2P-The Cwmadianshampa.t, PIday,.Sèpwmber 5,A997 &COO 0F DANCE A D E &PERFORMING ARTS i 99 1ç Located at'Glen Eden Ski Area. Qualified coaches Alpine Ski Racing Leagues: Nancy Green/McKenzie for Racers 13 yrs and under Hersey/Alpines/S.O.D. for Racers 14 to 19 yrs Aduits: Racers 20 yrs and over Each season includes Christmas Camp, Coaching and Competitive Ski Racing. 1 4eAl*f' MONARCH E~0BASKETBALL FALL PROGRAM DATES: Oct. 2 - Nov. 27 WINTER HOUSE LEAGUE Dates: Jan. - March Break Tuesday and Thursday Evenings for Boys and Girls Ages 8 - 16 Ask your school for a registration form and bring if to the Milton Mai on registration day. Saturday, September 6 e 10:00 arn - 4:00 pm For more information caIl 854-271 4 Training in Recreational Boating Burlington Power & Sel Squadron Offering a variety of courses for ail aspects of boating: safety eregistration enavigation -V.H.E Radio REGISTRATION Tuesday, September 16, 1997 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm M.M. Robinson School Guelph Line & Upper Middle Rd., Burlington Classes begin: October 7, 1997 or please contact: Barry Dobson (905)335-9980 Take a Boating Course Now! Graham Sehool of Irish Dancing Cali Sheila (905) 793-1776 i IVJIJL %il' SEA CADETS, GIRLS AND GUYS!! B or'd, because you catit find anythtng inteesti.8 t. do? t e Ooyou like a challenge? Are you between 12 & 19 yeat's ot age? p Do you reant te bie one step atstad of the t'est? ifs Fus Is Be k Then talk tocos about membership in the' Ses Cadet ROYAL CANADIAN Learn New Sil VsFE' SEA CADETS (CO-ED) Sil 5ýiý We offer. Two Fme tjsîonns, Seamnanship, Sailing, Firearms Safetyp Sports, Swimmang, Driall Teares, Ropework, Pilotage, tocal Plotiîta Competitions & Great Sommer FREE SUMMER CAMPS I' RE camping Coesistmng of 1 i Saitrog, Gusnery Instruction, Baud, Seamanship and Foreign Exchonges For tttose of you aged between 10 and 12 years otd cas isqoioe about tht' Navy [cagot' junior' Program. IVs REEI For more info'ration please contact: MILTON SEA CADETS GCadets- you toutd G O UsL(N) Det Oxford (905) 875-1844 GOu Tran sait UN Des Weolhertrear (905) 878-7577 ortft' recorded meosaige (905) 875-1400 MiIÏoN CURfINq Club Socialize! Get exercise! Neyer worry about the weather! B3ECOME A CURLER! Social & Competitive Draws Menls/Womenas/Mixed Novice Program Cages 8 to 11) Junior Program Cages 12 to20) Doytime programs for Women (babysifting avoulable) for more information, coul 870-3341 65 Miliside Dr. <beside Th. Seer Store) Mil