12-The Cartadian Charnplo, Friday, September 5, 1997 *Authonzed Service Depot Miltown e Full Training Contracts Services *oftwrk lncsstn Serviuces Ntoiwrk &sacessnes Sales & Service Oý à Se Business AM t#* Lotus Utrtno Canon Epson Lexmnark Microsoft 751 Main Street Est, Suite 2, Milton Phono 878-4651 Fax 876-1013 e 1-800-268-0034 Monday - Fniday 9-5:30 pm Saturday 10 -4 pm ADVANCED & GENERAL MASTER KEYING SYSTEMS HIGH SECURIT LOCK SYSTEMS & COMPLETE KEY CONTROL HANDICAP OPERATORS *INOUSTRIAL PANIC BAIRS e DOOR CLOSERS M BL * OMRIL ELECTRIC STRIKES & ACCESS CONTROL *RESIDEINTIAL *MASTER KEVINO SECURITY CONSULTATIONS SERVICE *LOCK-OUTS FOR ALAI8M SYSTEMS 8858 SAPFES i i8858 Rockwell International: Working with the Community to make Mliton a better place to live. '01 RockwellAutomotive 150 Steeles Ave., Milton (905)>878-2395 *Graphic Peoilm amax e k Top IruM!Iïhinq @Prirnl-tiC & Gopyimg @Full colour & ý&W flC *Wor4 Froceiniq *Faxirnq & Much Mot-el 61 Robert Street, Milton >Tel. (905) 878.0786 e Fax: (905) 875-2495 PROFESSIONAL ADVICE AND PERSONAL SERVICE lo Make An Appointment At My Milton Office Inese Cadir Pvese CAdio Rob Rubino L~U Toil Free Watcl t or m~on on Money Week 1-800-84 Mon. Wed. & Fri. or 905-87 on Halton cable 4 SRBC DOMINION SECURITI ES A Membierorf Rijîl Bank Crtoup 4-7906 6-3466 IEBIK by Mike Shepherd rfbere are many signs around us that remind us that summer is drawing to a close. The mors iuge are noticeably cooler, the cbtîdren have returned to scbool and the roads srem jues a lit-à tic bit busier. The end of summer je a tinte of new heginninge for the Chamber. Witb our fiscal year end of September 30 faat approacbing, we have busird ourselves with finalizing the past year and planning for the year that lies ahead. The planning procrss ai the Chamber takes on many forins. The obligatory financiat budget- gives rite 10 a review of al aspects of our organization. We are careful te ensure any changes we make are consistent with the mission of the Chamnber. Since the Chamber is simply a collection of people working sogetb- er, it is natural that in addition te strategic and finaucial planning we have a need te also look at succession planning. A significant amount of wbat the Chamnber doce is influenced by the advice and guidance of volunteer committees and a Board of Direotors. Is is in this regard that I would like te ask for your assistance. If you have ever thought that you would be interested in being more involved in what the Chamber dors, you may want te consider a position on the Board of Directors or on eue of the standing commit- tees as an ideal way of ensuring your particular interests are beiug addressed by the erganization. A nomination committee bas becs formed by the Chamber te deal with this very important aspect of the future of the organization. Each standing committre aud the Board cof the Chamber are respousible for providing leadership in promoting the well-heiug of the business comntunity of Milton. The goals and objectives tbrough which the mission je fulfilled are as follows: " providing a leadersbip role in the development and promotion of the community. the Chamber and its member businesses. " promoting excellence in the business cemmunity sud in public administration " communicating issues and Chamnber activities or services te mcm- bers, the business commuuity and the public. " inflnencing ai levels of govemment ou specific issues affecting busi- ness and contmunity " encouraging and supportiug entreprenenrship " fostering collegiality in the business commnnity and " providing support services te Chamber members and the business community. If yen think yen would like te play an integral role in an exciting sud dynantie organization. we wonld certaiuly like te hear from yen. Either call Sandy i the Chamber office or contact mie for addjtional information on the varions opportuuities within the Milton Chamber of Commerce. EARL DOLMAGE Branch Manager 44 Main Street East Milton, Ontario (905) 878-4168 by Sandy