ROYAL LEPAGE The Management and staff of Royal LePage Milton are pleased announce the winner of their ",Fali Fair" draw. Conqratufations to Debbie Daiqfe of WoodfaWn Cres. ~ The happy winner of a Iovely framed print. PROVEAU* NIGR SCaE RBeeenie Lovely English Tudor on 5 AC of hardwood forest. 12 rooms, excellent layout for nanny or inlaw suite or bed & breakfast. OnIy 10 min. from 401. Cali Ed or Norma Proveau. $368,000. BARBARA CRCOWEmvAa a Associats Broker Mrket Value Appraiser 878-8101 Custom bult bungalow witfl plaster waîîs and strip oak floors. Situated on olver 4.5 acres between Milton and Georgetown. Asking $259,850. Cai Barb Crowe. TERESA MILLS-HALL* Sales Representat;Ïve 878-8101 ITwo bedroom bungalow, eat-in kitchen, fire- place, full basement Gran ay go gtart. $156,900. BARBARA LAFILECHE Salas Repras.ntate 878-8101 SEa)ey full by the ina nng fine! Tis spacioas 4 br onro ollero maoy nîce upgradeo plus a large, mature tu0t c lose In Mîlloni Mati. For comfoit and value, compare cit airytbtng you may bave seen1 $100 90 Fa t i ie :ý pae - bot * ynr amy is ina m and cosy -n ls wttl car ed tor one ainer home. Fie shed top 10 bottom, Ifs unigue ftuturus are sure tu detighl Large baciqiar wthltnground pool. pond and deuko. $223,000 N292 RIandal Crus. This Sweetheart V SOLD in one 4 bedroom sidesplit with main floor tamily ek ro.If you are thînkîng of seîîîng, please LJwek gîve me a catI for an appraisal. VIRGUNUA BRAZEAU * R.N. HOWDEN* Sales Ropresentative 878-8101l In Campbîllville. 2 stotoy brick. 3 bodr00m0 plus polenlial lor 41h oit Studi Oin attîc. Pine Iloors rolin- ished, new dry cal> and insUlation, 2nd blot and ail diring roplacodl. h~~!.ICopper supply linos lot plUmbing. AIl on a nicely Iree lot of almost - 1/2 acro $259000. *Building lot Tocniîne $84.900. a notai subdivision loto $99,000 -$159.000 *23 acro lot (2 ponds) $179,000. M à 1 = 1q ril e 11= I -I Sales Representative mion (mo) 87e-el1Gi Toronto <M) 338-4888 uys a ts a O I 00 oqu wI homo. 3 bvdooass oom, plusan offce o 4th bod nom. mon c ondocu r~Uey sced, o raco oy acod and ro reshingoed (8 yeao>) Contraly localod and a geti prioe$175,000. AL VOLPE* Sales Bepresentatva 878"101 BUILDING LOT 2 acres on Mount Nemno. $2099000 SANDV DEL PAPA Saies Reprosontative lu878-8101 $249,900. BeSt of both wonlds country setmg on .67 AC. Mna close to tOwn. Titis bungalow boasis a huge contry kit., main tir tam. rm and detactled dli garage (+ worksop area>. BONUS toun waier & toied air gas iieatng. cati today' 111I6 @L 1:1 bedroom backsplit Itas teoced yard and family *roomf wîtb F.P. Great location close 60 park. 1. BEL SCOO UE- 57 COUNTRY E5TATE 5.5 AGNezi Custom bull stone bungalow ineotled on 8.75 acres witit panoramic viene of Torooto sky- ine and escarpmno. Minotes to 401 and Milton. Coold be uoed as oms»i hoise tarin. Walkoot from biner level to,3 car garage plus 4 car detached garage and mocit more. North of 15 Sideroad with 7 acres and workshop. $259,900. onn 1 8 Miues to Bronte Harbour, ouhof Lakeshore on West Street. Home features one bedroom apartmrrent with pri- vate entrance, two bedroomn with main floor family room, walkout to private backyard 50' x 220'. uaVts good to $275000 58 ACRES know someone 'over 1,000 f0. of frontage on Britannia Rd. e Located ast of who knows Appleby Lene on the south aide and cares." *Pretty property to inveat in or to build your dreamn home on. 19 ACRES *309,000 0011 sttetgg8,50 fo gihis 'chaii & Cittiactet t.5 Siry lrne. 00-10 A R SO K ILLE Westîcapbelliile location, Beeutiu propeeta wigadens suetound $239,900 HORNBY Featimg "aeoei oak kit cupboands, sciened poicti, ingîrd URste sei s Bau d. bage c-Mh kit, 4 bibuii $379,000. MTs Aà AH titis louoiy bungalow winumeious guality upgadas. Cearnic & New Mille kbilclen, replaced windowt aid 2 Otrepaces aie lust pout, g huge pir widow, lio. & dat. tins. tu eniy Oie beautdtul it AI 10 a=M e asaB patti - preereiy a d5iY ineil-boili brick bungalow in ol loweî e sariinig doois ou patio wood âo ak kâchai wlsky lighdo. Patiodoors tofabuious deck san of the ftuties of this ively trick bunigalo, eadi al appi- ori ofCcic ll Paik. Reeit fum e, mosi teaidoas rep. gai & ! *My bme Pagel, wo159ff & mmi Nt ilt , and beauidid gaidens, tises & tenmed yard. OlmosOt 15 aces in tg ite i slietti u. Ttiere's em a 'bniay keenel for onces ilckid. A ftswng erean ali tbige coeipltes Oie iterlockig direway. Prie. filt tit. to n-lana 2 liden ai. whoui isdyoud & f w cWdkzUidd alue fo UWilwst- pime location between MltonIailoilelMissssagagt2 ie- no places. laige dattier aid nocl lirnt Just cati for turie ilo. 'Flowe. piciue.Cal frdetahls.Oi piiew irghV. Wtt & kioflerneltt.Rae 1&ý Il 855 CHIILDSý aix P