The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 31, 1997-21 f6 A2cions * LARGE 2 DAY FR1. NOV. 7 & SAT, NOV. 8, 9:30AM Each Day e Prev: Thurs. Nov. 6, 10-4pm FOR: The Late Fred Ruddoli a LOCATED: 10662 -.5th Linot ai aton Hulis (Approx. 4 miles north of Hwy. 401 (Milton, approx. 3 miles st ot Hwy. 25) Cansisling et approimateIy 40 antique gas angines, antique tractars, tara tractars, Crawlera, Tracks, aid and moderm tarin machieery, antique aad modemn shap equipmtat, primitive haasehaid and tata reiated items, many memarahilia and cailectabie items. THE FOLLOWING LISTI S MERELY A GUIDE 0F SOME MAJOR ITEMS BEING SOLO ON A GIVEN DAY, MANY ITEMS DUPLICATED. DAs1 . eRDA :OEME -lr 9:0' Cacksbult tracter 4a4 mattel 1850 w/trnnt avanit V-snaw blade & 8'hyd. wing, 3 P.T.H. & P.T.U. Case 115a Crawler and blade witb scarifier. Case 450 Crawler Loader, Farmai M. Tractar, M. M. G.T.B., Furmai A Tractar, Huher 20-36, A.C. (unitad) mough, M.H. 10-20 mougI, A.C.B. w/aid-axant mawar & fli cuitivalars, Case 440 Industriat Fark Lift, 1986 Clan 3+3 duaity P.U., 1974 4x4 3500 G.M.C. 4-dr w/51b wheel attacîment, 1919 Rau tspeed wagon) truck w/12" liai deck, 1945 tnt. G. 3-Ian truck, H.D. 14' Tandem traiter, Maverick 24' 511 wleei tri-aste traiter wtoisa winch, H.D. Continental bydrauiic acrapper, 2 wheel pull grader, Cackhbat 52 plate hydrautic wheet disc, cackabult S.M. 5 turraw 16' hativa piaw. Papec madet 72, 2 rxw harvestar and P.U., sel. of tractar & car tires, HOD. 3 tanîl subsaîter, 24 plate tandem sad disc, 1948 Dadge spaciai deluxe wilh suicida davis traught.Anlique #2 statianery waadeni lhreshtng machine made by Hall Uanutacluring P.Et., tgod sapet, Gauid-Slaptey grain grinder, M.M. madet K. sq. Buter, waaden tank aprayer wilh 2-1/2 hp Nana gas angine, B8o3-1/2', wnvden wagan bax & wagon trame HOD. steel axies and steel wheeis, Oliver 1 turrow rîdîng pi 0w, J.C. Cockslutt Junior waiking ptow. woxde beaa piowa apprxa.15-18 waiking & riding pas, 2 wftetl jogging card, 4 sheal buggy, buggy sats, nid humeas, new horse caliar pada, antique Niagara duster and 1-1/ 2 hip. Nona aninei, wuik bahind garden tracinra, Jack pampa, 3 P.T.H. pool bote augar, Calsu 200 gai. boam aproyer, qiy of plate steel- angie-channel, large qty ai 2ax6 luaher up ta 15' long (heep insidet, qty ai aisc. scrup iron, qly ni steel siding. Sterling modal F.C.-4 100h.p. power unit, traclor gas tanks, 375 partable selder on traiter with 4 cyc. Wisc. power, parts master parts wasbar, Rackwett itoor drill press, C.M.C. Keyway Miiting machine opta 1-1/4*, Hassay-Sanaga Brxacb Kits, Valve grinder, Power hackaaw, hydraaiic press, manuai shear, Kwik-way cuiter, top & dies, Jack stands, 2 b.p. watar puap, C-clampe, large anvil, angine hoisi, large 1sel. ni power and hand botls, wrenchaa, dhais (tc.). Approo. 5 wagon toada of misc. related items. DA. 2 - a aAURIA NOE :E - r 9:3 A Thare are apprna. 40-45 antique gas engînes (i.e.) 7h.p. Chapman, Alpha ioelavali, Ont. wind engines, tnt- Mc- Carmick. Monitar, Shaplay-Muir, McGregar, Fairbanks, Ellis, Lister 5h.p., Gilsan, Middletawn (etc), appran. 150 Magnala's and cails, appras. 100 nid greasa & ail cas, White Rase (tc), White Rase gas pump. liq set. antique & primitive faim impiamrents & haasehaid items, lurnîp pianlers, seaders, waadan washing machines. pine cerpentars ban, trg wavden baiiaws, nid brass harns & whisties, braad axes, Beam barîng machine, aven yake, harnesa makars bench, 2-man chainsaw & allers. Fine bannet chest, lrg. 8t. 2' daar blind kitchan cup- hourd, appia baves, halls, boy aI calendaes, tiawered crack, aid iighl tielures, antique louage, aid lilaralure, 5'x3' lament type tabla, casi iran pals, plastic cake signa, Irg cast iran bell, buggy tacha, aid bailles. Thare will ha 150'oattables iaaded wilI miso. relalad items caiiaclad over a lite lima. Snmething for fvtryane! TiNO AUCTIONEERS WILL BE SELLING AT ONCE, BOTH DAYS e LUNCH BOOTH ON GROUNDS JIM ~ ~ MCAaE AUCTIl SER IC LT': - AtD W 956987 84 Crafts and Bazaars 3RD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW FRIDAY NOV. 7T1l. - 9 PM SAT. NOV. STH 10 AM - 4 PM FEATURING .... WREATHS, FLORALS, CHRISTMAS ORIGINALS, CANDIES à MUCII MOREII REFRESHMENTS SERVED 399 COXE BLVD., MILTON 105 Garden & Landscagg WEL COMPOSTED cattle manure, no adour. Fati application best. Phone 878-9742. 