Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Aug 1997, p. 18

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18-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 12,1997 CLASSIe&&FFIED HOURS lassfiedMONDAY TO FRIDAY ssiriied 9:00 AM -5:00PM See Todays Champion for aur new "Milstones' section. mi oannounce vaur special eventcail ie Champion VIN.~~ ~ , Classified Department at 875-3300 ANDREWS, Richard & Claire, (mee Birits) af Mof- fat are thriiled Io ainconce the blrth of 1hair daugbter Sapile Patrici weighung 6 lbis. 6 oz. al Milton District Hospital on Auguat 10, 1997. Proud grandiparents are David &, Carolyn Andrews of Morriston aid Michaai & Jacqueline Bines of Moffat A speciai thanka t t0h. fantestic nurses aid Dr. Suppal at the bosputi.. ROGERS, Shawn a Marion (me Jaav'a are hap- py 10 announce the arriva] of hIII daughter EIl Lavina, bom on Sundsy, Juiy 27, 1997 aI 2:02 a.m., weighing 9 Ibl 4 oz. ai Humber Memorial Hospital. Firet grandchiid for Harold a Mary Jar- via aid second grandchild for Ivan Rogers aid Sharon Rogers. Great grandparents are Eda Margo Hay. SPIEGELHALTER FAMILY are proud Io ai- nounice dme sale ariva of their new member Austin George. Bom on Juy 19, 1997. ai 5:21 p.m., weighing 7 lb.. 9 oza., ai 1,llon District Hospital. Prod grandparents are George and Sandy Splegeihalter, excited Aunt Stacy aid cousin Kayla, ail welcome Austin with open armes. A speciai 1hank yo 10 Dr. Boxait, Dr. Kos- lowskd aid dme OB staff. WHICHER, JeIf & Kelly <nee Aahbee) are eetatic 10 announce the arrivai of thefr second chiid aid Jordans new baby sister, Clairs Madeline, bomn at Cambridge Mamioriat Hospital, on June 20, 1997, 6i0 p.m. Clairs weighed in aI a heai1hy 10 Ila 5 oze., and along with her parents express a huge thanks 10 Dr. Straussa Dr. Ashton. 05 Birthdays BIRTHDAY PARTIES ai Springridge Farm. Wagon rides, farm animals collectas chicitenls egg, hayetacit jumping, private parly roomn and lunch. Milton, 878-4906. 12 Photoaraphv PHOTOGRAPHY - Wedclngs, portraits and sil ciai occasions. Reasonably priced. References. CaH St9ve or 19olîm <pe- 2!56r) 14 Weddinca Services - WEDDING CANDLES. Custom bard made Wedclng Candles for yor Wedding RIL1 Nancy, 876-3788. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - 100-115 proofe in album plus negatives. 15 yesrs experience. Rail able aid rleasonable. Piclure Perfect Weddong Photography. 905-6710. REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital aFoundation are appreciated. 35 Memorials 1 Jim Strain 1 190 Ontario St. Milton 878-6522 Monuments, Markers, Bronze Markers, Cemetery Lettering 37 In Memoriams MORLEY, Helen - In loving meale of a dieal wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmnother, great grandmother and aunt who passed sway Auguat 14, 1996. We are sad within cor memnory Lonel are our haarls to-day For th. one we loved so dearly Has forever been called sway W. ihinit of her in silc No eye cm se. us weep But many silent tear are shed Whan others ar usbandp Alwsys remembered by hsadBob, chlldren Jim, Bob end Beverly, George, Susan and Milton, grsndchIldren Jodle end Mark, Le. end Tsrnmy, Bob end Gll, Paul end Pan, end great grandchldren Surs & Zachary PEACOCK - In Ilvn memory of my dear grandparents George à ULIaIIIn who passed away June 131h, 1960 Il Auguat 10, 1980. Ut. la not forever, Love ia 40 Card of Thanks BERTOIA - The fsmily of Celeste "Les" Ber- tois wouid fike to express our heatl 1hanks and appreciation to ail or relatives, friends, neighbours and his el workers, for the many beautifu carde, flower arrangements, Mass carde and donations 10 the Heart & Strolta and Milton Distict Hospital Foundation Funda. A very specal thanits to those who came 10 extend their personai sympa1hy and support dhring or âime of great sorlo and Ias your kindness, and thoughtfulness wili be remembered ailas Spedal thanks o Or priesta Rev. Fathers Earl Talbot, Day. Wynen, Bil O'Brien and Sr. Audry Bums, for theur spiritual leadership aid prayer support. Also die Minablres of Consolation & Music, as well as 1h. ladies who prepared and servedl a wonderfu lunch et 1h. Parish Hall at Hoiy Rosary Church. An extra thanks Io J. Scott Eariy Funerul Home for maldng us as corn- fortable as was possible ait1h. lime. May God Blets aIl of youl Vivian Bertola & Famil I WOULD UKE Io thanit ail my friends and relatives, especil my nieces aid nephews who supporied me duning 1h. oils of my wile Hsel. Also a very special 1haik yo il the staff in the Chronic Car Wing at M.D.H., Scott & Michelle Eail Rev. Shawn Crl aid 1hm Boston Ladies Feliishp Group. DOUG IRVING 75 Wanted SCRAP METAL wanted. Free pic- ..p even appliances. Cal J. Newman The Utile Scrapper. 