Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1997, p. 8

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I I :.8-TheCaradlan Châmplon« Friday, Sept8mbr 19, 1997 -Advertisement- ira.Vel ANUOTHER 'CHEA PY!' AIRLINE - UONE FIRST IT WAS GREYHOUND AIR, NOW 'VISTAJET' has gone down the drain - SQ n0w who will be next to step in and fuI this apparent money-losing chal- lenge! Air Canada says it will 'assist' the passengers who have bought tickets on Vista, by offering fares 'wlth restrictions removed' to those holding tickets on the defunct carrier - some deal, compared to Canadias Airlises offering to honour the Greyhound tickets, as least for a certain period of time. Anyway it seemsso be jut about impossible to compese with the AC/CP operation, as they are rtinning at each osher ail the sime with fare reductions (t0 your benefit, we might add!), and sa how does the 'little guy' whose main offer is 'cheap, cheap' faires, hope to survive - nos a chance, it seeras! INTERESTING POlINT FOR TRAV- ELLERS TO REMEMBER - living in Ontario, you have one of the bet "PRO- TECTION SYSTEMS' anywhere in the world, in the form of aCompensation Fund to cover losses for you. Should a Canadian Travel Supplier (note, nos an airline!), or Travel Agency wbom you have booked with suddenly 'disappear' with your dol- lars (there weoe tomne real ' horror' stories in the pas - nos so many sow, with much stricter administration by TICO - Travel Industry of Ontario!), you can put in a diaimn for rebate. This is funded by both the supplier and the travel agent, on your behaîf, but only Canadian companies are covered so BEWARE if you book with an out-of-province supplier/agency! -THERE ARE WELL OVER 100 CRUISE SHIPS out there, and you cas imagine how many ALL-INCLUSIVE LAND VACATION PACKAGES shere are available, ail seeking you to choose sheru for your nexs 'junket into the suni'! YOU LIKE TO COMPARE, to know you have the bet available for your own per- sonal requirements, and that is why we sug- gest sitsing down with a competent 'travel and cruise officiai' who can give you tIhe whole story, with ail thse details for ail types of vacations/cruises, and assist you in your final decision. EarIy booking discounts, swo for ones, upgrades, group rates - shere are a lot of offerings out Ihere... DID YOU KNOW DEPT.: Royal Caribbean Cruise Lises will nos allow bookings for those under 21 unlets shey are accompanie "d by an adult over 25. Camnival Cruise Lises alto han shis policy. RCCL wilI also ban school groups an the cruise lises moves to 'rein in' unruly teens on board shîps. TRAVEL TEP> 0F THE WEEK: Don't over pack! le Martin St. (downtow)A PIE A TUNE-UP vas àtreospir A.P.V.Ma cos J4 95 Ask about Ourante's Mfaintenfance Service Scedl ITO SERVICE AND TOWING INC. SEVCHUS Located on Hwy 25, SERVCE OUR: jut nrthof 401 MMNAY- FNDAY: 6ttJI 505p P200 SAAIUAAN0.&12.PÏ 9:5k 1t o M 7B-77 0 " BANAl A century and a halt ago, Baba's 110h, the Founder of the Baha I Faimh sald: 'It is not for hlm ta pride hlmiself who loveth hNs own country, but rother for hlm who toveth the whole wortd. The earth Is but ose countryr and mankind its cltizess.' FSOM BAtI At SCttt"IPtUR t.oal ............ . 876-4040 Natiieal ........(905) 889-168 Giobal ......... . baha'i.Org MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 10:00 a.m. - Breaking Bread 11:45 arn. - Sunday Schoot 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading "This is a faitbful saying that Christ Jeans came ente the world to sarse sin- ners." t Tim.1.15 HOLY ROSAR ROMN CATHOU CHUR~I 139 Martin St., Milton 878-6535 T.T.Y. 878-9044 Mass at 5:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & noon Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY Milton Helghts No Mass ST. PETER CHURCH 9th Lino, Britannia Mass at 9:00 a.m. Sunday Revs. Eart Talbot PP, IL Terence Sehi; Sister Audrey Bumns CSJ Milton Bible Church i8 meeting at the