TH SAAINCAPO Lîtter too often a neglected topic No cause for alarm Dear Editor: Tbank you for your recent editorial on litter - a much neglect- cd but important issue for our town. Wc want 10 bc able to walk in our own neighbourbood without feeling offended by tbe great varicty of' garbage tbat mars hie beauty of our town. At times we have teamed up to clean the garbage in front of our own condominium and along a stretch of Martin Street to Woodward, howcver this shouldn't be necessary. Pcrbaps one of the reasons there is 50 little outcry is that people have become so accustomcd to the sight of lister tbey simply no longer sec it, a sad formi of acclimatization. Although tbe scbools secm Io be doing a good job of raising environmental awareness, wc are wondering if the Town of Milton is doing its part by enforcing bylaws that would set as a deterrent. One way to deal wiîh the reality of junk in our community, as you said in your edisorial, 15 10 bire a student to dlean up. This would provide employment for a local young person and would make Milton a more attractive place to walk and shop. Surely a livable communiîy requires some kind of balance between the functional and the aesîhcîic. We remember the long baîsle necesssry t0 save the trees along Martin Street, and our impression of îown council is that bcauîy is too ofien neglected. Loretta White, Myrtie Lawrence Milton Reader: No prîde in that Dear Editor: Perversion bas not always been tolerated by societies down tbrougb bistory. There is a tim fine between what is crime and whaî is perversion. I believe offent crime is perverse and perver- sion is crime. t was îhinking, suppose ail the criminals in tbe province were 10 celebrate a "Crime Pride Day" with a parade and tbe whole bit. I believe moat in our society would find il intolerable and repulsive. 1 would like 10 state here tbat mosî in our socieîy have found the Gay Pride celebration both repulsive and nsuseating. And 10 you bomosexuals who may read Ibis and say iî's none of my business... 1 bave news for you. It is my business and you'd better believe il! Because if our Almigbty God doesn't judge and destroy our nation and society as a direct result of your perver- sion, tben tbe tmutb is He will owc Sodom and Gomorrab an apol- ogy. Ross Hingston Hornby valbe fa graupS. Vaidunti sepfer5e2, I997 Rensa, fiet nfot ail summer long ldd Aller a day of summer fun and acivity in the notion's capitalrelax in comf ort aI the Citadel Ottawa. Convenient location, comfortable guest rooms, Oltawa's lorgest hotel flfness centre, an Indoor pool and friendly, dependable service. Ask for OUI special Summfer Renoir Package. Stoy fwo nights for only $79 pet night and both days receive Compllmentary Continental Breakfat free parking and fiee local clis. WsÉtIhe Na/lana! Gallery of Canada for RENO/'S POITPITS June 2,7 uni/Sept 14/97 CAIL 613-237-3600 or 1-800-567-3600 CIIBOI.B1B. HÔTEL Er CENTRE DCNRESm 101 LYON STREET. OTrAWA. ONTARK) KlR 519 Dear Editor: Mapleburst Correctional Centre is expanding, tripling itls inmate population lu 1,800, one of tbe largest prisons in Canada. 0f course, Ibis bas no effeet on property values nor will il bin- der residential and business growtb plans. Tbis will surely be a strong magnes, attracting numerous families wiîb young cbildren as well as businesses 10 Milton. So far Milton bas been lucky. However, expanding 10, 1,800 inmates will eventually, invite tbe Clifford Olsens, Paul Bemardos and other despicable incorrigibles of this world. 0f course this does nos represens a risk or tbreat to the commu- nity. Milton residenîs, including parents wîth young ebjîdren, bave no cause for concem. Afser aIl, govemmens cutbacks, sub- stantially affecîing the number, nos to mention fatigue, of polic and prison guards, ensure the escape risk is negligible, possibly nonexistent. Bell, we can even rely on tbe sound, irrevocable decision making process of the parole board to ensure the lack of ri sk and/or Ibreat. Ken Cyr Milton The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, July 22,1997-7 COOL SUMMER DEALS! w. U~J.e17~" I Specials in effect from Tuesday, JuIy 22nd ta Saturday, JuIy 26th or whle quanties ast li !J.~ ~~pf ~ AREWT00ED NURSE VLLBESIATW9DANCTOA>MRUESTSON COUSTERLADIBETS !I - I -D- - ---- OBSFORME BACK RES! SUAT MINOLTA F80 Il 35mu CAMER ISANSOIE PiSONAI.SUITOAS 'COUR 100WATT BLOW OMfFRI PORTABL STEREO WICD PRAYER' PhoneS IlPhom _______ IPtiono pýIRe -Imm#ol --ý Fet W * MTNMMM c-" A1ES- - L - eeeSSO1 J Ask about Ourante's Maintenance Service Schedule In-town TOwung $20m 1 DURANTES AUTO SERVICE AND TOWING INC. SERVCE HURS Located on Hwy 25, MONDAY FRIDAY. 8:559.M. - 5: o 40 SATURDAI t .8 AM12 St M 87B-7200 M I OUR READERS WRITE