2-The Canadian Champion, Friclay, JuIy 25, 1997 -railOW IMILTON TA FRESH START * Get, SOLUTIONS now for Credit Card Problems Major Cash Flow Problems Persistent Bill Collectors Delin quent Taxes Loss of Job or Loved One Wage Garnishments Judgements Law Suits Foreclosures Repossessions Evictions Student Loan Divorce Related Financial Problems .olap.7nmm PADDON +A COU usi No charge for YORKE INC. Better inial PINANCIALADVISORYSERV Es Solution! consultation. P MI TRUSIEE IN BANKRUPTCY , eý PMain & Mrtn St.) MiIlton, Feature Business JUIU AÈ eý Iof the Week 1_ý ~~7 HEMLOCK JUNCTION RALROAD ~~W~AI~ f you are look- 'W ing for model trains or Dept. 56 Heritage LL~W~IVillages, Juncion Hemtok Rodlroad is the place ta shop. The store is fuil ai trains and there îs o sîze for nearly any space. Almast anyone can find roamn for an N scale lapaut while those with more space will probably want lo go with HO - the most pop- ular ai the madel train sizes. For those tuckp folks with a huge basement or empty backyard, G scate is a good chaice. The tracks for these large trains stop outdoors ail pear round and mitd winter daps ore perfect for running trains. Model railroading is more thon just running trains & Hemnlock Ju1nction stocks a large voriety ai buildings, scenerp materiols & detail ports ta create a perfect scale scene. There are hundreds ai pieces from exact replica locomotive parts ta interior building detailç ta hand nainted birds ta oerch an a roof top or in a tree. Hemlock Junction is Milton~s exclusive dealer of Dept. 56 Heritage Villages. These top of the Une handpaintedporcelain Christmas buildings and accessories are highly detailedland very collectibte as each piece is made for only a fewv years befare being "retired. Whether gour tastes run ta traditional Dickens, whimsical North Pale, down home New England or sophisticated Christmas In The City, youtil find a large selection stocked ail year round. These villages look greot with trains in the scene and this store is o great place for one stop shopping. In addition ta trains and vil- lages you'il findjig saw puzzles and rail fan gift items including ctothing, books, pins and Thomas the Tank Engine die cast pieces. The tool department is extensive with many items perfect for any sort ai modeting. One very popular item is the Opti-visor magnii- er - great for modeling or any fine work. There are severat madels ai air brushes & parts and ai course paint brushes and lots ai pai nt in addition ta, metal, wood & styrene scratch building sup- plies & many types ai adhesives. Came visit the store andpaou'll be amazed at how many handy thinqs vou'il find. I>NVENTOCRY SLUmm SE TD ITEMS e ) Jewellery 0 Pewter O FF - en c OFF/ 0 MencsAc DIAMONDS PENDANTS CHAINS BRACELETS CHARMS RINGS AL N huI EM ONLY Feel Free To Use Our No Charge Layaway... Intra. Matrad . s ody-ensa * . 9:060 0*Il G O L. ehrsa & , y...... 9:3-800l, a EARRI * WATCI * NATUF WIND< Boxes :essories NGS HIES qEW 1(011111W lii I'N 1U IBI I 11U 9}~1 i~J Il tf11,WL$#IOII I i L'N ~U I ~I iW~JU ant to go for your licence? Trying to persuade your folks? Why not bring them to a free p, teen cc-driver session at Young Drive Canada? (Or cail us for a free video brochure!) We can show Mcm and Dad that with famous risk perception, emergency mane JULY COURSE STARTS JULY 22, TUES. & THURS. 4 WEEKS 6:30-9:40 PM and collision avoidance training, you'll be able to handie the responsibility of a licence. hrent- Mter all, we've already trained over half a rs of million people to drive as if their lives depended on it. Just caîl Young Drivers, and say the word. YD-s We'll reserve your seats. uvers And maybe they'll let us put you on the road! AUGUST COURSE (Daytime) STARTS AUG. 25, 26, 27 & 28 4 DAYS 9:00 - 3:45 PM N ______________________ iI~ e e e e e e FIGURINES eMUCH MORE à ____ Drivers of Canada miLU_-- Wom 8;75-0480 jiu'?nLtý what parents are for. ëli ii lit' DOWNTOWN MILTON LIUM