4 - The Canadien Champion, Fniday October 3, 1997 'Tulrner is talking pensions Former Milton ares MP and in the last Tory federal govemment, will Nassagaweya resident Garth Turner will be speaking ai liion His Place. 3090 taIk about tînainial planning tonighi Stelcs Avenue West.'Illi snnîînar dcais I(Friday) in Milton. with pension planning. CalI 639-8777 in Mt. Turner, wba was revenue minister Burlington for more information. WIth the Purchase ai a Quaker State 011 Change Receive a FREE TrEAM QUAKER STATE0 aachu. Pouse.. RuERl FI out un Entvy Form QuakorSttoMotorOlisthe Motorsports' drivers Joff Gardon, Tonry LaBonto and Rlcky Crayon for their high performanoe engines. Now you can have the same stalle- of-the-art protecion in your car * forlongerengine life. SCA NA DA' 1 SELLING 'tT. MOTOR QIL MPP fuming lover Region s anti-downloading ad plan By STEVE LoBLANC Special ta The Champion Halton North MPP Ted Chudleigh questioned the need for regional govemrment Wednesday, afler leam- ing of a costly campaign to slamn the province's down- loading plan. He expressed shock and outrage over Halton coun- cil's allocation of $100,000 ta publicize their stand against proposed funding shifts. Their message will be delivered througb botb daily and weekly newspaper advertisements. "I can't believe municipal politicians that I know would spend taxpayers' money s0 frivolously," said a surprised Mr. Cbudleigb. "If they're gaing ta make thete kinds of decisions, do we really need regional govemnment? More and more my anawer is sbifting to, a big 'no.' We can man- age our money better witbout tbem." Cail for cheeklist Mr. Cbudleigb suggested Halton council draw up a scorecard of cost-cutting measures implemented by bath the Ontarin govemmnent and municipalitiet. On the ane hand, be said, the province bas reduced its number of MPPs and cut their pay by 10 per cent while Milton, for instance, bas failed ta trim its coun- cil or lower councillors' salaries. "Do a checlist and then see who should be critical of whom," cballenged Mr. Chudleigh of regional council. He points out that other potential savings exist in ail four municipalities - savings which are seemingly more obvious ta Halton residents than counicillors. Mr. Chudleigh said the decisian is "laugbable. "These people are suppose ta be the protectars of aur money and they authorize a campaign like this? Tbat's a lot of maney tbey're spencling." The Tory MPP questianed why regional gavemn- ment would publicize their stand in advertisements when community newspapcrs have donc a "marvelaus job" rcporting evcryone's views since downloading plans were tirst announced. Said Mr. Chudleigh, "It would be different if Haltan residents bad ta oely salely on the Taronto Star. "Halton Region is alto showing poor judgment in publicizing their stand (against downloading) when they haven't gat ail the numbers yet. "Let's get ail the number before we start making decisions." Best to outine plan in campaign efrom BEST on page 1 province and with no increase of local level taxes for 1998."'6 Councillor Best said he will begin autlining his plan for the future of Milton after the nomination deadline next Friday. He said bis objectives include "a slow, balanced growth plan based on Miltan's existing; water supply for a mix of residential, industrial, commercial and institutional gmowth into the next decade." WIRE-LESS CONNECTIONS INO. Bell MobiiIty Centre 377 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P7 Tel: (905) 878-1113 PENSION TENSION How Exactly to Finance Your Future! * Strategies ta knaw if yau are witbin 10 years of converting RRSPs ta RRIF's * Is a mutual funds meltdown likely? * lacrease family wealth thraugb incarne splitting * Where rates, fundsa nd stocks are headed * Haw ta ride the demograpbic tidal wave Halton Huilis Place & Banquet Hall 3090 Steekas AveS, West - MILTON Fuidy, October 3, 1997 7:00 pm Presented by: tbarth lamer is a best sething authar, natianally syndicated columnist, Çrnancial editor af BBS television and as Minister of National Revenue, ran the countrys tax system. Investmnt 'Pfi=in Counse( SEATING 15 LIMITED: CALL (905) 639-8777 OR 1-800-305-2052 AM DYNAMIC MIJTIAL FLJNDS %Y o., Patner for Dynamic Pl-mruc ÀKIRMARK MUTUAL FUNOS ~- i -~-~ F-- f a--"T %.=d-L