r" 28-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 17, 1997 Classif iedMONL)ÀY TO FRIDAY ri d 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CLARK, Steven & Jacqueline welcome witii love the safe anivai cf tiieir firat child, Connor Gabriel, weighîng 8 Iba. 11 oza. bcrn at Etobicake General Hospital an October 10, 1997. Second grsndchild for prcud grandiparents Ann a Patrick McMullan cf Etobicoke and first grandchild for Audrey a Barry Clark cf R.R.95, Hilton. Connor la welcomed by John, Anne Marie & Alessandra Dangcv of Seattie, Washington and John HcMullan cf Sydney, Australla. Ecsfatic firaI time Uncle Dave & Aunt Cane Clark cf Mtilton have offered fre babysit- ting and etiquette lmaon NEVIS/CRMBIE Seaa S arls are happy te announce the birth cf their daughter Suminer Le. on Auguat 30, 1997 at 6:05 p.m.. weighing 5 flic. 112 oz. Proud grandiparents are Maikws & Maias Cramble, Bett -Nevire, Ladine Johnsto and Sean Nevins. Firat time great grandpairenils are Gene a Percy Barr, Agnes a Wiff Nevins, Richard a Eva Cromble and Pearl Forte cf Sccttand. Thanks Io Dr. Glen HunIer aid dme 0.9. Staff ai Milton Distict Hospital. VENERUS, Ray &Carrde (noe) Sullivan of Hillton are pleased ta annaunce t" birti of their son Tyler Michel weighing 8 Ibo., 14 oz. at Hilton District Hospital on September 30, 1997 ai 11:59 p.m. A special birtiuday present for has big brother Devin. Proud grandiparents are Ed & Sharon Sullivan, Ray Venerus aid Diane Venenas cf Milton. Special aunta, aid uncles are Lonie & Tony Ferrante and Janme & Dan McNaily. Ex- cited cousina are Justin, Blancs and Hayden. Hany tuanka ta Marna wonderful coactiing tests, Dad, Grammy aid Nicol. Thaik you Dr. Peers, Dr. Davis and ail the great nurses in the OB ai Hilton District Hospital. O5 Birthdays BIRTHDAY PARTIES at Springridge Fan. Wagon rides, farts animais, coîlect a chicken's egg, haystack jumpig, privais party rmcm aid kinch. Milton, 878-4908. il Halls & Caterers BANQUET ROON AVAILABLE, trots 10 ta 100 persans. Ideal for Christmnas Parties, Baiquets, Meetings, Shawers. Nasca Sport Lounge, 878- 11880. 14 Weddinu Services PHOTOGRAPHY - Weddings o vn photography. Reasonably priceci. References. Cal Slae or Lauise (905) 878-4560. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - 100-115 prooifs i album plus neigatives. 15 years expenience. Roi- able and reasonable. Pictur Perfect Weding Photagraphy. 905-839-710; 30 Deaths MACDONALD, James <Lawrl) . At Allendale on Saturday, Oclober 11, 1997. Latude Mac- Donald cf lion, beloeed husband cf Evelie MacDonald. Dear smon f tue laie James and Mary MacDonald cf Edinburgh, Sotiand. A Memorial Service wil be held ai the McKersle- Kocher Fun"ra Home, 14 Main Street Milton on Fniday, October 17th, 1997 <taday> al 11:00 ar. Cremation has laiton place. In lleu cf floarors donations tai tue Canadian Dibtetes Associationl aroulci ba appredatded by tue family. 30 Deaths BARROW, 811I - Wtii sorrow the family announ- ces tiie death cf Biii Barrow at dne Milton District Hospital on Saturday, Octaber 1 l th, 1997. Bill Barrowr cf Hilton ini Ns S8tii year, belcved hua- band and best friend cf Rose. Dear son-in-law cf Louisa Pratomanni cf Timmins. Dear brother-mn- law of Angle and Norman Bèntele cf Timmins, Namna and Fred Purificati cf Peterborough, Loreta anid Reg Parry cf Thornhill, Linda and Leif Oison cf Cedar Valley. Sadly missêd by nieces and nephews Caria, Paul and Bon, David and Bille-Jo, Penny, Danryl aid Shannon, Triria and Hike, Tesha, Kristen, Michael and Brennan. Reated at the Molerale-Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Main Street, Milton trots 2-4 and 7-9 pmi Tuesday, October l4th, 1997. Funeral Service was held Wednesdsy, October 15tis, 1997 at 2:.00 p.m. tram ti" funersi home. If desired dona- tions ta die Canadian Cancer Society or the. Mul- tiple Scierosis Association would be appreciatsd by the family. FULSANG, Aile - On Wedneaday, October 15, 1997 aI Allendiale, Hilton. Alice (Van Hinte) Fulsang, in her 84th year. Beloved wife of Henry, dear mother of Hcney Froese, Katrina and her huaband Mike Bacrett, Eric and his neife VI. Lcved grandmiother cf Robert, Katrina, Robyn, Ryan, Jeif, Doug and Tim. Great grandmnother of Tcdd and Tyler. Sister cf Andres. Funeral Service 1:00 pm, Saturday at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville. Those neho wish may make memorial