10W-The Can Hunter blasts regional doctoir t ram HEALTH on page 1 shot down at the conmlttee levet the pre- vioua week. While Dr. Nosal stood his ground on the aide of chlorination - initially recom- mended four years ago - councillors were equally adamant about letting Milton residents have their say. Barked Ward 2 Councillor Wally Hunter, "Let's put this (chlorination ques- tion) on the ballot and have the Region corne down here and sue us." Miltonians, Mayor Gord Krantz added, have the right to a say and the onty proper way te deal with the issue is by gettig widespread opinion. Dr. Nosal questioned why, given exist- ing information, "the Town would put a question oeganiing chlonination on Uic bal- lot if one of Uic options, namnely not disin- fecting, if implemented. would put the citi- zens of Milton at risk of ilîneas." Milton Ratepayers Association spokesman Pst Kelly said residents haven't actually heard aIl the options avail- able to safeguard their water. "We're not arguing againat chlorination, we're juat looking at the alternatives. Ail we want to know are the facta, but so far we're still trying to get the information." Assisting with this argument, Mr. Hunter said, "This is a very valid point. We haven't explored other avenues. This is an issue we ve had no answer to." Dr. Nosal pointed out that some centres in western Europe, including Berlin and Amsterdam, use alternatives to chlorina- tion, but that doca not offer a guarantee againat contamination. "It' s important to note that water rates (water billing fees) in these areas are four to five times as high as they are here," he explained. 'To rny knowledge, there is no .irea et Ontario that's flot beîrng chtonnat cd." Speaking to the dangers of contamina- tion, Dr. Nosal referred to a 1993 outbrea of Salmonella in a Missouri town, during which he said 650 people becarne iii, 15 were hospitalized and seven died. He cited nitrate and fecal chloroform contamination incidents in Milton during 1989 and 1990. "In these instances, stand- by chlorination is not enough because it can take days for the problem to be fixed. "How rnany more episodes do we need to occur before we realize water needs to be chlorinated? Aibeit unpopular, 1 chose to act to protect the people of this commu- nity." Mr. Penman suggested local contamina- tion incidents could be traced back to subi- standard pipes - which the Region has since replaoed afler "years of neglect." Mr. Krantz said he would continue to oppose chiorination. Similar commenta have been made by Halton North MPP Ted Chudleigh, who maintains that as long as there's chlorine in Milton's water supply the battle will con- tinue. §11 0 Ge rnsodr Every time you drive the 407 ETR without a transponder, you pay an extra $1.00 charge. Pick one up at most Driver & Vehicle Issuing Offices within the Greater Toronto Area for $11i.50.* Cal 1.888*407.0407 for more information. *This fée is a onie time only payment fot an annual fee. Zîp A cross Town 407 ET Express Toit Route I _____ ____ ____ _________________ Towne Dental Group is pleased to announce that Dr. Tony Wan has recently joined our practice of family dentistry. Dr. Wan is looking forward to welcoming new patients! Located ln Milton Mail Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am-9pm Fni 8am-4pm Sat 9am-3pm 876-1 188