20-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Octaber 31, 1997 CLASSIFIED Classfied OURSç MONDAY TO FRIDÀY ssiriied9:OOAM - 5:00OPM ACHESON, Craig & Jane (ne.) Z-ia are tunilled Io announce the birtit of thoir second precious daughter, Rachel Jane weighing 9 Ibm. 10 oz. on Octobeir 18, 1997. Rachel la weloned by big sister Page and grandpsrents, Susan and the late Virginia Zilmo as weII as Betty and Chartes Acheson. BOIVIN, Paul & Judly ai Hilton are pleased Io an- nounice the birth ai their daughter Sophie Loulme weighing 7 lbs. 9 oz. a: Joseph Brant Hospital in Buriington on Octaber 26, 1997. Big brotiiers Andrew and Luke are thriîled 10 have a sister. A spedial thank you to Dr. Jan Boxaîl and Dr. Banry Hunter. MCKENZIE, Doug, Alison <ne. aLod i big sister Rac"e are titrilied ta ainounce the sale and spe.dy arrivai ai Kate Elizabeth, weighing 7 Ib. 5 oz., at Miton District Hospital on Octohor 10th, 1997 at 11:35 a.m. Proud granc4>arnnts arn Malolmn & Muriel MacLeod af Milton and George and Pst McKenzie ai Hamilton. Speciai tuanka Io Dr. Peers for al hlm support and tue caring 0.B. staff at Miltan District Hospital. SELO, Fraik &Kys <nee) Bahnman are t.râled ta ainounce the sie arrivai of tiieir daughter Natashe Marilyn weighing 9 lbs. at Joseph Brant Hospital on Octohor 22, 1997 a: 3:00 an. Exdited grandparnnts are Marilyn & AI Bahnman ai Milton and Franz & Rita Seig of Germany. Un- cie J.B. & aunt Sabine and ail the cousins, Megan, Tamara and Andreas. Special tuainka Io Haliy McGaffln R.M.T., Dr. Khodawandi aid Dr. Wu and ail the O.B. staff at Joseph Brait Mamoriai Hospital. VILLENEUVE, Rob a Michelle <nee) Stades arn happy Io announce the birli of their first child, s son, Mitchell Josepht, on Thursday, October 2, 1997, weighing 8 Ibo. 6 oz. Proud grandparents are Art & Fran Villeneuve of Milton and Patl & Jayce Statia of Wroxeter. Thank you to Rina, Evelyn, and ali at Milton District Hospital and s speaial thank you 10, Dr. Glenn Peers. 05 Birthdavs BIRTHDAY PARTIES at Springridge Fart. Wagon rides, farm animais, coilect s chicteens egg, haystack jumping, pivate partif rs and lunch. Hilton, 878-4908. il Halls & Caterers BANQUET ROOM AVAILABLE, from 101Io 100 persons. Ideal for Chistmas Parties, Banquets, Meetings, Showers. Nascar Sport Lounge, 878- 1880. PHOTOGRAPHY - Weddings or event photograpity. Reasonably priced. Relerences. Cal Steve or Louise (905> 878-4560. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - 100-115 proofs in album plus negatives. 15 years expenience. Roi- able and resisonable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photography. 905639710. 30 Deaths HAWKINS, Kenneth Richard - The iamily and fionda of Ken deeply regret hle psssing on Monday, October 271hu, 1997, in hie 451h yeer. Deamly beloved smon f Jins Hawkins ai Milin, Ontario. Loved by Katiuy Janules (KJ.) and spe- ciai friend Lesie Commins of Taranto and by brother Peter and sister Catherine af Britisht Columbia. A service of rensembrance wiI be held at Th. Simple Alternative, 275 LesmilRoad, Northt York, <off Lestie, just south of 401> on Saturday, November la: at 2:30 PM. In liu of flowers, donations ta the Addiction Researdt Foundation or the charity af your choice would bo aipr-oated. SMITH, Fred - At