The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 31, 1997-11 I itizens advise protecting ta-free status By BRAD REAUME expene such ns c nfeec stndance, provincial Consumer Pntce Index, and the The Champion M 1c, ciliici.111WCMS121ý'0,1jo Halton politicians will receive raises in~ The prevailing policy to determine the classifications io arrve at a raise for coufl- the event the provincial govemment elimi- rate of any increase is to-take an average of cillors., nates their current tax-frec allowance. the annual change in the national and *see COMMITTEE on page 17 Traditionally in Ontario elected officiais have received one-third of their pay tax- free. The rationale was that they used this money for their expenses in carrying out the job. The current provincial government has suggested they will do away with this pro- vision due to, the large differences among the pay rates of elected officiaIs across the province. Legislation has yet to be mInro- duced. Contending it is dittîculî 10 approve their own pay, Halton set up a cilizens' committee t0 determine a fair method for counicil compensation. The committee recommended that if the tax- free status is eliminated, counicil pay * should rise 10 maintain the current level. Ontario MPPs lost their tax-ftee allowance Iast year. In addition the committee contirmed the current method for calculating increases and suggested it be applied 10 counicillor 2i expense allowances. c Regional counicil approved the commit- tee report Wednesday. Currently counicillors have -acccss Io $1, 548 over their thrce-ycar term tor FOR EDUCATIONAL RENEWAL BASED ON 'PARNT PWER"2 YEAR FORD RED ELECT CARPET LEASE KEN CAMPBELL MILTON TRUSTEE ON THE NEW HALTON BD. OF ED. -S, er Kens Views Il renewal, on I~5'~~I"Renaissance ~ Report" CJMR, 1320 AM, 2YERFR 12:45 NOON2YARFR DAILY!RED CARPET LE, 1 KNUW WHAI TUU DID LAST SMMER 59,,dy &, Suday~ nghtyt 7:0 & 9:15 KgS THE GIRLSIW Sunday -Th,00day nghtl t 7:0 pm Sly Sunday Matnea 2 591 THE EDGE F ody&SaudynghtIy a 97:00 & 9:15 pm Th9,9d eel9tI 2 pm ASK UJS ABOUT FOR MO0TO0R S LI1M1T E D *655 MAIN ST-0.. E.,-MILTrON *875-3673. HIONDA érEPtiéRS DONTr NIE ro SE 'ç CE NRE FOR HONDAS c. HONDA Expferieced Meckncsgý