145 General HeID Wanted NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS The Ontario Huma,, Rights code prohibita dis- criminatior becausu i age, sex rnar!tal status, race, creed, nationality, anceshry or place of origin. In campliance wilii tiN code tiNa nswspaper reserves the right to make nscessary changes in adverising copy. BELAMYS RESTAURANT SYSTENS is hiring for the position of ASSISTANT KITCHEN MANAGER at our Milton location. We are expanding *Grbwing *Lookung for srnbitious individusls who have a minimum of 5 years kitchen expenience, well organized, high entry levels, good leadership & com- munication skiffs & eager to grow with the Corporation. Forward Resurne ta 575 ONTARIO ST. S., MILTON, ONT.. LUT 2NZ (905) 876-1186 CAFETERIA IIELP required Part-dm, Manday - Fniday, in thie Milton/Acton area. $7.00/hour. Phone 416-25546131, ext. 407, leave narne& number. CLEANERS part-ârne, 5 hours per night, fo local school, 5 p.rn. - 10 p.m., Monday to Friday. Ap- picalions aI Canada Ernployment Centre, 310 Main Street~ Milton, or apply to 2500 Industrial Street in Burlington. DOMINOS PIZZA now hining Drivers. Must be 18+, have valid chiveils license, insurance and own vehicle.Apply in persan to: 17 Wilson Drive, Milton, after 4 p.rn. FULL TIMEIPART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE For volume automobile dealer clean Up and detail- ing operation, plus general lot maintenance duties. Flexible hours which can range f rom days includ- ing Saturdays 10 eveninga 4-9 shifts, or ?. Succeasful applicanta will be maie or female who diaplay the willingnesa bo take direction and show a sincere responsible work efhic. Driving espeni- ence ssentiel. Pay commenaurate with our quali- ty and productivity measurement of work per- formed. For information contact Andrew or Joel, but only by phone and between the hours oi 8:00 to 10:*00 amn. GORRUD SALES-LEASING 400 Steeles Ave. 875-2277 SmaIl Manufacturing Company requires Fuli-lime Computer Operator. Must have good knowledge of bookkeeping and typ- ing proficiency. Experienced in aIl office procedurea. 4 day work week. Salsry negotiable, wvith Benefit Package. Resume can be sent to PROTHANE LIMITED, 312 Alliance Road, Milton or Fax to 878-6684. FUILTIME, Nîghtshîfl Tow Truck Driver' needed urnmediately. Apply in persan at Durante Enlerprises, 8473 Highway 25 North, Milton. MILLSIDE RESTAURANT requires immedistely reliable Wail Staff. Apply in persan ta: 243 Main Street E., Milton. NEW CONCEPT Progressive Adverlising Ceom- pany as expsnclng. We are looking for 8 key in- dividuals la, fill sxisting positions. Lszy people need notsapply. Students also welcome. If inter- estedosil Ssndy aI 849-1642. WE ARE currently seeking full and part lime Cashiers, wsitersiwaîtresses, rotating shifta in- cluding weehends. Please apply in persan at 5di Wheel Truck Stop, 40 Chisholm Drive, Milton. 155 Skilled HeID CLASS A MECHANIC WANTED. Ples c1i Bob St 878-7926. CLASS D/Z DRIVERS WANTED Hornby yard, deîivering and uplaading mstersl ta canstructian sites. Heavy lifting involved, Boom Truch expenience a 5a plus. Gaod slarling wages, companry benefita plus sale warking program. Current driving abslrsct required. Apply ta: Art Dsvenport, PATENE BUILDING SUPPUES LTD. 7449 TRAFALGAR ROAD, (South of 401), HORNBY. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC with electrical background required for Milton based Company. Must have gaod driving record, own tools snd be abl ta woek unsupervWse. Cal 905-875-1150. The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Auguat 12, 1997-19 /TO NONCEOURMIESTUMKSONE CAL8782341 ANNIVERSÀRY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY 170 Davcare AVAILABLE irnredistely. Fenced yard, large playraom, 1 year or aider. Receipta available. 878-6506. BEGINNING September, ans Home Daycare Opening available for full lime child under 5. In- fants welcorne. Receiptsaslways given. 876- 4415. CARING MOTiIER offers daycare, nutnious snacks & lunches, lots of TLC and autdaor plsy. Babies welcomne. 876-4166. CIIILDCARE providier required for 2 cildren i rny horne. Beginning October, 1997. Cal 876- 3641. DAYCARE AVAILABLE.Roorn for ans child, must be sttending Robert Baldwin School in the Faîl (KIndergarden). 876-0620. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE offening quaity programs for children 18 rnonths ta 5 years. Cratts, music & field trips. Naw scceping Sep- Iernber enralîrnent. 