Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Oct 1997, p. 26

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Water woes winding, from LOOKS on page 1 Several of the com reie*tofte ito habr fshrlitdby Haltoneors cores cent ury of staying pow er C rrr îîi jcce an dîr~ c sL I1 J rîr ( hîc hrîr s1lîjrî ý_ rla n L 'tl (Yii r r ltugh Herron and Mitch Fasken ail spoke against the prucess beinï in favour of a timely solution 10 Miltons the reduced scope of the p waîer problem. They suggeated HaIt Tom Muir, representing s Burlington obligation 10 keep t bascd taxpayers' watchdog organization, because.cet. slammeil politicians for tai3...~r.ea place over a ycsr during the American Civil Wsr. Il is canried by Kristins Nicoîl îhrough a very y sîrong performance in the role of Jo. At limes funny and touching, the play is also tinged wiîh ssdncaa. Given the shortneas of a stage adaptation, some of the characters are not fully rounded. Because of Ibis, events of great power in the a rousing succesa. novel are somewbat fist on the stage. Stratford's production However, it doca not diminish the achieve- dence, particularly in thei ment of the adaptation. If the predominantly device, the entrance wa femnale audience was any indication the play was unsatisfactory. values we nusic. Only y 10 the hi itacîl suggests how strung the production is. hIn fact, during one sequence where characters .»e stage a short play within the play, the production values uaed arc pethapa a bit lin good. MaIes in the audience, likely unfamiliar witb t e the story, are in for an enjoyable evening. o ain expectallons usually lead t0 the highestsaifc Iat lest one instance the stoty fine follows a path difficult for maIes 10 appreciate or under- stand. 0 M One sister destroys the very bard work of another, and wbile tests are shed and anger re in cvi- exista, the proper balance is ne.vet resîored. one stage Thete is no satisfaction. )use, was Froin a maIe perspective a aimilar action .requirea exacting revenge, wbicb in the context r ---------------------------------------- Coupon: 2 for 1 admission at Mohawk Raceway valid October 24th only. onffl) Io eind W: T:nio Li 00,01 MOHAWK $4 ADMISSION. PARKING IS ALWAYs FKFF,. INFO? CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-675-RACE. W),N'W.OJC.C()M L ---------------------------------------- sweet and ultirnately accepted as necessry.l to even the score. So strange did 1 find this part of the play that I1 would like to sec it again as a window on the mental processes of women. Also of note in Little Women was the youngest - actreas Cassie Fox, 13, who played daughter Amy. From a town near Minneapolis, Minnisota shte has been acting for fOve years with a list of cred- its including Cindy Lou Who in the world pre- mier of Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Ms Nicoîl, of Stratford's Young Company for the past three seasons, can carry a production. She did it last year in As You Like It and does it again in Little Women. Lousy deal gets hairy By LISA TALLYN -Special ta The Champion Head lice are a year-mound problem that doesn't juat surface in clcmcntary sehools says Mary Gurba, a publie health nurse with Halton Region. Ms Gurba, who works with the region' s children's health services team, says head lice arc always in the community and presehoolers and adults account for 30 10 40 pet cent of head lice cases. Head-to- hcad contact is the key for spreading the tiny, winglest, grey inseets. Ms Gurba says head lice, which have been around for thousands of ycara, (nit combs used to remove empty shelîs of lice eggs were found in Egyptian tomba) live in humant hair and feed off human blood. Eaeb female louse laya about five 10 eight pinhead-sizcd cgga a day close to the scalp for warmth and easy acceas 10 their food supply. Witbin seven 10 ten daya the eggs hatch and the ncw lice atart eatîng. Ms Gurba says people with head lice may not know they have them, and by thc time their bead itches there could be hun- dreds of eggs on the scalp. For that tesson Ms Gurba says adults sbould check each other's and their chil- drcn's scalpa, particularly near the neck ares and bebind the cars, once a weck. She altresses il's important for parents 10 check their kida especially afler group activities, summer holidsys and sîcepovers. Finding the problem early meana lesa cggs lu remove. "Parents should teach childrcn 10 brush and comb their hair evety night," says Ms Gurba. Brushing and combing injures the head lice su îhey f'ail off and can't breed. Anynne who finds head lice or their eggs should cal] I-aIton Region's Head Lice Information Line at 878-8113, ext. 5423 for information on how 10 gel rid of thein, and contact their pharmacistl'for a shampoo or cresin rinse t0 kiff lice and eggs. Ms Gurba says there arc numerous prod- uctsasvailsblc and a pharmacist can hclp lu find the right une as some shouldalt bc uscd on young children, people with aller- gies or pregnant and brcastfccding women. When head lice have been found on one family member the test of' the lanîily should be thuroughly checked. "11 is important tu treal isnly those with head lice," says Ms Gurba. She says treat- ing peuple who don'l have lice rnay increase the resisiance capabîlîties ut the lice to the treaîment pruducîs. She added thc product directions should he lollowed cxactly. She'says afier the shismpoo or creaui rinse is applied the hair sbuuld be rinscd *see HEAD on page 20 WOULDN 9 T YOU RATHER BE Air A HORSE RACE 1 p b e llv i 1 le. Mohawk Raceway. Guelph Line, North of the 401, Cam77 14ow . $43 A- BREDERS CROWN Friday, October 24th. Post turne 7:30 pin. 715iere's a big evening planned at Mohawk and we want you to be a part of it. Friday, October 24th see the Standlardibreds race wNith style at the Breeders Crown. With eight major stakes races, you just can't lose. Each race is a mile long and with millions on the lime, it'll bc toiich and go ail the way. Gates open at 6 pin and post timre is 7:30 prîn. Your odds of winning have never been better. Howv's that for a finishing touch? 1 r..

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