increaaing, mosîly because politicians con always find a place 10 spend any extra money. He called for a more open govemnment, saying that people always heor of decisions afier lhey are mode, rather thon heing presented with the options. ten ion S?" The national-level motorcycle racer said he is used 10 the spotlight. He is also constantly involved in reseorcht and development of bis equipment to try to improve performance. These ore skills he would bring 10 govemrment if elected, he said. "We have to look at ail the posaibilities 10 gel the itest resulto," said Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson also'called for counicil to gel down to the "nilty gritly" in Iheir decisions and be more responsible. Mr. Wilson's father, Frank Sr. is running for a count- cil seal in urban Milton. FOR ITS ;orn BIRTHDAY WE GAVE ITLI!Iif w'. Air Conditioning Power Locks/ Sp..d Control/ 5Oth Birthday Windows/Mirrors Tilt Ste.ring Special Edition Jacket' 9814, du porche»,. o ay e F-S.n.cs oe Most Pow.rful ~c .IVc ,tandard Engin. Automatic Polished Transmission Aluminum Whoels 1998 F-SERIES XLT-THE COMPLETE TRUCK, $295D.NAMN VEHICIE I'98 F-150 XLT ICN8VY CIK150 J DODGERAM HORSEPOWER 205 04750 RPM 200 04400 RPM 175 0 4800 RP TORQUE IIO.ft) 260 03000 RPM J 255 0280091 RP 230 03200 R14 CARGO SED SPACE 72.8 69.8 70.3 AM/FM Lower Store. Casseffe Twlio-Tone CHOe TH e.AS eAMN HTSRGTFRY Downpayrnent or I F-Suries XLT F-Suries XLT Equivalent Tade Regular Cab SuperCab $2.995 J $299 $348 $1.550 $369 $418 $ O $439 $488 S50 YEARS AND STILL #>lt SEE YOUR ONTARIO FORD AND MERCURY DEALERS Or visit ~u we cte nt: surer.tfd.oeffersi r-1 r u r <a pjYfl MMA, TMS LEGAI COPY. *New 1998 F-Suries xii Regalar Cabltapercab mith P.t.P. SI0A wils Ime-tene paint scheme monîhiy nease payment ai $29919349 based on 24 ments nase frein Ford Credit te qualifiud renaît lessees. on approeed credit. Soine conditions and a miluage restriction ef 36.000 km bver twe puart apply. $2.995 demnpayment et eqoinaient Irade required. Fitot months' payment and seuoty deposit telred. Offuts exciode freight 1$920), fikense, Insorance and ait applicable rates. Duater may ltae for lest. L.imited lime effet. Offert map change mitisean notice. Sue dealet for denails. t8ased on 1997 calendar trear manufactutet reported delineties. $tI particlpaning dealers. Qaannities may lie iited. Ontarie FM6bd*jB.o800&eIt.lntl.t. E 50 YRS T 0W N 0FP HALTON HILLS ELECTIONS '97 Manicipal Elections wiii be held on Monday, Nonember 108h, 1997. Polsitl bd e open tfromt 10:00 arn. tb 8:00 p.m. POS11NG 0F PREUMINARY UST 0F ELECTORS Tise Asssment Office aftie Province of Ontario bas ssbmltted the preiinary îlot of eleclors for the 1997 Municipal Eleciions. These lots miii be posted for inspection et: Clerits Department Ciic Centre 1 Halton His Drive Tse office isoars are 8:30 arn. to04:30 p.m. Monday t0 Friday. Etocîors are reqaested to examine tise lot 10, ensare tisai tiseir name and relevant infonmation is correct. In order for additions, cloletions or corrections to be made, ilis necessary 10 complete the reqsired torm. These lorms are avoutable ai: Clerks Depattment Civic Centre 1 Halton HuIls Drive Applications t0 add, amend or delete ynsr so information may bs mode until MONOAY, NOVEMBER 101h, 1997. 16 ELECTION '97 RESUITS The Halton His Cioic Centre is Election Headquarters. This is lise only location wisere election moaulîs will 0e posted aller tise close nf the poils on Monday, Nonember 1010, 1997. Candidates, tamiiy, fiends and campaign mnris are moot meicome. Tise general public and media are aiso evcouraged to, attend. Tise centre of tise action miii be tise Coancil Cisambsers wisere lise poi by poil resoîts mli be posted immediatey spon receipi. Ongoing election resufs will 0e brnadcast on Hatton Cabie 4. 17 APPOINTMENT 0F VOTING PROXY Unable la voe at the Advance Pols or on Polling Dey? Sublect t0 certain conditions, an elector may appoint aonher pemson os tiseir prooy Io vote on isis nr boisat Tise prooy must be an eligible elector. Pnrms are aoaîiabie attse Cierits Department. Tise person being appointeri as tise prnoy must antend in person attse Clerits Depariment with tise prnsty torm t0 have il certrtied by an Slectisn Ofeirial. Prooy tnrms may be issei daring tise tollnwing perinds: *Taesday, Oct. 14th, 109710o Fridy, Nov. 710, 1997 iselmeen 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. *Wednesday, Nooember 5th, 1997 between 8:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. *Monday, Novemiser lOts, 1997 betrneen 8:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. S Janet Lano Stewart Town Ciers 18 P.0. Boxt 128, 1 Haitttn HuIs Dre., Hatn Huil ((;c<trg.), ()N LU; 5(;2 TIei.: 9015-873-2600t l'Tor.: 416-798-47301 Fax: 9015-873-24 1