the Milton District Hospital on Thursday, October 301h, 1997. Fred Smith, beloved husband of Claire <Pittrnan-McCarviîle.) Predeceased by Marion Stitt. Sadly misaed by he sons Allan Smith and BUI and his wife Barbara Smsith, aima Nis stepchildren Dorothy Werbowski, Madoene Leslie and Joan Cody. Lovingly rames- bered by his grandcuildren Rebecca, Lisa, Jes- sica and Ian Smith; alsa his step grandchildren Denise, Diane and Debbie Werbowstd, Marke and Michael Leaie and James and Katuryn Codly. Resting st the MeKerale-Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Main Street Million from 2 -4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Fniday, and front 21D ptm. until service timie at 3-00 p.m. on Saturday, November laI, 1997. Informent Evergreen Censetery, Milan. WARD, Anne Plerina - In laving memory ai Anne Plerina Ward who psssed away on Tuesday, Octeber 28tu, 1997, ai her home i Millon. Beioved wiie ai Douglas, sadly missed by her daughter Ashlay. Loving daughter ai Nilo and Maria Fraccaro. Deer aimer ai Peppy Frac- caro and his wile Debbie and Uns aid her hum- band Hector Bosotti. Sadly missed by her nephews Andrew and Michael. Resting at dme MeKerale-Kacher Funeral Home, 114 Main Street Milton from 2 -4 and 7 -9 ptm. Friday. Funeral Service Saturday, November lot, 1997 at 10:00 s.m. irons New Ube Pentecostal Churdi <6620 Third Uine, Milain.> Informent Evergreen Cemetery lIton. Donations te tue Cansdien Cancer Society in Anne'& Mernory would ho ap- preciated by die iamily. 37 In Memoriams 1 W7 in Memoériamns BUINN, Maurice- In mentory of a dealy Ioved husband aid dad who left us on October 31, 1994. Mersories are tressures no one can steal, Deats is a heartbreak no one con heai, Uile wifl go on, we know thaI ls true, But nover be lte sarse mince welve ls you. Oht Lord, forgive me if I ask why, titoma live on and rme die. Lovlngiy remembored today and alays by Claire, Lad and Ulsa 40 Card of Thanks BILL & MARJORIE HiLSON would lice lo thank family and frienda for helping to celebrate totir 601h. Wedclng Anniversaiy at te China Park restaurant, Guelpht, Ontario. Speclal thanks to Irene La Fee for the Iovely cake. Tttanka agamn ta ail. THE FAMILY of the late John Perry wouîd like to express heartfelt thanks 10 aIl our relatives, fniends and neighbours for ail the beautiful flower arrangements, cards and donations. Thanka also bo Dr. Benjamin, VON. nurses Heather and Carol, Doug Kocher and his fasiîy at McKersie-Kocher ILSON, Cm::n A:::w "Cam". We wouîd like to extend our titanks and apprecia- tion Io our frienda, neighbours, relatives, o- workers and churches, for their support and expressions of sympatuy duning the recent passing ai our Fathe aid Grandfather, Cam. A very special thank you for ail your comfort- ing words, donations Io0the V.ON., Canadian Cancer Society and Heart and Stroke Fouindation, floral arrangements, mass cards, prayers and cards of sympathy. To the Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star and Norfolk United Churcit, who provided titeir services. To Dr. Belyes. tue V.ON. aid ail heaitu cae providers, a very specai thaika for ail the ex- cellent care and support you provided aur Fathir and Grandiather, and, Io the mombers ai the Silvertones who provided enjoyable music and singing Io Cam while viiting a: h.s home. Thaik you and sincere appreciation Io Doug Gilcitiist and the staff of the Gilchrist Choai Mclntyre and Wiîkie Funerai Homne, Guelpht, for titeir thougthfulness, cae and devoted services throughout aur recent bereavement and ta Scott Early of lte J. Scott Earty Funerai Home, Milton, for his support and tuoughtfulness. Reapectfuiiy wlth Sincoe Thanka Min, Jane, Betty, Larry, Jemallca à Jool Wlison. 