878-8251. WANTED A-Team Merchanclse <Action figures, vehicles, laye, etc.) Please oil Kane, 876-0128. 78 Firew'ood DRY HARDWOOD AVAILA13LE -Tree Seris' topping, trimming cablîng 'Fencing wood, chain, link, *inlerocking slone.* 'Concrete work.* Retaining walIs' "Deckis*, Roofilg General Landscsping, yard maintenance.« MILTON FIREVW)OD & LANDSCAPING. 876-1629. FIREWOOD, hardwood, cul, aplil and dellivered. Ail quantities avallable. 905-875-1623 80 For Sale 18 IN. DIGITAL Satellite Systere. 80 dhanne;s fre for one year. Only $7.00/weec. 1-800-267- 9466. 4 STACKING arm chairs, Il new, $10 each. Cal 878-3013 anylime. AIR CONDITIONERS. Keap cool this sumrmer for only $25 per month. Freie delivery. 1-800-267- 9466. COMPUTER SPECIAL: Penium 120 wilh CD drive, fax modem, Wndows 95. $17.5G'wk. 1 - 800-267-9466. TECHNICS STEREO System. 5 CD player, double dedk, 200 watts. $10 per week. Free delivery. 14-00-267-9466. WARDROBEARMOIRE 45 in. X 18 in. X 83 in. wiih bottom drawer. SM,0 878-3930 FURNITURE LAWN SALE RAIN OR SHINE' SATAUG. 16 9AM -3 PM 11998 WINSTON CHURCHILL BllD 1-1/2 mi. N. of Mayfleld RdiRiver Dr. Georgetown New ready ta finish handcrafted furniture, TV armoire, Grandfather dlock, deska, deacon benches, hutcf, & buffet, plant stands, pedeatal table, china cabinets, corner cabi- nets, tam cupboar dressera, night tables, wardrobes, coffee & end tables, bookcases, dry sînka, washstands, îelly cabinet, quîlt racks, TV vîdeo cabinet, TV stand, mgzn tables, magazine racks, sofa tables, microwave stand and much, much more. Bring a truck, take it with youl GARAGE SALE SAT.AY AUGS 16TH 852ANRSON AVENUE .M TISQBUES &SPORS, QUIPRENT GARAGEVN SALE SATAY AUG. 16 11289 GUELPH LINE 8:00 A.M. 1Baby ilams, laye, fumiture a more Corne one & ail to the.. Milton Seniors' Activity Centre GARAGE SALE 500 CHILDS DRIVE SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 Doloirs Open ut 9:00 arn Assorted items including books, antiques, dishea, fumiture and more! 90 Antiques ABERFOYLE ANTIQUE SHOW SAT. AUG. 16 Dawn toi 4 pm 175 Dealers from 3 Provinces offering a Wlde Sellection of Antiques & Collectibles ut ABERFOYLE ANTIQUE MARIKET Use Iwl 401, Exil 299 Admission $5.00 Fr. Parking Fiamboro Antique Shows (905) 685-1225 100 Produce GARDEN PEAU Perbapa 1de Most tender, sweellest pel thsl you have ever taisted. Freshly picked, shelied, wsshed, blanched and in- dividuslly Fiash Frozen. Now avalable in s spe- cia 20 Il sizei$19.75. MaclIMI's Hwy. #7, 1 mile west of Acton. 5194853-0311 (The Muffin and Coolde Batter people). PIE CHIERRIES fresl picked, stemmed, pitte and compleoe* cilend Ready Io cani, freeze or preserve. Now a"iable in 1Il *. and 22 lb. poils. No sugar and Sweet Black Cherries al avaitabl. MacMIllans Hwy. #7, 1 mile wesl of Acton. <519)853-0311 (The Muffin Il Coalde Bat- ter People.) I(KcuLIwo (W(WINIM SWIEET (SDRN, T@MATOEZ &NEW POIAIOEs AVAILABIE Poilu YUJR OWN AT CHARLES GREIG FARM Bob & Mabel Devolin Trafalgar Rd. N. ta 15 Slderoad, ai Siewalon i aile west ot Tratalgar Rd., 3rd driveway ws of R.R. tracks. M-F 8 A.M. TO 8 Pie., SICa8 A.ie TOC5 PM., FREE RECIPES 105 Garden & Landscaoe GARDENING SOIL, manure, triple mix, ssnd, gravai, trees, shrube, perennial, annuala, water gardien supplies. Pickup or Deiivery. Taylor Nurseiy. 876-4100. NEED yor Brush cul back then oeil me. Also General Landscaping and Il culting top soif, flower gardera. Beat rates. 878-5737. 125 Aniais Boarded EXCELLENT Hors. Faciily, 2 arenas, 100 acres, hacking, grass jumping arena, daily turnout, lassons. 875-0592. HORSE BOARDING. New non-compeitive, amoll stables, 100 acre farm new fencing, daily tumnout, amai brauing ring aid larger ring. $170. Glenn, Hallon Hay Stables 905-319-2338. 130 Pet Stock IGUANA, yong. Ail accessonies indluded. Very reasonable. Cal Jamie 878-9627. 138 Home Improvement "WALL MURAUIST & INTERIOR PAINTING" Hand painled murais, illustations a speciaty wal fiisbes. Ouality work at affordable prices. 878-4599, Russel. DECORATIVE PLASTERING. Inteniors and exieriors Beel rata. on comices, ceil conters, panai mouiding, columrna, reatoration work, fireplaces aid custom wort Il) yor design. For al types of plaste watt fromn drywai lo atucc. Cal 825-8760.

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