106 Chimnnev Cleanina_ GREG'S CHIMNEY CLEANING. Presents Fait chimney cleaning specals. Chimney cieaning $59.95, chimney caps, $37.50. Duot cieaning $199.95. Chimney repaira. Firewaad $220 bush card. Cati 1-519-823-1104. "A ciean chimnay is a sale chimney.* 138 Home Improvement DECORATIVE PLASTERING. Interiars and exteriars. Bast rates on comices, ceiling contera, panel maulding, columins, restaratian wark, fireplaces and customn work ta your design. For ai types of plster work tram drywall ta stucca. Cali 825-8760. GAS Furnace/Fireplaces. Fa11 Sala. Law puyments, atarting MarchGO an your Union Gas BaU. 312-0513, 301-1177. WALL MURAUSTIINTERIOR PAINTING. Hand painted wafl murais, illustrations & speciallity wall finishinga. 878-4599, Russell. Decorators' & Designers' Wanted ONE-STOP-SHOP Brandi namae btinds, shutters, drapery, uphot- stery fabrios, watlpaper & more. For new and established Decorators & Designers Business stant-upu uvaluable. 800-401 -9482 fax 800-401-9483 145 General HeiD Wated NOTICE TO ADVERTbZ-ERS The. Ontario Humais Rights code protsubits dis- crimination hacauae of ago, sex, marital statua. Mca, reed. natianaiity, Sbcestmy or plac of origan. In compliance whti tis code tis iffnspapier reserves the right Io malte mcrrssry changes in adverlan copy. 145 General HeliD Wanted Experiencod SKI TECHNICIAN requlred Full/ Pari-Time Apaly ta person witfi resame la Dave ha Nov. 3rd, Corbett's Source for Sports 120 Speers Rd e OakviIIe GENERALLABOURERS MILTON a GEORGETOWN * ACTON Wsrk hasts a muai. Own transportation an asset. AZ LICENSED DRIVERS Cleas abstract * Min. 2-yrs exp. a U.S. exp.a as 5se Cati John: (905) 876-0272 e 825-0113 295 Main St. E., Milton (Ahave tha Budget lent-A-Car) BEL-MAC SERVICES Coewd kiu i2yasexperience. Cown BariGs o BAKRYn axpreiangf fuitime n staff. Must be flexible ta work shifta and weelcends. If interested you may drap off yaur reaumne ait: Chudleigh's Apple Farm, 9528 Hwy. 25, Milton. 2 kms. N of die 401. EARN EXTRA $$ FOR CHRISTMAS Frèe kit free brochures, free gifi, value $50 a mar... Reiatratian te. anly $20. 1Cati Avon 905-631-854 155 SkiIIed HeID ICIENSIED DIESEL MECIIANIO <4TH-STH year Diesel Apprentice may ha considered) for busy repair shop. Must ha relmable: Send resume ta: Central Truck a Truler Ltd., 842 Niposswmg Rd.. Unit 3, Milton, Ontario. LOT 4Z@ or Fax tai 905- 878-3520. No phanè'cails pieuse:---- 145 General HeID Wanted 1 Î45 Gene ral He1p Wane M "YOUTH SERVICE -UNITED WE LEÀRN" i1 TEL: (905) 876-1244 FAX: (905) 876-1273 4\Mt Pro jec Positionsti "YSC - UNITED WE LEARN"-is a proleci collaboration between Milton Chitdren and Youth Centra, Yauih Service Canada, Hotton Boards of Educations and a number of North Halton social service agenicies aimed ai providing young oduts with emptoyaent axperience and tife skitts training =through positive individuai and group contributions ta ibeir comauniy. Participants witi receive a wekY stipend of $200 and be etigibte for a coaptetion grant. To be etigibte for ibis 27 week projeci beginning in November, the fottowing crita must be met: " beiween the aqg s of 18 ta 30 e minimum grade 12 diptoma or equivatent * presenity ouo& schoiand unemipoyad * hava an interesi in working wiib youib ond seniors Please forward o resumne by Tuesday Nov. 4, '97 ta: Shane Pisani, YSC Projact Coorindator, Milton Chitdren & Youib cenire 917 Nipissing Road, Milton, Ontario 19T 5IE3 155 Skîlled HeID _ _ REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY C N C MACHINIST GEORGETOWN AREA - 3-5 years experience -Must be able ta read and leterpret blueprints - Have knawledge et measuring -Metric and Inches - Own Toals -Flexibility ta work an conventional eqaipment - Experience with stainless steel and plastic - Goad attitude and wiliing ta team nvw ideas Cali (905) 876-0272 for interview