60 Auctions PARTIALk lIN O.GAWCER TRAIEIS '9 MOUL .1M 121E LAE ASsWS TUP-AN5ATOS 5140W A orrics . Q87WMI HP L,: Pole, .A--OG SM 8 Campns. i Pl-,ps .L3 KMs Nuels 5op5s*aiKsa PM CmAS . HOPE TAINs PLA Temid Ci, 2'ep - 26c. :wwRis.. FATDM FA VINIW N . O DUIO TRUC .5 AN. T 5RC. fer Ca1, l*T- haThoCa2û»C.iEANFSW.à(1 MCCONNELL, Mother-Hazel, October 29, 1993, Fatiier-Murray, November 21, 1993. Those we lave don't go away, EA L N Thywl aieus every day I& H A L N Silent memanies hold tien near I As time unfoids anather year.A MER PRef Barbara, Murray, Wayne & Familles. Ra, Sms 42, (100 MoIta D"is Mitais, Oit LIT 2Y3. 27 IN. ZENITH Stereot TV - $6.25 par week 35 in. Zenith Steme TV $19 par we.k. Free delivery. 1 - 800-267-9466. AZTEC INTERNET ACCESS - Surf dhe net wihh North Halton's own home grown internet pravider. Conspetitive rates, walk in service, fre business listing. 873-2141 Fax # 873-2596, www.azte-net.om COMPUTER SPECIAL: Pentium 166 with CD drive, fax modem, Windows 95. $17.50lweek. 1- 800-267-9466. DININO ROON SET, includes china cabinet, pedestal table and 4 hmgh back chairs. Creans with brasa accents. Uike new. Asking $800. Andrea 878-929. MOVING. Sofa/loveseat forai design rattan trim includieg coffeea & idle tables, like niew, oak diningroorn set 6 chairs, Elizabeth, 878-7435. PIANOS Used Vamahas and Kawais. New pianos irons $2,869. The Piano House, Burlington. 9W5631-9259. SEAT Sale. Freshen up your cinetta/diningroomn chairsl RaIl ends. Frors $18.95 es. seat. Fabria & labour included. Fields Ouality Custom Upholstaning. 875-4427 9-. SIT ON IT, don't ait in it. Replacerrnent oars for cushion Residential/Commercial. Fields Upholstery, 9 am. - 9 psm., 7 days weeky. 875- 4427. SUPER Savingal Want a great rntumn on an orig- nalinuvestment? Call Fielde. Sofas frors $598. Sofabeds front $447. Chairs front $196. Up to 50% off sany decorator fabrics. Senior discounts. Fie"d Ouality Custotrs Uphitostery, 875-4427, 9 - 9 daily. TECHNICS STEREO System, 5 CD player, double dock, 200 watts. $10 per week. Free delivety. 1-800-267-9466. '@le a . . .8 030- 500 ru:sd " . .... :0IS0-5:00 WOdn sday . ..900-3:00 Thursduy ..... 8:30-5:00 7Fiduy ........9:00-5:00 60 Auctions Lots of gret, inieresling antique & remr iteims! Cash or App'vd Chq. Estales Boughl/ Sold. 1lmi. S ol Clappison's Corners (Hwys #5), 1 mi N of Hwy 403, 1/4mi W of Hwy t, via York Rd AUCTION SALES WEDNUSDAY. NOV. 5 AT 6:00 PM SHARP. LoadsoF lurniture, plus glass, china, ierellery &etc. This sale ta be held ai the Agricuiiurai Hall, Milton Fairgrounds, Milton. Preview 4:30 pmn SATURDAY. NOV. 8A 00 MSAP Ai Hume's Audmaon Far, 93_13 Ui ne 3Mmiles 'Mortis easi of Milton) for thse esiate ol the laie Daraihy Kerr (of Ookviilel plus additios. Preview 9:00 arn AIMONIE- DON COWNO 190) 877-0117 CI.l 87 -3 0t . tp rCusf d