Martin I want te share some information with yen, the ratepayers ef Milton and Halton. Our municipal politicians are being coufronted witb making some of the mess serions and difficult decisions eft heir careers. The decisiens revolve around how they will cope with the massive downleading from the province se the ares municipalities. The impact of the "Who Dors Wbst" announicements wiIl affect our lives for years te conte. The Chamber Governtent Relations Commitic stet on Weduesday September 3, 1997 with Regional Chairman Joyce Saveline, Mayor Gord Kraniz sud Jor Rinaldo, Directer of Corporale Services, Region of Halson to discass the reality facing Haltes Regiou and Milieu specifically. t wonld like to provide yen with a brief sum- mary ef wbst Joyce Savoline sbared with us: Halton bas heem hit harder than any other muuicipality in Ontario by the changes announced by the Province, lu 1998, propeity taxes on an average household($1I85.000 market value> in Halton will increase between $407 and $491 te cover the sdditionsl costs transferred by the Province. Halton nnderstands the need te, share the burden of social coste acrose a larger tae base. But as everyone except the Province bas recegnized. tbese costs sbould be paid for fromn juconte taxes and net property taxes. Poolisg of cosus witbin the Grester Toronto Ares penalizes municipal- ities, sncb as Halton, wbicb have worked bard te reduce cents, maintain services and beld tbe liue on propefly taxes. Now Halton resideuts will psy for the bigher service levels and Iess efficient adminintration in Toronto The Province is fixing Toronte's tax probleins on the backs of the other GTA Regione.The resuit will be a loweriug of business taxes in Toronto at the expense of bigber reaidential property taxes in Halton. Todsy, homrowners in Halton psy betweru $250 - $900 more in prop- erty taxes than Toronto residents. Pooling will ntakie Ibis situation even more unfair, by furtbei incresing the tac burden ou Halten residenta. The Provincial Aunouncements are basrd on financial data that je mis- leading sud incomplete. For instance, the Province continues te excînde almeet $1 billion in coste that are being transferred te munici- palities. Since 1992, the Region of Haion and the four Ares Municipalities bave cnt more than $36 million fron their budgets te, absorb) Provincial cntbacks. At the saine tinte. aur population bas increased by 27,000 people and we bave continurd te provide quality services ut an afford- able ceet te aur residruta. Minieter Leach je mieinfornted wbru be sys that municipalities can absorb these new responsibilities sud reduce property taxes by finding only 2.3% per yrar over the nrxt tbrer years sbrougb efficiescies lu reaity, ibis means that wr muet cnt aur ser- vices by 27% te find these efficirucies. (0Of the total tax paid te the municipolity ouly 15% je under the contraI of the Region, the balance gors te the Police and te administer progrants ntandated by the Province, some of wbich bave bren frozen for tlerer years, resulting in an isability te reduce ceets). The Regional Chairman and ber celleagues fromt the Area Manicipalitirs met witb the four Haltes M.P.P.s rrcrntly te ensImne their concerne and will meet witb thent again September 5 (teday). If yen arr concerurd contact Mayor Krantz as 878-7211; Chairmas Savoline ai 825-6000; or M.P.P. Ted Cbudleigb as 878-1729. IMPACT ON BUSINESS The ares Chambers of Commerce askrd the area M.P.P.s as a meeting beld in Bnrliugten last wcek about bow thee changes wonld affect our business cemmunities. U.nfortnnatrly, the asseesment rotes neually relra'sed in December will net be available until April ef '98 se any it changes te the business community will sot be seen until the final tax min instalîment. ire Rinaldo did tell us that in aIl probability the shifts tut wenld take place witbin the existing industrial/comntrrcial preperty lytax clase. As more information je available ec will make it knows se Io tbe Miltos business comntunity.