Thé Canàdien Cheurtptofl, Frlday, OCtbe -24, 1997-4-' Stii life at Kelso The end of summirer doesn't 0qua the end of ail outdoor activîties, especieiy hlot et a conservation ares as vasi end varieci as Keiso. Whlle the beach (bottomn loft) bas been drained and rentai boats (top loft) ait idie, cyclists of ail ages (aboya ieft) con aiweys be found riding eiong muddy shores. And as iong as the fish are etili bit- ing, thaeWil aiways be fishermen (right). NEW LISTING! 3 bedroomn brick, 1 1/2 storey. Separate living and dining roomn w/ fireplace. Recent windows and roof. 1Cati Yvonne at (905> 878-2095. YvoneChisi - . Brkr/w 87 -2 9 oj ANNOUNCEMENT Thi i toadis tht hemassage thera- py practice of Karen Wilson RMT wlll be~ taken over by Sue-Ann McGeragle FIMT, effective November 1, 1997. This busi- ness will continue to operate from 320 Highside Drive, Milton ON. 1 arn pleased to have Sue-Ann carry on this practice that hss been estsblîshed over the past 8 years in Milton. 1 wish her success and. ask my previous and current clients t0 join me in welcoming her. Sue-Ann can be contacted at 876-1248 to book appointments. Health llistory files will be transferred alter the appropriate torm is completed by you. Plusse caîl 876-1248 f0 srrsngefhis. - . ý. B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., c.s.w.. DIR SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotfterapy Individuals, Couples, chlldren & Families 1104, 51h Un. Milton, Ontario <R.R. 2, Reckweod> Elayne M. Tanner (905> 854-0801 Q :1hv been a dient of yeurs sud yen helped mue greatly but when 1 talk te people that I know couid benetit frein ounseging, they seein te ha afraud to make that calI. Tbey say that they dee'l know wbal te expect and if ceunseflng li rigbt fer tbem. Ceuld yen help mue by discussing this? 1 amn gtad that your asked this question, because au you msy guess, these coucerns do surface fequently. Most of us are afraid of things that are new to us. Many people are surprised when they see my office and ils location. My office lu a umatl, converted bouse lu the country. li lu in a beautiful location on the escarpmnent only minutes fromn town. People ofteu comment on how due tranquility of the setting calms tluem. My office lu nl my home, but ratiser, lu completely private sud away from auy normal husîle sud bustle. Once inside, you are lu a typical country living room. comptete with fireplace sud corefortable seating. We meet lu a very naturat non office-like environmieut. The next room ls aplayroomn where t meet with childeen. It bau toys. games sud dotîhouses. art supplies sud a huge chalkboard. Wheu I meet with chitdoen, when appropriate, we nay go outuide for s walk where they csu visit our horses or catch frogu at the pond. The people who come for counselling are the samie s yon sud me. They am coping with hife but feel dual there could be more. They are the samne friendu sud neighbours who talk 10 us sud tell us Iheir problemus but now wsuu to do something about (hemo. Sometimes they do not wsuu ta talk to others but prefer s profeusional sud coufidentiat person 10 discusu the malter with. They msy wsut su impartial third party who witt not lake sides. Their probtemu may bave been with lhem for years or it may be somiethiug dus! bau recentty come up. Elayne Tanner is a Certified Social Worlcer in a private practice ln uorth Milton. Ifywu hase fiirther questions or ifyou would lilue ru, arrange an appointaient, please cail (905) 554-001. Confldentiality guarauateed. Ask "llie 0 als