Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 1997, p. 23

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LOCAL HOLIDAY CRAFTS& COOKIE WALK LOOKING FOR VENDORSI SHOW DATE: NOVEMBER 22,1997 VENDOR TABLES: $25.00 INTERESTED IN TAKINO PART? CALL 878-2521 OR 878-7485. GARAGE SALE SAT. OCTOBER 25TH. S AH-2 PH 288 ONTARIO ST. NORTH SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE, INCLUDES 9 PC. DINING ROOH, EARLY 1900-8. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, OCT. 25TH. 9 AM-3 PM 2060 BRITANNIA ROAD (B.twssn Guelph Une & Cedarapringa Road) Antiques, housahold, sports eqluipment, etoil1 GARAGE SALE 80 MILL STREET SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 8 A.M. - il A.M. Toys, furniture, sport's equipment Q coilecâles. HUGE GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 8:30 AHM. - 2 P. Rein or Shine 11460 GUELPH UNE N B.lwmn 151th Sleroad & 201h Sldsred BROOI<VILLE ANTIQUES - Early 1900's Birdseye maple sideboard, hideaway bed, loveseat, Duncan Phyfe diningroom set with buffet & 2 leaves, codar chests, beds, lamps, framed pictures. 1980 Chev Malibu, auto, 2 door, children's clothing. shoos, etc. & 108dm of oliier items. 1Birda with cages 100 Produce SFREE Hay Rides, Playground,I G ient Peter PUetPtt & Animal Corral! 'GREAT PUMPKIN CHALLENGE' I Haunled Forest s Corn Mazo - Straw Maze Apples, P. Y. O. Raspbeirres, Eldarberries, Flowers, Gourds, Indien Corn, Hot Butted Corn, $1~i.00 OFF P.Y.O. PUMPKIN WITII TIRS AUERTISEHENT North of 401on H 2. Drive East on 10 SQ.i 135 Volunteers Fv-N--u*\ VOLUNTEER O"0>PPORTUNITIES VON Halton Volunteers assist over 475 people to remain in their private homes by oferlng mrud nee y, odcnleanatupeý0 E n tinqPrsety thrae18 honbudsnosand physically challnged indlividuals requesting friendship, outings and shopping assistance. if you hava 2-3 hours per weak to share with someona in naed and would like tlobe part of a dynamic team, please cati us. Training and support as provided by VON staff. For more information, cati the VON Haiton Brench Volunleer Vleiting Progrmm, 827-8800 or 1400.-387-7127 13 oeImprovement 138 Home Improvement M DECORATIVE PLASTERINO. Interiore and exteriors. Best rates on comices, ceiting centors, panel moulding, columns, restoration work, fireplaces and custom work to your design. For aIl types of plaster work from drywail te stucco. Cali 825-760. GAS Furnece/Fireplaces. Fait Sale. Low payments, sterling March/98 on your Union Cou Biig. 312-0513, 301-1177. 140 HandvDerson NO TIHE? Do you keep putling off those email lobs, procraslinalle no longer. Cali Job Buster 875-1363, reasonable rates. 145 General HeID Wanted NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS' The Ontaio Human Rights code prohibite dis- crimination because of age, max, marital statua, race, creed, nalionality, ancestry or place of origin. In compliance wilh lis code this newspaper reservea the night Io make necessary changes in adverlising copy. O-IUDLEIGH'S BAKERY are looldng for full âime staff. Muet be flexible to work shifts and weekends. If intereated you may drop off your reaume et:. Chudleigh's Apple Farm, 9528 Hwy. 25, Milton. 2 kms. N of the 401.- COFFEE TIME DONUTS requires a Manager. Also Counter Help for ail weekond shifts. Ex- penienc necessary. Apply In person to: 405 Martin Street, Milton, <Corner of Steeles& Martin.) DIANAS BAR & GRILL la aeeoing full lme ma- ture waiters/waitresses il Kitchen Help. Ex- partence would b. an mue. Futtimepart ilime. Apply in pereon la: 161 Chuehoinn Drive, Milton. <Qualîty lm.) EARN EXT RA $$ FOR CHRISTMAS Free kit~ free brochures, Irae gift, value $50Q more... Registration fee oniy $20. Cali Avon 905-631-8954 EXPERIENCED Cosmetician needed for nights Q weekends. Apply in person te: Shoppors Drug MarI, Carniage Square. 878-1133. JUNIOR DISPATCHER Transportalion Company in the Milton ares ms looking for a Junior Dispatcher Io fulfilI a seasonal position. Candidiate should have a slrong working krlowledge of comnputers. Pre- vîous expenience in the bulk transport in- duslsy would be an muset as weil as a good general knowledge of trucks and truck repairs. Please send your resumne, complete with salary expected te: BOX 2267, eto The Canadien Champion, 191 HMi Street E, Hilton, Ont LOT 4N9 MANUFACTURER in Campbellville requires Generai Labourers for aflemoon shift. 