878-7552 REUIABLE DAYCARE available, Monday ta Friday, Woodiward & Wilson. Phone 876-4978. BROOKVILLE COUNTRY PLAYROOM LICENSED NURSERY SCHOOL FOR 2-112 70 5 YEARS INA RURAL SETTING " Structured program " Themea, crat, circlea and atonies " Trips and apecial events " Oualified, trainied staff Location: Ebenezer Church, Guelphi Lins Timea: Monday, Wedneaday & Friday 9 - il amn Regîster Now - Spsces sre Llmîted! Caîl 875-4636 ext. 103 210 Personal ABUSED and afreîd? For help catI 878-8555, a 24-haur criais lins for abused women. Haton Wonen's Place is an emiergency s!ieller avail- able for abused women and Iheir children in Hal- ton Region. AIli catIs are conficdential. ARE DRUGS causing yau probies? Narcolicai Ananyrnous can help. We mont Fridsy nightsat Grace Anglican Church, Main Street, Milton, aI 8:00 p.m. 230 Vehicles for Sale 1994 NISSAN Sentre, minI condliin, new lires, brakes. $7,900. 878-1787. 1989 DODGE Shadow, sutomatic, s s. Real good condiion, $950. 905-877-2918. 1988 PLYMOUTH4 VOYAGER SE, pawer windows, power lochs, cnaise, good condilion, 157M kmn., csrifisd. $3.900. 876-1248. AUTO INSURANCE. We insure new drivers, thase with licets/accidents, na insursnc. Besi ratls. Cal Warren, 519-853-4284. 280 Wanted to Rent APARTMENT, 1-1/2 +/- $500 for Septernber lst. Cali Vincent (514) 483-3404. 285 For Rent 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, September 1. Na dags. Finished basement, C/A. $950. Stave/ fridge includied, utililis extra, gas heatsd, 2 park- ing spaces. Nancy, 875-0046. 3 BEDROON HOME, central air, $950 plus ulililis. References required. 875-0559. AVAILABLE SEPT. 1ST., firaI floor hous. Living, dining, two bedraoms, laundry. $980./ rnanth plus utilities or $1 160./rnanth utilitis indluded. Na doge. Referrencea. 905-878-2737. BRIGHT 2 Bedroom Guest Hause & garage. On Guelph Uine norlh of Carnpbeliville. Available Octaber, 1997. 90542916. SEPTEMBER, 3 bedroomn Townhause, garage, near achools, pool, 3 appliances, $1,000/rnonii + utlitiis, 878-1677. SPACIOUS RAISED bungalow an privae 1/2 acre in Campbellville, Freeltan ares. Full finished basement with fireplace, 2 washrooms, applian- ces included. $l200Jrmnnh. Available Oct. lst. Cai 90-875-4009. 290 ADartments For Rent 1-2 BEDROOM, Basemnent Apartmeit $675 plus hydro & $850/rnonth indluding ai utililies. Available July. FirstAlast. 878-3636. 2 BEDROOM luxury Apartrnent in Village an the Parc, $1,300 indludes heat & hydro. Available end August Cali Mark Mallalisu, Reaty Wodd, Mit pond, 876-0633. ACTON, two bedroorn aparftnent, plus basernent & laundry facililies, $700+. Also ans bedroom aperlrnent, $550 plus. 519-853-5080, (519) 853- 5352. COUNTRY twa bedroorn spartment, $644/rnonh plus ulililies. parking, no pets, October 1/97. Evenings,875-4647. IMMACULATE THREE BEDROOM aperlrnrt. Above prafessional office. Availabls Sept. 1 or sealer. $1,100. indludes heat & hydra. Suifable for prafessional couple. 876-1079 and leave message. 1 à 2 Bedroome avullable on bus mute, freuhly d.coraed, 2 applIances, en-eleundry, Inchâdeés pelu. Refereince requlred SPACIOUS 2 Bedrcorn Basement Apariment, privaIs entrance, 401/Trafalgar. Na pela/ children. $750 indlusive. 876-4513. SPACIOUS COUNTRY apartment with yard. $725. rnnhly plus ulililles. South aI Milton. 878- 9817 Evenungs. 9111n 2rmante -ir wo~n# TWO BEDROOM lowsr sparlrnent with country setting in Milton. Fireplace, private entrance & porch. Available irnrediately. $85OJrno. plus ulilities. lstlast requiied. References needed. 878-8331. 295 Shared Accommodation PROFESSIONAL tarnais Io shars nsw home in Rachwoad, full use of fscilfites. $1001week plus share utililies. Dsys, 906-854-7823, eveninga, 519-85&-1151. 300 Roomns Available LARGE raom for rent in Csmpbllville. Laundry, kitchen and bah shared. Non-arnoher. Available September 1. 854-1315, leave mnessage. ROOM FOR RENT - $400 rnonthly, tarnale preferred, full use af facilities. 878-5036. 320 Office & Business Sclace SMALL PRIVATE OFFICE, beautifully appointed. Hwy. 25 & 401. 906-875-1200 or 1- 905-277-9347. 325 Real Estate ACTON 7 year aId bungalow detached, Court location, finished w/a basement. $141.500. (519)853-2855. COUNTRY building lot. Ready ta buîld your Drearn Home, 5 minutes N of 401 at James Snow Parkway. Naturel gas available. $118,800. Phono 906-875-1719, 905-854-2467. HOUSE FOR SALE, PrivaIs. Four bedraam, 2 bath, large lot, handyman specisl. $185,000. Cali 878-4854. HOUSE FOR SALE, Private. Immaculate coudi- loianride & out. Air, nsw windows & front door. New broadioam, ai re. Lovely yard, large detached garage. lnsulated (worhshop). 238 Bell St., No Agents. $185,000. Free caI 9 pager 1- 888-870-0408. PRIVATE SALE - 3 Bedroomn Bungalow, large lot air, gas, central vac., fireplace in basement, un-law suite potenlial. Ashing $199.900. 878- 603. TOWNHOUSE for sale, private, 3 bedrooms, $126.600. Cai 905-825-6622, leave message. TOWNHOUSE for sale, prime location, 3 bedrooma, garage, CAC and fireplace. Cali 878- 6794. TOWNHOUSE for sale. PrivaIs. 3 bedroom, garage, backs anto parkL Woodward & Wilson. $121.500. 876-0402. WANTING TO PURCIIASE 3 - 4 Bedroom Home, aider part aI tawn, leave message 878- 8644. No agents. *rqr JUS C1an ea(.umtkon 8