Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Oct 1997, p. 20

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RE6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 14, 1997 Decorating tricks for selling your home Before havîng your Ruattor pose that "For Sale" sign in front of your home, be sure ta, take a carefuiliook at the inside and outside of the bouse. How your home looks ta prospective buyers can determine not oniy how long it stays on the market, but what it selis for. Begin by asking your Reaitor for came tips on sprucing Up inside and outsîde appearances. A gaad reai estate professionai will bu Weil aware of what features wili catch a prospective bayer' s eye - and what mincir eyesores can acta- aiiy work against a potentiai sale. Bath the inside and outside of your home must leave prospective buyers with a positive COOL__ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ UUUSUIL CUMUIcIAI.. IVISIIT Ywisper ,rtr r sc . Caroiree invesirnent optrorlunity. $49.100 uet ihat une ahis quiet courtsU i.ucter income, long leaso AAA. Tenant. Asking dm ouel downio"s, aIs 10 t2M $e 500 vnreoeiais W ron pintr, -2.400 Sq 0. ltiown location $11.00 Sq. fil Single deiodol g0e, 3 bdnrru., -2,400 sq. t. commercial $16,00 net, high (ail wiih waik-ti csetul, new profile location, lilcieir, irardwoooi itoorn comrplote - 2,000 sq. Il. industrial $3.75 sq. il. net mnadora. Ar~ e-qaue PMU - 4-2033 sq. il. Industriel $3.50 oq. ilt net PHIL PRESTIDGE iyfrcmlt ealo o,1e no1 ton lsicps co ntti dl act Phi - Partial liai ofausiilable propéilln for induniri- Sales Repraeeetatioe 878-81 1 no#* tm k s PS ai, commercial. Caîl Phuî Prootldge. - L-shaped LR. & DR. Three good your prîvate viewing. PETRA SCHWABE* Sales Representatve Century home, lovîngly nestored and rennsaled. Feataros large open concept lamily mosm/kil. wilh F.P. & maîhout, mas- ter wiih entoile, bouiflla woed flions ..î. on a spoctacolar 4.25 acre properly on the edgeofe tht tocarpmont. $369,000. -,s.RURAL ESTATE SUDISItON, oniy * . mirutes ru Hwy 401il O ampbeliulle.« - .Lois: urarurag ai $90000 Humes tu ile built: Pine Grovu mortel Issour acul9900 or sulucr a plar ro i Salas Reprasenlalive A SIGNATURE VOL) CAN ,à COUNT ON *êDUË - S I .1 IEUE This end unît offers prîvacy & more yard space. Multi-level space wtth brîght eat in kitchen & spactous bedrooms. Walkout to patta tram rec room, plus fîreplace. One of the Iowest prîced townhomes around. ELLEN SANDI BOER KINSALE* Sale Rer»enaU»Sales Representativu 878-8101i 878-8101 Country property just minutes front Milton. F natures an open concept on isl; design with larfe countryi kil. w/OtooI on patio & i/s pool. Mary upgrades & " L "M l renooliono in ls 100 O rs fin0st Surrounded by mature trees lecludes n fa largo detached barn or workshop & wd aitacheii 2-car garae. 9349,000G. o k g oceporch. walkost to dock, soparoto dining ni mitietaandny. Colt nom fon mono inlonmatio feeling. tf you feel you need .snother opinioni about your hame's appearance, ask a relative or friend ta look ait the bouse with a criticai eye and give you an hanteot assesment. Major decarating befare seiling may bu bath unnecessary and undesirable since bayers offeen prefer ta select their own points and calars. But if paint, bath inside and out, is duil, aid and dirty, you may want ta paint the key areas. Washabie, latex paints are the best choice. Inside, a light, bright natural color such as white or beige is the best choice. Light colars will make a roamn look larger and brighter. Naturai shades make a roomn mare flexible for any type of tumitare. Fresh paint, minoir repairs, potted plants, flo- ral arrangements and an appealing scent, can ail imprave the marketability ai your home and create a good firsi impression. Here are more easy and economical tips: - Make badly marked walis and ciosets mare attractive simpiy by giving themn a gaad scrub. . Repair any braken sereens, doar hinges, Windows and other items that detract.fromn the home's appearance; replace aid light fixtures, door knobs, light switch plates ta create a fresh- er appearance. - Re-arrange, remave, or add fumniture ta an area ta make it appear bigger or smalier. - Simple, inexpensive window treatmenta can work wonders. Adding a valance or fabric swag that camplemnents a room'o decor, con be very appealing. - Use a strip ai waiipaper, or a bright walipa- per border, ta make a ronm came alive. - Hardwaod floors are a popular item on many buyer's liot. Ta check if your home bas hardwood under broadioam, lift a corner and check. Remaving