Itfs back to big pipe and bye-bye to Peel The Canadien ChemDton. Fridav. October 10. 1997-7 i~urantes By BRAD REAUME The Champion Milton is facing its day of reckoning. A report tabled yesterday (Thursday) at Haîton Region recornmends a pipeline along Highway 25 as a solution ta Milton's water problems. The so-caîled 'big pipe' solution estirnat- ed originaîly at $500 million was consid- ered too expensive in preîirninary reports. The potential coat encouraged Haîton ta approach private companies and PeeI Region in an attempt ta obtain partners for water services in north Oakville and Milton. According ta Miîton's Chief Administrative Officer David Hipgrave, the Peel option is dead for the short terni. Monday night ait Town Hall he said Brampton wouîd àgree ta a partnership onîy if Peel water went strictly ta residen- liaI developrocot in Halton until 2011. *BAHAVI SPIRITUAL EDUCATION FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION Tuesday Oct. 14, 97 8:00 Pm For info call 876-4040 Ni*oa .95 ...9-81..... 1. www-mrog_, MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 S10:00 arn. - Breaking Bread 11:45 a.rn. - Sunday Sehoot 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading "This las a faithful saying that Christ ,Jeaua camse into tIhe warld ta save sin- ners." iTim.1.15 HOLY ROSAR ROM CATHOUC CHUCH S139 Martin St., Milton 878-6535 T.TXY. 878-9044 Mass ai 5:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & noon Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY Milton H.Ights Mass at 10:30 a.m. Sunday ST. PETER CHURCH Gth Une, Brtannia Mass at 9:00 a.m. Sunday Revs. EarI Talbot PP, Terence Sehi, Ed Hampson Sister Audrey Bums CSJ The big pipe option has been pegged at about - $100 million, which will be picked up through developer fees. According to Milton Mayor Gord Krantz there willb no additional cot David Hipgrave ta current Halton residents associated with growth. Mr. Hipgrave said the big pipe is the first phase of a solution and shouîd accommo- date 200 hectares of -industrial land and about 5,000 residences, or about 15,000 new people in town. "Iî's ironic," said Mr. Krantz. "Many individuals, including me, suggested the same thing 8 or 10 years ago." Mr. Krantz said developers wiII have ta forward $37 million in up-front money. MilIton Bible Church is meeting at the MILTON SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTRE (500 CHILDS DRIVE) 10:00 arn MBC in Training. 11:00 arn MBC in Worship. -FutlChildren's Programa & Nursery Pastor: Rev. Jim DeMarsh Wheetchaîr 123 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. - Ministers - Rev. Bob tyde - Rev. Ron Hunt Director of Music Judy Hunter Corne to Worship SUNDAY, OCT 12,1997 9.10 a.m AdukChurchSWd ClaEM 10:30 amn: Worshlp Thanksgiving intergenerational Service No Church Sehoot Classes Nursery Care avaitable Opportunhties Messengera, Explorera, CGIT: Tuesdays 6:30 pmn Events The John Robeit Wilson Memarial Concert (MADO Canada featuring fiston Regionat Police Chorus) Saturdey, October 18, 7 pm. ickets $10. SLesisl aeeess ta the, sanCtuany l avallale fi Om the p,Ws lot M-intonuamo Uine 8784895 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill 878-2411 Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott Sunday Services 8:00 arn - HoIy Communion 9:20 arn - Informai Worship Nursery & Cburch Scbool 10:30 arn - Sung Eueharist Nursery & Church Scbool Prayers for Healing Thursday 10:00 arn - HoIy Communion w la ~~ a Cali the Church for Transportation -Everyone Welcome- KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main Street E., Milton Minister-The Rev. Rod Lewis Diaconal Minister--Colleen Srnith Thanks giving Sun day 10:30 AM WORSHIP Nursery & Sunday School For information dal 878-6066 Parking on Mary Street VWxlseltar acoms and was5,roum tuprovidd 80 tul ail may comae anbd worsloip sunday, Ucober 12, igui Thanksgiving Sundayl 9:45 a.m. TRAINING UN TRUTH Sunday School for Ai Ages 10:45 a.m. THE APPOINTMENT WIfll GOD Pastor Rogge continues the Sermon Series Things To Corne"... IIAT M 1IRE TMIAJJKUL Enluge Your Circle of Love Fellowship lime 6:30 p.m. EVENING EVANGEUSTIC RALLY Pastor Rogge wilI be speauing... -WEP YOUR MONP1féAILg" Corne jon os as we pisat the lalest Billy Graham Fi. 'Te Vears Most Exlraorinary Film On the Power of Forgiveness» -Tlm Mahoey, Proent, Mahoney Meieoa Our Bus Mnstry will provide a nide for yau ta be able ta corme and loin us' Just cai the church office ta conhim the lime we wil be by. "SET ASIDE YOUR CAMS Be ssie tunie in ta mu New SWeely Radia Braadcast an AM 132 rdays 5:45 p.m 6:00 p How to T "ENLARGE VOUR CIRCLE 0F LOVE" 1IT'S TIME TO BOOK! SIGNATURE VACATIONS HAS ANNOUNCED their "lAdvanced Bookings" for the winter season are up some 73% over the same period of timè last year. This is for ail their product line - inetuding att-inclusive resorts, air onîy. and fly drives. Just an example ta show MORE PEOPLE ARE BOOKING THEIR WINTER VACATION EARLI- ER ta take advantage of EARLY BOOK- INO DISCOUNTS, and get their persan- ai "besi choice". It's amazing how much property is soîd out already on given dates ]ate into the winter! HOW ABOUT THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC FOR GOLFING along with aIl the many other "needs" for that mnem- orabte vacation. Good beaches, good food, good entertainment, casino visits, historical ailes, in other words, sun, sea, and sand - both at the beach and on the golf course! There are now as many ast 7gotf courses on the island with three at CASA DE CAMPO, with one ranked 2Oth in thse world. FLAMENCO BEACH RESORT, described as SUNQIJEST'S 'JEWEL" in PLAYA DORADA is a beautiful resort with Spanish elegance featured throughout this sprawling prop- erty of three-storey buildings. The beach- es are faimous for their "transparent waters"! ECO-TOURS ARE POPULAR and VENEZUELA offers a nice variety with their options of visiting the tishing vil- lages, the city of Barcelona with its nar- row streets and ancient buildings, a colo- nial cathedral at Plaza Boyaca, a museum, a coffee plantation, an ail day cruise among the many smalt istands off the coast, including ISLA MARGARITA a popular spot for many Canadian tourists. The beaches are "wide and pleasant with an on-shore breeze most of the time" and the DORAL BEACH HOTEL brought ta you by REGENT HOLIDAYS is worth a look. DID YOU KNOW DEPT.: November 1 st and 2nd you can visit SUN- QUEST'S VACATION SHOW at the Toronto Congress Centre, where there witl be hundreds of dispîsys set up, plus entertainiment, videos, food - ail to help ..get you in the mood" ta travel! TRAVEL TIP 0F THE WEEK: Get yourcopy of TILLEY TRAVEL TIPS (there are two editions) for a bundle of great ideas for you ta think about when you travel. Professional Travel and Cruise Officiais 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown> 1 A4LsMoi A Acton & Oak ville ! itil £ ,.,,0 " . 1 1- . " -Advertisement- ivith -%.e ýiIW