MILTON SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTRE (500 CHILDS DRIVE) Worship with us Terry Fox Run goes to new heights in Milton RECEIVE FREE TIRE ROTATION 4 DRAKE INSPECTION lefs way bebind in thse dot. This year's Terry's Tearo Member Betty Ingle, who individually raises an average of $2,000, was ose of thse highest pledge earsers along witb four-year-old Williani Hughes and bis grandfatber Bob Randaîl. "Betwees (hemo, these people raised $4,000," Ms Thomas said. Thse sus was shining and thse weather was mild as participants ras, walked, cycled or rollerbladed thse 10-km route around tIse sigIs scIsobl complex. Members of tIse Milton Lions Club, led by their mascot Leo tIse Lion on rollerbiades, parsicipased in Isonour of their colleagues who have succumbed to cancer or who are suffering from the diseane. Ms Thomas reminded participants 10 collect tbeir pledges and take tIse mosey and pledge forrus to asy bank. Grace Anglican Church. 317 Mais St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill 878-2411 Rev. Dr. Mark MeDermott Sunday Services 8:00 amn - Hoty Communion 9:20 arn - Infos'mal Worship Nursery & Church School 10:30 arn - Sung Euchai'ist Nursery & Church School Prayers for Healing at Thursday 10:30 arnm 10:00 am -Holy Communion VAek l loooe% mgt rkn rloti door *Full Children's Programs calt tIhe Cheirc o r Tr.unspurtatiein & Nursery -Everyone Weleome- Pastor: Rev. Jim DeMarsh KINOX Wheelchair < PRESBYTERIAN ~5Access CUC hi 170 Main Street E., Milton 123 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. - Ministera - Ras, Bob Myde - Rev. RasHunt Director of Mugie Judy HunIer Corne to Worship SUNDAY, SEPT. 21, 1997 9:00 a. Adult ChurCh SchooI ChU 10:30 arn: Worshlp Sermon Titie: Som.ebody Knows and Somnebody Cares Regular Churet Sehool Classes and Nursery Care Opportunities Youth Group Sunday 7:00 p.m. Morna Morning OuI Weds. 9:30 -11 arn Leelionary Bible Sludy Thurs. 10:30 arn Events Pot Luck Lunch & brief congregatiosl meeting totlowing service. Levei ac... ito the saotearY la SavailAble focm the parkng lot E41Infomation Lin. 878-895 Diaconal Miniater--Colleen. Smith 10:30 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP Nursery & Sunday School For information cail 878-6066 Parking on Mary Street Wheetchair aceto and waohroorno ILI provided so ilat att ray orne and worotrip Seventh-Day . Adventist Hugh Fster Ha I~s.~ 43 Mary Se. (comr of Hug & . r Pastor jack Friesen 639-730 (Butringnon) SERVIE: SATURDAYS Christ-centered, Bible-believing, triesdly! *unaay, September 21, 1997 9:45 a.m. TRAINING IN TRUTH Sunday School for Ail Ages 10:45 a.m. THE APPOINTMENT WITH G00 Pastor Rogge continues the Sensos Senies «Things To Corne"... "'ORAClMO TOWARD.Ç ARMAt~DOI Entarge Vour C rcte of Love Feltoatshp Trne 6:30 p.rn EVENtNG EVANGELISTtC RALLY Specai Guest Speaker *REV. 8lu MORROW Rev. Morrow is the Generat Superntendest of the Pentecostat Assemblies ot Canada NUStERY cASE lAps t-) K035' CLUB lARes 3-5) KIDS' PR>J5E CHOIR tOcades i 5) nUIT FO% Rs o B eons tis Wednesday rgt Runnreg troml.00-O:3 eSp.m Registration s oeil avariebie. Corne anrd loin ast For agas 3 - Il " SET ASIDE YOUR CARES" Be S otuaeuintoou( New Weedy Rode &oadca sn How to tmnd us! "ENLARGE VOUR CIRCLE 0F LOVE" By KAREN SMITH The Champion TIse Milton Tes-y Fox Rus bas reached a new plateau. A record number of people parsicipased and as unprecedented amount of mnoney wan raised in Sunday's event as E.C. Drury High School. "It was the moss successful rus ever," said a thrilled Kim Thomas, who orga- nized tIse annual event with ber husband Craig. Just sby of $30,000 was collected for cancer research witb tIse Ielp of 462 par- ticipants, she said. Thse figures represens an increane of 95 participants and $3,660 over tIse 1996 rus. They alto mean tIse organizers' goal to raise $27,500 shrough 400 participants wan

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