18 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Auguat 26, 1 an sto e h r o bul7a b r By MELANIE BROOKS [)M'ý po i.atr lokcy Parik port, DiT iolir Jic lok-n, 7 Thl, fr itk 1 kd t Specialto the Champion poethn0 pol rn stra u t althe rkes 1<' arnaing- Daid ditI ail h' icntruh ,à 0 ~~~London and Misisauga attended the Although most of the workers and busi- great feeling, said Craig Hardy, the hd HEART Six-year old David Parmley's dream has barn-raising, and dozen,, of local business- nesses that donated their time and money carpenter from London, who met David AND STOKE finally corne true. For over 14 hours es and individuals donated supplies and for the project had neyer met David, who for the first time last week. "This was FOUNDA71ON recently, carpenters, ellectricians, roofers, workers to help make the day possible. is conflned tor a wheelchair and unable to worth getting up at five in the morning and siders toiled away at the Parmley "I can't believe how many people speak, they said his toucbing story caught for." home in Kilbride to build a barn for showed up to belp, and tor show their sup- their attention. A team of seven workers from the Ancaster Home Depot was just as enthusi- astie about the project. "We really wanted to help out, because it PO0NTIA CIB u CK / GMC s 3a A N N UA L ajutscagrtid, adJ the barn seemed to be the best way." Even though mors, of the day was orga- nized in advance by the Make-A-Wish ~IJAÂ ~ V JJJi Foundation, people and businesses in the community that had heard of David and muuM J Patrick went that extra mile at the last * minute to make the day a success. After reading about David lasi week in rir The Burlingion Post, Blranthaven Homes rJ offered to help with the barn, and came (I F~ Q J{ Q j\J c"J through with a much-needed donation of -. 1 ~ ri cedar wood for the donkey paddock. ________ Then, wben June went into the Loch gro- _ M cer store on Upper Middle Road to get supplies for Sunday, she was met with yet another heart-warming surprise Agnes Forester, the manager, insisted 0 M on donating everything we needied," said 0 June. The store gave us over $200 dollars worth of groceries and paper plates. and she said if we needcd any more to jus( corne back anytime during the day. I couldn't believe il." - 0 As for David, he was just perfectiy happy 10 be with bis besi friend, Patrick. Purchase MATES th6. h The donkey had been brougbt to the plu adow parnn of~ Parm Icys' home that morning by the ýur deost 1300 and owner, Bruce Owen of' Milton, wbo bas 7 pus reigt $20.given the donkey 10 David. David was ail Sporty fun for lfe on the go smiles as Mr. Owen took bim around in a 2 2 itr enîne sped ransissoncart booked up 10 Patrick. 2.2 itr engne,5-sped rans issonDavid even got special attention f'rom ......air conditionîng, rear spoiler, dual air bags, two of bis favourite former physical thera- 4-whelABSpisîs, Katherine Roils and Liz Robinson, wbo travelled from London. Upon ber arrivai, Robinson surpnised David wîib two J -1C e M FI KefLn cakes, one modxliled attei Patrick the don- key, and the other a tbrce-dimensional red barn, complete wiib uitile candy donkeys, bay (cereai) and candy grass. - 'That's the kind of tbing that amazes me so mucb,' said Jonc. "The community bas been so supportive, and everybody's gone oui of their way 10 make David happy." Witb the barn and paddock nearly com- Prh*e SmARTLEAsE pennh3 notspu Purchase pAer mot/6mntspu plete, David and bis father, Merv, plan t0 clon aymri o $342 ordýparnet f 1,80,o have a sleep-over in the barn wiib Patrick. $30 ndfrl 62ýdeps $300,,and f,,g55895. 1 tbink ibat was my idea," be iaugbed plusfreiht 620.týls frigh, 185, Whenever we mention it 10 David, be gels 15HP 3.1 litre SF1 V6 engine, 4-speed automatic transmission witb 200 HP Vortec 4300 SF1 V6 engine, 4-speed automatic transmission, ciotb seats, S xie elvsta nml el enhanced traction system, 4-wheel ABS, air conditioning, power door air conditioning, 8 ft. cargo box, two-tier loading, deluxe chrome grille inay b rgatrîck omere fo David1 everyone in the community." . .... ..Owner arrested A 47-year-old Mîssissauga man bas been Purcase urc se ARYLESE rrested in connectîon wîtb a muliiimillion PucaeSmARTLEAsE onh3 moth plusas a mrnnt/ 6 LEASEpl, dollar bousi. lin.in rural Milton last paret S, 150 rIt » 8 8 lw pyrio 398o February. IFpu15elh 84.t$0.n fmgh $845.dpS5 a nd i rlh B65e was taken it custody Tbursday by When your lfe Is larger than a minivan Conquer the world you drive In Ballon Regional Police, wbo have con- 190 HP Vortec 4300 V6 engine, rear wheel drive, 4-speed automatic transmission, 190 HP Vortec 4.3 litre SF1 V6 engine, automatic transmission, power ducted a joint investigation witb the 4-wheel ABS, dual air bags, side-guard door beams, 5,500 lb. towing capacity; windows/locks/mirrors, air conditioning, remote keyless entry, Ontario Fire Marsbal's Office since tbhe deep tinted glass, air conditioning, 8-passenger seating (3.9% purchase financing 6-way power drivers seat, overhead console bae does not apply to the GMC Safari) PON1A lae The suspect is the owner of the B3UICK Ennisclaire estate property, wbicb was Get whtyu atf o ou oticPrfr aceTaC enguifed by llames as a resuit of ibe lire. Get hatyouwan frm yur P ntic Prfomane Tam.The bouse bumed for seven bours, witb the linancial ioss cstimated at $3 million. Be bas been cbarged witb arson for fraudulent purposes and will appear in Milton Court Monday, Sept. 29. Il Vý