BEL-MAC SERVICES DESKTOP PIJBLUSHING Local newspaper requires Marketing assistant wvith knowtedge of QuarkXPress, Photoshop & Illustrator on a Macintosh platform. PLEASE SENO RESUME TO: ZIfc Qanabiai (CtIampwnl 191 MAIN ST. E., MILTON L9T 4N9 Attn: Mr. Tim Colos 160 Office HeID PART TIME HELP WANTED OFFICE ASSISTANT Computer friendy and woresng on tihe Cus- tomner Service Counter. Pieuse send resumne ta: BOX 2260, cio The. Canadian Champion, 191 Main Street E., Milton, ON. LOT 4NO RECEPTIONIST required for busy office. Computer expenience essential. Duties ta in- clude ail searetarial wark, mailing, filing and invoicing. Prefer experience wilh microsoft, Lotus and Accpac plus. Company off ers benefit package, profit sharing and smoke frea environment. Pleaue farward resume ta: BOX 2268, dlo The Canadian Champion, 191 Main Street E., Milton, ON. LOT 41NS 166 Careers DRAFTSPERSON A ieuding manufacturer of valves, hydrats and ga praducts requiras a Drafesn. The successfui applicant shauld ba a graduata tram a credtaed Community Callege or Univeraly and be computer ltotteri. Alsa should ha fanaullar wlth Cad Release 13. Twa Io three yeara of experience in a manu»tur- ing machine ahap enviranrment an asset. Duties toi include maintenance af drawmnga and engineering records and prepare detail drawings, druving modifications etc. If intereisied, piease send resume ta: MUELLER CANADA P.O. BOX 1001 8069 LAWSON ROAD MILTON, ON LOT 488 AflN; PERSONNEL DEPT. FAX 905-878-3888 166 Careers G1ý Xkkwk L.t 1 'arn a finoncial pionner looking for a parsonal assistant, o friand and confidant wfro enjoys a tem environment but is decisively independlent. " okn o challenge ta brooden your horizons " someone who measures success b5r resuîts ond not the clock " olready in the finoncial services business woruing For a broker, or o pionner and kos relorionships within the industry already " coan teach me o few things about computers and presetotion skills *ietaworh smart and play hard a*success in post secondary education e eucellent interpersonol and communication skilîs e enthusiasm and energy to spore If this looka tike a fit, please cati me ioda yf 1i - 888-327-9835. My extension number is "Michael" Axis Logistics Inc, is now accepting applications /rcsumes for the following fuîltime position: Intermediate Fnancial Analyst Reporting directly ta the Controtter, responsibilities for this position inctude: preparution of journal entries, account reconciliations, assisting with preparation of financial statements, preliminary financial analysis, preparation of audit working papers, sscekly linancial rcpor-ting, fixed asseis rcporLing and other prGojects as required. The qualificd applicant should be a CGA student, minimum level 4 preferred, with slrong computer skitls (spreadsheet and word processing, preferabiy Microsoft Office, and accounting syseems) and experience with preparation of journal entries, accounit reconciliations, financial seatements and basic financial analysis. This person must be a self-starter, organized, detail oriented, fast learner with excellent communication an strong accounting skills. The person in this position will spend approximately 60% of tîseir time at our site in Milton and 40% at another site in Malton. AIl interested candidates con subrait their resumes by Monday, November lOth to: Axis Logisties lac. Controller 2701 High Point Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 55 or fax: 905.876-2020 ý17fl flAvcîrAý NON-SMOKING MOTHER af two offera lavang cars for yaur child. Full/Part time. C.P.R.1 References/Rc*b. Tammy, 878-5801. SITTER required starting January, 1998, in the Lady af Vlctaey schoot area for lia chitdren agas 4 & 1. Individuut muat ha willang ta taite dsld ta and from achoal. Pleusei cati 878-9382. TEMPORARY DAY CARE avaitabie during teachers strike. Leave massage for Vicky. Receipta given. 876-320. 17-1; AIL rneqire auehuecee ta perfarm house cteaning. laundy, ight meut preparations etc. 4 hrsiday/aftemaons/5 daysi week. Camphalvilie 854-2883. References mandatory. 60 AuctionS mý