w-. 4 1-Ti Camadlan Champion, Fduley, Septmboe ,997 I -AdVertisement- I 17ýýiravel NEWV YORK NEW YORK, àH! QQQ A RECENT VISIT TO THE 'BIG APPLE' to take in the US Open Tennis Champiaitahips was a oeal treat as having not visited the city olten since we did regularly in the 70s and 80s, we were very imprcsscd with the 'cIeanup' which ha talcen place in thc busy downtown streets. FULL 0F EXCITEMENT at just about every turn, it is much cleaser and safer with police caaually everywheoe secm- ingly, as thc lat couple of New York City Mayors have really put in an effort to.clean it up. A great city to visit for thc arts. for enter- tainment, or even just to 'people watch' - its a place everyone sbould visit St least once! Throw in itie ride os tic subway to Flushing Meadows, site of the new Ashe Stesdium St thc tennis center, and some great tennis, and it was a wondcrful trip! AIRLINES COME AND GO, AND GREYHOUND is joîning that distinct group who have gone, as of ts month. Their wings have been clippcd and they witl once again concentrate on theirfine bus service. Whcn we wrote about Greyhousd reccntîy, it was after their Director of Marketing had spoken at a dinner wc attendcd andl although we didn't say it at thc time (our quote was 'nuff said', for now!) it secmced pretty sure to us they wouldn't last Uic year out. If they hadn't started to dis- tribste Uieir product throsgh travel agencies after a disastrous startsp os their own, they would have becs gone monUis carlier. But fear sot, you cas bet thcre will be another carrer to corne along to 'pick up the slack' in the redsced fare flight departmest. There have been masy in Uic past and Uiere sit be more who wjll take on Canadias/Air Canada and their local carrers' domination. DID YOU KNOW DEPT.: SENIORS ESPECIALLY SHOULD BE SURE 0F THEIR OUT-OF-PROVINCE INSURANCE coverage - Uierc are so masy offerings! 'PRE- EXISTINO CONDITIONS' is Uic ternt to be aware of, and it is Uiis area which makes Uic competition so tough, and also why Uic 'good deals' offered by some compasies 'disappear' alter a scason when the Insurasce Company gets bumned too badly.........THERE IS A GREAT GOLF PACKAGE TO BERMUDA where you cas stay ai thc BELMONT HOTEL and play right ast Uieir course, thon jump on the ferry and go for a beautiful ride mbt Hamilton for good dining and shopping. Lots of otlier golf courses on this spectacular island to enjoy too. Bermuda, another must do made casier by packages avuilable there thiý year .........TRAVELLING ON THE WATER cas be enjoycd oves more by taking courses ofl'crcd by both the Oakville and Burlington Power and Sail Squadrons. Emergency situations, navigation, weaUier - al interestisg courses îo further your enjoyment on the water. TRAVEL TIP 0F THE WEEK: FEAR 0F FLYING CAN BE HELPED! If you are a 'whiie-kssckte' flyer a course co-sponsored by AirCasadacan helpCali 416-323-5520 for info! i WTM hri Biway (P) Broghill Furniture Gree:î Ginger (P) Zlers huI ial A&P Loblaws M&M Meats A&P M&M Mtat Stops Club Meadowvale Sears Lublaws Zellers Train with us. Then work H&R 8Md e.stxruaus W. emnploy more ian 10,000 tu f r us. prepares natlonvwde and are always Iooking for more. W. offer BER 5 1 WEEKEND FLYEHS. SEPTEMBER 7 Dateline 0from DATELINE on page 15 For more information, contact Kay Duncan.at 827-6750. The Milton Children's Chorus holds final auditions. Kids between the ages of 8 and 16 ya who love to sing are invited to try out. Cail Sandra at 8784732 for furtiier information. Tuesday Sept. 9 Unemployed? Looldng for Work? You're not alone. Join the Women's Employment Network froro 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Halton Women's Centre in Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 210, in Oakville. Admission is free. For information, cal) 847-5520. 'Tie Hailton North Peel Naturaist Club invites the interested public to attend its first meeting of the year at Terra Cotta Conservation Area (interpretive centre) at 7:30 p.m. The topic is Purple Loosestrife and other invasive plant species. The Milton Choristers holds auditions for the 1997-98 season at Grace Anglican Chureh. The choir is suited for those who like to sing a mixture of classical and contemporary music. Cal] 878- 2422 to book an audition. Tuesday Sept 9 - 10 The Milton Children and Youtb Centre holda a drop-in session for parents and infants (up to five years old) from 9 to 1l a.m. Tuesday and fmom 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday at its Nipissing Road location. Admission costs $2. Caîl 876-1244 for more informa- tion. Thursday Sept il The Victorian Order of Nurses holds a foot care clinic at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., from 1 to 4 p.m. The coat is $15. For further information or an appointment, call 827-8800. Foot care clinica are by appointment only. The Canadian Federation of University Women, Milton and District chapter, invites ail unîversity woman graduates to attend its wine and cheese 'Wclcome Back' at 7:30 p.m. For the loca- tion or further information, cal) 336-5519. 'Me Victorian Order of Nurses holds a foot care clinic at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., from 1 to 4 p.m. The cost is $15. For further information or an appointment, cal] 827-8800. Foot care clinics are by appointment only. HRCA, Halton museum to link The Halton Region Conservation Authority (HRCA) bas approved a partnership with the Halton Region Museum. The museum will get three per cent of Kelso's gate receipta while the conservation area will get 50 per cent of the museum's revenue generating programs, including educational sessions and food service. The museumn is open from May through October sesnà adi on the Kelso grounds. However the 1-RCA bas had little luck in striking a similar bar- gain with the nearby Farm Museum, formerly the Ontario Agricultural Museum. "Once the regional museumn decided to stay on site (at Kelso) we started talking," said HRCA Chair Brian Penman. "We have an opportunity to, share and it is a atep in the right direction." Mr. Penman said the firat move is ptstting some funds into upgrading the museum's current buildings and making the site ehi- gible for provincial museum grants. "Now we have a situation where (Halton) Region is coming to us to help solve some of their problema," said Mr. Penman. "The cooperation is a natural and a big step forward from where we were juat a few years ago.- *14,M~ ~ PH STREET 873-999 sîi~w saa,*asw' ~ OPENING ,~ ~ j FIRE DOWN BEILOW A' tysitifla 7:00 p.. à 9:10 p.m. t'isine _ * LEAVE iT Tro BEAVER Set. &S un. 2:00 p.m. SALES * EXCESS BAGGAGE ~ Esmsings 7:00 & 9:00p.m. LEASIG J 9 SIMPLE WISH-~ ~m11 111jSut. & Sun. 2:00 P.m SERVICE «' KULL THE CONQUEROR ' PARTS vn~~tti ui :0p - -U FORRCE ONE AA