Villeneuve back in the swing thanks to local instructor *from DISABLED on page 21 swing onc-handed," said Villeneuvc, who uses a spe- cially designeti brace 10 stcady her lcft arm during play. "I still have chronie pains sometimes, but it huris a lot more to sit at home doing nothing than it docs 10 drive the bail." The local golfer said recent lessons with Simpson bave raiseti her self-esteem and rcjuvenated her love for the game. "It's fantastie what he's doing to help the disablcd gel involvcd in golf. It won't be long before I'm out on the course playing with my fricnds. "Il sat at hoime for a long time but now I'm the first one out there." Simopson empathizes wîîh disabled athletes who face - E - 1ilvz- major restrictions in competihion. Twenty-six years ago the golf pro went temptirarily blind as a result tif diabcîes and was unable to play. His disabled golfers program began last summer wiîh ncphew Ryan Lewtirthy acting as his tirat stu- dent. "I know whaî it's like 10 face a disability, and 1 want 10 give ail peoiple a chance tti goilf," he said. The Ultimate Goilf Challenge, which runs from 10 a.m. 10 I p.m., will include blinti and wheelchair par- ticipants as well as Special Olympie athletes. Co-sponsoiring the Canadian Dîsabled Golfer's Association are the Canadian Professional Golfer's Assoiciation (CPGA) and the Ontarioi Gtilfer's Association (OGA). IN THE MAY[ER 0F TiHE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, ..0. 1990, c.E. 26 NOTICE OFAPPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MAlTER 0F an application by Uic Regional Municipality tif Halton for approval to expropriste Uic lands dcscnibcd in Sehedule "A" heretti, in Uie Township tif Trafalgar, in thecTown tif Milton, in Uic Regiona Municipality tif Halton, for Uie purpose tif widcning and rectinstructing Uie intersection ai Trafalgar Road, (Regional Road No. 3) and Denry Rtisd (Regional Rosd No. 25). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application bas been made for approval to expn>- piste Uic lands dcscribcd in Schedule "A" hereto. Any owner tif lands in respect tif which notice is given who desires an inquiy into whcUier Uic tsking tif such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in Uic achievement tif Uic objectives tif Uic expropriat- ing suUiority shail so ntithe~Ui approving authity in witing, (a) in case tifsa registered tiwncr, served pcrsonally or by rcgistered mail within Uiirty dsys aliter he is served wiUi Uic notice, or, when he is served by publication, wiUiin Uiirty dsys after Uic publication tif Uic notice; (b) in Uic case tif an tiwner who is flotsa rcgistered owncr, wiUiin Uiirty dsys aliter Uic first publication tif Uic notice. 'fli approving autority is: 'fli Council tif Uic Corporatioin tif Uic Regional Municipslity tif Halton 11 51 Bronte Road Oskvillc, Ontanrio L6M 3L1 Joan A. Esglcshani Regional Clerk This notice first publishcd on Uic I 5Ui day oif August 199( 7 WWW.reoon.haJî SCHEDULE "A" Ail and singular Uic lands in Uic Geographie Township ot'Tratifàgar in Uic Town tif Milton, in Uic Regional Municipahity tif Halton, being coomposed tif Uiosc lands dcsig- nsted as Parts on Plans deposited in Uic Rcgistry Office for Uic Land Titles Division of' Halton (No. 20), more psiiiculsrly dcscribcd as follows: Part tif Lot(s) Plan/Concession Il 7 N.S. 10 7 N.S. 10 8 N.S. 10 8 N.S. 1l 7 N.S. 10 8 N.S. Pats Plan 20R-l 1873 20R-l 11873 20R-l 11873 20R-l 1873 20R-l 1874 20R-l 11874 The Canadian Champion, Fniday, August 22, 1997-23 20OV1 THE'~ 4 lEST, FOR LESS Kubotas new compact, easy-to drive T-Series lawn tractors delliver a comfortable ride and a professiona, precision eut every time you mow. Powered b>' OHV gasoline engines, thse TI1460 (12.5 HP) and TI 560 (14 HP) deliver maximum maneuverabilit>' and case of operation thanks to Kubota's single-pedal bydrostatic transmission and &L' ful flat operator's deck. A contoured deep deck, mid-mount mower provides powerful two blade _ cutting action, 40" width. A simple 'turn of ' -thse dial' adjusts thse mower cutting height. Made b>' Kubota in the U.S.A., these agile ~and dependable machines come witb a large e fuel tank (2.9 gallons), operator comfort features and easy-to-adjust seat. TOUGbHý STUFF Sp.,'.' Save $32O271 O NLY2 OP NA CH LEFT iv STOCKI I~ ~ ~ i zL! e] «1 :{.1IJ L'I 1 a I 1589 Steelea Avenue East, Milton, Ontario L9T 2X8 J PHONE: (905> 878-2121 FAX <905) 878-4023 IN THE ÏMATTER 0F THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S.O. 199, RE. 26 NOTICE OFAPPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN TH-E MAlTER 0F an application by the Regional Municipality of Halton for approval te, expropniate the lands descnibed in Schedule "A" hernno, in the Township of Trafialgar, in the Town of Milton, in the Regional Municipality ofRHalton, for the purpose of widening and reconstructing the intersection at Trafaligar Road, (Regional Road No. 3) and Bitannia Road (Regional Road No. 6). NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN thst application bas been made for appmoval to expro- priate the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto. Any owner tif lands in respect tif which notice is given who desires an inquiiy into whcther the taking oif such land is fair, sound and reasonably neessary in tic achievement tif Uhc objectives oif Uic expropiat- ing authority shahl so ntitify the approving authtiuity in writing, (a) in case tif a registered tiwner, scrvedi pcrsonally or by registered mail ssithin Uiirty days aliter he is served wiUi Uic notice, or, when he is served by publication, wiUiin Uiirty days after Uic publication tif the notice; (b) in Uic case tif an owner who is flotsa rcgistered owncr, within Uiirty days aliter Uic first publication tif thc notice. 'fli approving authority is: -11,39000 SÇpeelal Sae$f 0830 'Mic Council tif Uic Corporation tif Uic Regitinal Municipality tif Halton 1151 Bronte Road Oakviflc, Ontaio L6M 3L1 Joan A. Esglesham Regional Clcrk This notice farst publishcd on Uic I 5Ui day if August 1997 SCIIEDULE "A"' Ail and singular Uic lands in Uicv- Gcographic Township tif Trasfalgar, in Uic Town tif Milton, in Uic Regiona] Municipality tif Haltin, bcing composcd tif Uiose lands dcsig- nstcd as Parts on Plans dcposited in Uic Rcgistry Office f'or Uic Land Tities Division tif Halton (No. 20), more particularly dcscnibcd as follows: Part tif Lot(s) Plan/Concession 6 7 N.S. 5 8 N.S. Part Pareel 2-7 Section T-7 6 8 N.S. 6 8 N.S. 2, 3 3 1,2,3,4 Plan 20R- 12011 20R- 12014 20R- 12014 20R- 12032 20R- 12033