aid braadlaom and having the hardwood floars sanded and poiished, may be the feature that makes a bayer pick your home over another. - If your home has warn broadloam aniy, cansider replacing it in a neutral shade. You îoa.ay not recover the cosi, but y ou could sedI your home faster. - Remove ait unnecessaiy possessions or dlut- ter that deeract from the sale. Consider holing a garage cale prior to seiling or donating items to charity. - Enhance the key seiiing points of your homes - a workshop, a solarium, a beautiful garden, or a fireplace - by drawing attention ta them. An attractive hanging, mirror or framed print above a firepiace wiii draw attention to it. An open view froro a window will draw atten- tion to the garden outoide, and so on. - Keep front and bock enîrances of your home dlean, clear and inviting by adding a weicome mat, an attractive door hanging or piacing pot- tied plants nearhy. - Always keep everything dlean - windows and mirrors shouid be sparkling. - Try to have a naturai flow from room to roorn, rather than rooms that are not uniformi or compiumentarry. - To make a roomn look more spacious, remove toys, exceso fumnituru, wall-to-wall tro- phies and books. - Make sure the house is at a corofortable temperature and that the right number of iights are on. A crackling tire creates a homey feeling, day or night, during the flu and winter. Remember, the most important roms to many buyers are the kitchen and the bathroom. To create the impression that your home is easy to, maintain, pay speciai attention to, thece rooms and keep them tidy and dlean ait ail times. Appiy many of these tipo to your home. If you want tai oeil quickiy and ai the price you are asking, it is very important ta set the right mood and enviranment both inside and out. 'Me best advice is be objective. Look ait your property through the eyes of S prospective buyer. This article is provided by local Realtors and tihe Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) for the benefit of consumers in the real estate niarket.* Family rooms for real people The Iamily raom is the center af today's home. It la the place where familles get tagether tai watch televisian, tisten ta music, wark an the computer, do homewark, eat, pay bilts and entertain informalty. Wilh ait ai these fuanctions, the family room must bu a truty versatile room that stands up ta a lot ai wear and tear. Since il is the room whure you spend the moot lime, you want it. ta look great, fuel comiortable, and refieut your litèstyte. Upholstery fabrics are mare durable and stain resistant ihan ever. We've came a long way from the baring upholstery fabrics ai the eightius, and taday's fabrics look great and are easy ta care for, taa. Does yaur famity room have panetted watts that yau are itching ta replace'? Often, you con caver panelling with a watt lier and wallcovering, withaut gaing ta the trouble and mess ai ripping off the aid panulling. And today's waltcavering came in a beautifut array ai vinyts that are washable as welt as beautiful. It seems like the carpet industry makes new advances in fiber techmalogy every year. Many carpets possess stain resistant character- istics and are heat set so thu carpet wears wetl, but aiso keep in mind your famity's camiont. If you have chitdren, they are apt ta lie on thu floorjust as soon as sit on a sofa. Some fibres, tike potypropylenu, feul very uncomfortabte ta the touch. On the other hand, polyester fuels cxtremely sait. Weigh the pros and cons aif carpet libers belore you make your decisicîn. If you have saruggled with trying. ta find a place for the tetuvision, cabte box, VCR, and sterua, lorok no further. The entertainiment cenier can hotd îhem ait. If yau stili haven't investud in one, you'tt bu happy ta know that enturtainment centers are made ta suit amy style, tram traditionat ta cantemporary. Make a lot af your needs, and be sure ta check the dimensions of yaur tulevision before you begin shopping for an entertaimment center. Muasure the outside and inside daorways ta bu sure they witt attow for delivury - enter- tainiment centers came in some pretty hefty sizes! Sa sit back, relax anid enjoy' your famil 'y room - after 'you 'te decorated, of course! Thsis article has been provided by lune Wilson of Iiecorating Dent, Milton cter ated of on's eets ures ood- lass oom, ri. Baching ente open opace. This 3 bed- noem unît bas boe lnoohly paintod & fealuret almool ail -nom windows & nom patio dean. Nom Prico $111.900. 1mfdai,-

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