30 hours per week. Please send resume to P.O. Box 99, Campbelviiie, Ontario. LOP 1iBO, Ail Jack Van SCHOOL bue driver wanied, clasa B preferred but willing te train suitable candidate. For infor- maition cail Lakllaw Transit, 877-2251 requirs FULL TIHE COUNTER HELP AU. SHIFTS FULL TIHE DONUT BAKER WIN traIn Appiy in person Io: 3501 HWY. 25 NORTH WE REQUIRE 50 TEMPORARY FUIt-lIME SECURITY GUARDS Hamilton/ Buriington/ Oakville area Potential for permanent employment. $7.00 par hour. Car an asset. Apply Mondsy t0 Friday g -3 p.m. only. Previoua applications naad not spply. Ahseiutsly No Phas Celle. Fax rossis te: (90) 545-2229 BURNS INTERNATIONAL Security Services Limitol 196 Parkdeîe Ave, North Hamilton, Ontario .'EJt~K0a~a 145 General Hàin WAted CanadiaD ChampionYs,ctb, 24â942 145 General HeID Wantqd -il Thenariojocey Clb aajor sprts enferament orarnzatio ad recognzie asoef the preier ang af ail; ouitrplayes. Maintenance Labourers Located et te Mohaewk Raceway, tItis mslli-tasking mIle involees ep-keeping ail grounds and buildings on the premises and interecting eritt aIl deparumenta. Vea must be wiîling ta work shifts lincluding weekens and holidays as requestedt. bu is good physical condition, and possons a valid drivers licence and a gond command of lte Englisti language. Vos wll demonstrate your safe and officient work standards lna ranestof daties inctuding lendscaping eaergency respasse, trnseand rock removel, installation of epparetus louch as bua tarps, treck barricades, paddock stae) and presor- vation of lte turf couse. We invite you ns forwerd yosr resume, incriceting yosr salery espectetions, in confidenice, te: Andfrea Street Humes Resources services, The Ontario Jockey Club, 5% Rexdale Bouleard, P.O. Box 150, Rexdale, Ontario, MOW 51Z Wo tItosk ail applicents for thoir intorest but wiss to edvise test only skate selected for an interview wlît bu coetacted. %~ 1 --% LABOURER Required fuli-time by horse farm bo muck out statîs and do generat maintenance. Must have own transportation. CatI (905) 827-2234 AREVYOU TIRED OF LONG HAUL TRUCKING? BoyaOu WANT TO *18e home every aiglît VEarn a good wookly paycheque and.. v'Have a banefita plat? Then yau wasi le aois BUFFALO TORONTO TRIIPORT, tram Burlinglas. We are naw hiring OWMER OPERATOIS, wîlh tadem asie tractars. la rua wiihin a 250 mile radius af Toronto. Regular ruas la Buffais, Rochrester and Syracuse are asailabie, aog wilh lise haut rues la Meira Detroit. For more info cmll 1-800-824-3360, and esk for Pote or Darcle TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS Customner Service / Teîemarketing *Junior Position Telephone experience ond o pleosont ouf- going parsonolify raquirad. Excellent inter- personol skilis, good tyin kilis ond on ability fo leorn quickly. Somae compter experience on assaI. Coul Joan Gilmour (905) 875-2915 No Colis on Tuesdoy OUTSIDUE PSALEOS or moret Tn yu shuld eiN o porAtYoftn gr l'i O copoe WA CoGo E r odu LOCAMTOR IIIRT IP. 0%0à , é4'.. .-éýf*. *. .. ï 155 Skilled Helo SDS is an international manufacturar spa- cializing in the machining of engineered plas- tics and stainlasa steels. Due ta our contin- uad growth we requira the foltowing highly skilled individuals 10 join our taam: CNC MACHîNîST With 3 10 5 yaars axperience and proficiancy in ONO machining, you are capable of satling Up andi oparaling various CNC machines ta perform precision machining operaliona, such as tuming andi milling. The abilily 10 read and interprel blue prints andi a knowtadge of ail maasuring bool and equipmant in matric and inch la raquirad. You hava y our own bools and the flexibility ta work on convantional equipmant. FINISHING/ASSEMBLY TECHNîCîAN This position raquira the oparalion of a finish- ing lathe, hona and buffing aquipmenl. You hava the abilily to rac and intarpral blue- printa and a knowladge of metric and inch precision meaauring tools. Adaptability and flexibility are fundamental. We offer a competitive aalary and benefita package. Pliase apply in writing, clearly indu- cating which position you are apply for, 10: Scanner Drum Service North Americe Limited 150 Armstrong Avenue Units 1 Q 2, Georgetowen, ON L7G 5G8 Fax: (905) 873-6681 166 Careers ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATOR Canada'e largest automobile auclion boni- pany neade an accolunt administrater te woolc in lte corporalle flest Q base departinent- Mm- ture individueal, minimum 2 years office ex- perience required, able 10 work under pressure, well organmzed and detail oriented, cuetemer eervice ekilîs an assaI, experience on IBM AS400 computer. Please contact: RIck Banks at 875-2915 No TLudey 0alI pléés. 170 Davcarea CARING & fun envlronment availabie for fulîlime infant/child. Receipte given. 876-4415. DAYCARE availabie in my home. Piayroom, outinge, crafle, TLC. Recaipte. LowvilWeKibride aires. 335-5833. IN THE EVENT of e teachees sawk will provide lemporary deycare in my home or youre. Wal 878-5729. UVE IN NANNY required. Rural Milton. $150. weekly plue room and board. 19 or over. Reference required. Cali 878-6262, aller 6 p.m. LOOK NO FURTIIER. Experienced, reliable Mont can hetp during leachers strnke. Receipts always given. 875-1992. NEED SHORT TERH Dsycare due te etrike? Retiable mothor wilii reasonabie rates. C.P.P.I Firat Aid. Flexible hours. Nubritioue snacks and hot lunches. Crafla/Outdoor play/playroom. Sharon 875-2609. "INTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING. INTERIOR PAINTING. Faux flnishing, hand peinted, murale Qillustrations. Ouality work ai affordeble pices.J 87i4fl e OO-OC,5

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