contributions ta the Alzeheimer's Society. HAWKES, Emflly - At her residence i Hilton on Friday, October 10, 1997. Emily Hawkes, beloved wife cf tue laie George W. Hawkes. Lcvig mother cf David aid hs mille Sandra Hawkes cf Burlington. Sadly misseci by her grandichildren Anne-Haria aid Andrew of Hilton, George and Kelly of Terra Cotta and Jennifer and Steve of Hilton. Also her great grandchildren Annelles. aid Darcy. Rested at the McKersîe- Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Main Street, Hilton. Funeral Service was Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at il :00 arn. from the funeral home. Donations Io the Omagh Church cf Christ would be ap- preciateci by the family. PERRY, John - With great sorrcw the family an- nouncS the deatu cf John Perry at Nis residence i Hilton on Haniday, Octaber 13th, 1997. John Penry, belciveci husband of the fate Vema Penry (noe Lesîle). Loving fatuer of Donna aid her husband Bil Manuel aid Ed Penry cf Hilton, John aid hia wfo Marion Penry cf Bulington and Gord aid has wife Dawna Penry of Uistowell. Loved by grandchildren Ron aid Karen Manuel, Andy, Keith aid ichael Perry. Frlend cf Bille Shea. Dear brother cf Alice Metyner'cf Cleveland, Ohio and Bertha Trencs cf Hilton. Predeceased by brothers Kenneth, William, David aid George. Thue Funerai Servie was held on lbursday, October 16th, 1997. Intennient Evergreen Cemetery, Hilton. If deosireci donations Io the Canadian Cancer Soclety or the Milton District Hospital would be appreaiated by thie family. Arrangements entrusted ta the McKersle- Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Hain Street ilton. WILSON, Earl T. - At 1h. Hilton District Hospital on Wednesdsay, October Stu, 1997, Esal Wilson cf Hilton, beloved husband of Shirley (ne. Laowe). Loving father of Brent cf Exeter aid Bren- dia and her husband John Keeler cf Keswick. Devolaci Grandpa cf Carle aid Tedi. Survived by he ismaer Mary Tight cf Million. Predeceaseci by 5 brothers and 5 aisters. Fun"ra Servie as hold trots tue J. Scott Esrly Funeral Home, 21 James St, Miltion on Fniday, October 101h. Ex- pressions cf sympatuy may ba made i the forts cf a donation ta the Haltan Lung Association or the Salvation Artsy in meçnory cf Eutl. WILSON, Ronald Wayne - At tue Hilton District Hospital on Thursday, Octaber 9th, 1997, Wayne Wilson cf. Hilton, beloved husband cf Lynda Wilson. Laving fatuer of Mark, Christian and Rlyan (Sats) and stepfatuer of Christine aid Ken. Dear son cf Marion Wilson cf Edmonton and brother cf Wendy aid her husband Bob Magin- nis of London aid Rhonda Wilson. Funerai Ser- vice was held on Saturday, Octaber 111th frots the J. Scott Earîy Funeral Home, 21 James St., Hilton. Interment Evergreen Cametery, Hilton. 30 Deaths WILSON, Cameron Andrsw (form.rly of Mliton) - At the Guelph Generai Hospital on Monday, October i 3th, 1997, Cam Wilson of R.R.#5, Guelph in hia 711h year. Belaved hua- band cf the lote Norma (Lawsan) Wilson. Loved father cf Jim Wilson and his wife Jane Mcl<innon Wilson, Betty Wilson and Larry Wilson ail at Guelph. Devated granclfather cf Jessica and Joel. Laving brother cf Isabel Haslett and her husband Earf cf Don Mils. Dear brolher-in-law of Melba and Hugh Beaty and Danis Lawsan. Predeceaaed by his brother-in-law Bill Lawson. Cam was s past patron af Rundle Chapter No. 108B Order of the Eastern Star, an active member af Speed Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 180 G.R.C., a directar of the Speed Lodge Choir and a memnbor of the Scottish Rite Valley cf Guelph. An Eastern Star service was held at the funera home un Thursday evening ai 8:30 followed by a Hasonlo service at 8:45 p.m. Friends called at the GlIchrist ChapOl-Ucintyre à Wile Funeral Home, One DeIhi Street Guelph. Funeral Ser- vice was held et Norfolk Stree Unied Churdi (Norfolk a Cork Streets) Guelph on FeIdsy, Oc- lober l7th at 11:00 AHM. Interment Evergreen Cemetery, Hilton on Friday at 2:00 P. Memnorial contributions ta the VON, Heart & Stroke Fouindation of Ontario or the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreaiated. 