Questions linger about super-board from TOWN on page 5 cali, loi- 14 t0 coine trom iToronto, while Hallon has only two, based on popula- tion. Mr. Challinor said Milton is currently under-represented at Halton Region and will flot be represented at ail in the GTSB. Councillor Colin Best warned against a aituation where mayors make up the majority of board members. 'Mayor's are the most parochial, present company excepted," he said. "It will be hard to gel mayors 10 do anylhing in cooperation." Mr. Farrow said mayors are elected t0 represent the whole lown or city and are Ihus the best represenlatives t0 the board. "I've been known 10 be parochial from lime to lime when it's in the best inlereal of Miltonians," said Mayor Gord Kranlz. Councillor Rick Day was the most oui- Dateli'ne. Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column is available ta local community groups to assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed 10 (905)878- 4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Monday August 4 - 8 Milton Alliance Church hosts a summer kids club from 9:30 10 11: 30 a.m. at 2850 Derry Rd. Cal] the cburch office at 878- 5664 for more information. Tuesday Aug. 5 - 8 The Milton Children and Youth Centre holda Summer Day Camp for children aged 6 10 Il years from 8:30 a.m. 10 4 p.m. A visit 10 Kelso Conservation Area is the feature of the week. Cati 876-1244 10 register. Thursday Aug. 7 The Victorian Order of Nurses holds a foot care clinic ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., from I 10 4 p.m. The cost is $15. For an appoint- ment. caîl 875-168 1. spoktn a ' ainsf the~ propsod hoard Hc said sx hal makes Milton great is local control of decisions and the lack of large scale development. He wamned his colleagues 10 stay away from anything connected with Toronto. Councillor Brian Penman agreed with him. "The needs of Metro will be the needs on the table first and foremoat and the needs moat likely 10 be dealt with given the rep- resentation," said Mr. Penman. He added the political climate in Toronto, given the mega-city debate, is nol conducive 10 the spirit of cooperation necessary 10 operate the GTSB. Mr. Farrow said that the large number of studies on the Greater Toronto Ares ail point 10 developing more cooperation between municipalities. 'There are many studies which indicate Colin Best the Toronto area fallt together," he said. The Town of Milton will forward details of ils position on the GTSB 10 AI Leach, the minister of municipal affaira. Mr. Leach is expected 10 introduce legisiation 10 form the GTSB in the early fall. You have a choice to make The natural gas industry is changing. It's being deregulated. This means you can 110W choose who you buy your natural gas from, much like when long distance telephone services were deregulated. At Union Energy, an affiliate of Union Gas, we want to help you understand these important changes in the natural gas industry. And we'd like to give you free information that will help you make an informed decision when choosing your natural gas supplier. Cail 1toli1 free 1888 774-2222 8:00 amn - 9:30 pmn, 7 days a week, excluding holidays and we'Il send you a free booklet on natural gas deregulation and information about Union Energy. The price of tas ander this service is 555 re9alated by the Ontario Energy Board. Limited lime olter. Offer available ta Residential Cusomers only. The Canadian Champ.on, Fniday. August 1, 1997-5 HOW TO IMPROVI TOUR GOLF id... INJOT Il mon 0 If you ore tired of talursg lessons and not improving, .Min an individudl siruclured insirudion progrom ai Ti.Signature Golf Acaduny. * Jegin wiuii a videa analysis of your swing dmo discwa aormas for unpvawmo wihi CGTF Golg e Fallow-ssp -ith professionalspanrsdprco seufluCMgo»mork i aupre by your * Programs For ai leelsaofabilly Beginners ladies and suuniors pa4 wdomed. AUGUST. OFFR Videa Swing Anolysi s and1 Disussion wilh CGTF Gof Profpssionol T. Renerve Yeu. Tome. Cell THE SIGNATURE GOLF ACADEMY AT INDIA WELLS GO9LF is -À SuIq As rum.. As Tomr Slp.e (905)33 1.-1188 1O%of f for oneyear Plus 50% off a premium carbon monoxide detector We guarantee you a natural gas price for one year that's 10% less than the price you're paying Union Gas. This 10% discount applies to the price of natural gas charged by the utility at the time of your gas delivery. Cail us for details. 0 tron energy C ratner n rvaw soutin for you future'IIiEiEi I o'e a naua gas a