37 In Memoriams JUPP, Kelly- In loving memory of a wondierful sonlbrother/uncle/f riend, who sas taken f rom us suddenly October 18, 1996. Thertas a lamily abs misaes you sarilyrsn a home ysn useri ta he, A iamily abs santed ta kttp ysn, but God willed ia nt ta ha. We did nat knark thut evnama, What ananas tht nesi day ssnld blini, Tht bister griel, tire shnck sentît, ta part siair sur aon, Whnm se lontd an dear. Van bd no one al las aeseli, a chance an say ganribyt, Yna Seat gane btisre se kits it aid niy od irisas shy. sd ane ns sirengih aid cannage, ta lace ihai dneadinl bina, tnt shat iment ta nise yan, nassne arli tuer knna. When sadaso ni ilhi hune talles and se are ail nant, In nnr heurts there cames a issaina, il nnly yan counid came home. We maurn for yan in allent ns eyen can set ns anep. Bnt many a allent tar la shed, aile airera are sitp. They say tirai heurts danst neuly break, dear God ihat issit true, Tire sarnira se lst ynn Kelly, sur hearts brake rahtin ltas. Wrap ysar arma arsnnd hlm Lard. aid keep hlm in ysnr lavng cane. Aifes mare stepa aies mare y tari. aid aon se'l mees hlm tire. 01i ait thut tife iras aivn as, aid ail tirais let ta do. We'l nener kssa a areaier gris, tiras tht yeara as shared aurh you. Keily's fssily and f rienda HYATT, Michael - In lcving memory cf a dear son, brother, brotuer-eulw aid uncle whc passed away October 12, 1985. Saily missedi along life's way Ouietly remnembered overy day No longer i aur lives toi share But in aur hearts your always there. Sadly Mlaaed By, Mcm à Dad, Marc, Kathy, Joanne, Ron, Carol, Steve, Danielle, David, Jonathan & Makayla. 40 Card of Thanks THE FAMILY of the Sle H.G. (Paddy) Wilson, wauld like ta, express our heartfelt thanka to ail aur relatives, friends and neighbours for ail the beautiful flower arrangments, carda, dona- tbons and foad. A special thank you ta Dr. McKay, Dr. Brun Del Re and ta the. nurses in Chronlo Care at Miltan District Hospital for the kindness and devatian ta Paddy, duning hia lengthy stay. We wauld alsa like Ici thank Daug Kocher and his family at McKersie- Kacher Funeral Hame and Rev. Bob Hyde for his oamforting wards and the Legion Lales Auxiliaiy for lunch. Vour kindness will always be remnembered. Barb Wilson & FamIIy. Tht Principal and Staff of Mitton District High Schoot invite you tes join us for our Annuel Commencement Ceremonies Friday, October 24, 1997 at 7:30 pm in the gymnasium Speciat gueat: Lt. Col. Chria Hadfietd Rni airtinn-Q IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE SALE TO BE HELO IN THE AGIIICULTUIIAI HALL, ROBERT ST., MILTON FAIRGROUNDS, MILTONI. Ail antiques tram large stane Ingltasuaf hamt. Set Waadbnidge Advertiser for full listing. Preniew 4:30 pSn AUCTIONEER DON COLLINO (M0) 877-0117 65 Lost or Straved LOST, BlacflWhite kitten. Victoria St., Rotary Park ares. 876-0299. 80 For Sale 18 IN. DIGITAL Satellite System. 80 diaineis free for one year. Only $7.00/week. 1-800-267- 9466. 27 IN. ZENITH Sterea TV - $6.25 par week 35 in. Zenith Stereo TV $19 per week. Free delivery. 1 - 800-267-9466. AZTEC INTERNET ACCESS - Surf the net, with North Halton's cwn home grown internet providier. Conipetitive rates, walk in service, free business listing. 873-2141 Fax # 873-2596, www.aztac-net.com COMPUTER SPECIAL: Pentium 166 with CD drive, fax modem, Windows 95. $17.500week. 1- 800-267-9466. DINING ROOM SET, idcudes china cabiet, pedestal table aid 4 high back diirs. Creamn wîth brass accents. Like new. Askîng $800. Andrea 878-9291. GAS Fumaces/Fwreplaces. Fall Sale. Low pay- ments starting Mardi, 1998 on your Union Gas Bill. 312-0513, 301-11-77. PIANOS Used Vamnahas .and Kawais. New pianos from $2.695. The Piano House, Burtington. 905-631-9259. REFRIGERATOR, stave, automatic washer/ dryer, excellent condition. Brampton, 905-79&- 1814. SEAT Sale. Freshen up your ilnett/diningrooxn chairsi RaI ends. Froni $18.95 e.. seat. Fabric & labour included. Fields Ouality Custom Uphcistening. 875-4427 9-9. SIT ON IT, dlont ait in il. Replacement foats for cushion. Residiential/Commercial. Fields Uphcistery, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., 7 days weekiy. 875- 4427. SPECTACULAR 1 1-pce. cherry mahogany diningrooni, balVclaw chairs, 10 Il. banquet table $3,900. Cherry mahn. 9-pce. ciningroots, $1,750 plus others, 6 pce. cherry mahogany 7 fi, poster bedroom, plus athers. Save $1,000s1 Ouality At Ita Beat. Fr. Delivery. (915) 227-9458. USED Office Equipm.nt - indludes desk, finmg cabinets aid credenza,. Reasonable, Muet go. Contact 876-4604. See Todays Champion for our neav "Milestones" section. To announce vour special event. cali The Champions C1assit ied Deparunsent au 875-3300. IM; Nntices